As it is a hybrid it has a pinch of both effects. Still mobile to do stuff or hang on the couch. I had no issues with disease. My biggest issue during grow was keeping ph in range and keeping it wet and fed. 46.5 grams dry is a good auto from a solo cup. I used Dynomoco during the grow.
My tsl2000 shorted out and I rewired it was doing good waiting on replacement part for warranty. Then they made me take it apart again, and was too unsafe to rewire without right connection or cutting it all out. Been waiting on over night part for weeks. First time they sent me a out if country plug in. Still waiting on right part. I feel these lights are good, but fire hazards at same time.
Well 46.5 grams from a solo cup grow seems pretty good. It was my first attempt at doing this. Was a personal challenge, and glad I experienced it. I did move the cup around the room during grow. The herb is very fruity smelling and is a very pleasant aroma. Thank you again Amsterdam marijuana seeds. Was a excellent autoflower, and a beautiful solo cup grow. Thank you grow diaries community for the likes and follows. Special thanks to my YouTube channel subscribers. 💪🤜🤛🌱
Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻
Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
Be safe out there👍
@Rock_n_Roll_Randy, thanks it is not like it is a lot of coco either, but normally you can reuse it and it gets better on reuse. Coco starts biodegrading ,and releases potassium. Which is 2 nd most needed in vegging and 1st most needed in flowering for those potent buds.
@Roberts, haha that's awesome bro 🤘. Coco is pretty cheap so tossing it isn't like fox farm soil or something expensive 👍. You gotta do more of these solos
@Rock_n_Roll_Randy, yeah I popped out grow stone and tossed the rest. Was solid roots. Reusing coco is ideal, but I think there was too much organic stuff in this to bother with. Faster to toss out
@n0thingf4ce,I use coco and perlite. In this case I had grow stone on the bottom so I could let roots have a pool to drink from. In this solo cup it was 3 times a day. About a third of a liter. In my 3 gallon I set ph every other day then new nutrition after ph is set. Then about 3 times between bi daily feeding I add a bit of water to keep substrate wet as possible.
@Roberts, good luck then! Feel free to ask anything if you need help. I started growing cannabis only in solocups (because the law here sucks and I wanted to stay low profile)