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A Very Judgmental Color - My 1st Grow

4 years ago
4 years ago
Seeds are in water per GSC's grow directions. I expect to drain them onto the paper towel tomorrow (can you tell this is a first time grow). Will be using Coast of Maine, and my custom grow box (slightly under 2'x2'x4'). 4 inch inline fan off of an admittedly way too big carbon filter on medium or low gets the temp right, best on low to keep humidity high; oscillating 4 inch fan to dissipate heat and keep air moving. When I tent with plastic wrap, temp remains about the same, humidity skyrockets; go fig. Should be able to get my seeds to germinate. Will be growing in 3, 3 gallon pots with LST only (Still debating on a screen, as I think I might need one given this plants height). I know my light isn't the greatest, but it can get right up on the plants, and I plan on keeping it about 10-12 inches away at all times. I went with panda film as it is my understanding it won't burn the plants. If anyone knows of a rock solid, all natural CO2 method for such a small space, it would be appreciated. So far the best thing I've seen is Reishi mushrooms, and it seems like a 50/50 proposition at best. Are there any accompanying plants that would raise CO2? Plate of garbage? I've heard earthworm castings works, is this true?** I believe I'm going with basic fermentation with a water lock under my piddly fan, seems like it should be enough for the tiny space. I can just use a growler and refresh as needed. I figure I'll give the other two seeds another day, I've already planted my middle child.... I can only hope that it's as angelic and innocent as I was in my youth. 4/19/21 - First sprout! Seems healthy and green so far, going to let two sets of leaves develop before transfer to it's larger growing container, let the roots develop a little bit more. The other two still haven't broken soil yet. Still a little annoyed with myself for dropping the other 2 seeds in the glass, lol. C'est la vie. 4/20/21 - Sprout is...sprouting. Cotyledons still have not shown yet, which is odd 4/22/21 - One of the two seeds planted in the same pot seems to be pushing through, and it also looks like it already has some vegetative growth! No idea what is wrong with the cotyledons on my first sprout, will ask the community. ** There was a seed membrane from the seed shell that was holding the cotyledons (and two wee-bebe leaves) together, a pair of tweezers did the trick! Seems like I can safely move to vegetative growth in the next few days! Will move my wee-bebe to her larger container in a few days, let those first leaves develop. Based on other diaries I've read on here, it seems like this strain goes vegetative for 4 weeks (sometimes 5), so looking forward to watering and using some compost tea! I also have worm castings as well, which I plan on sprinkling into the soil when I transfer the seedling for a little boost (hoping it doesn't burn them). Brushed away some of the soil on #1 and #3 and to my surprise saw seed #3 was a go! Very excited to have had all three seeds germinate!
Used method
Paper Towel
Germination Method
Grow Questions
Cannabis_Chrisstarted grow question 4 years ago
When is the best time to transfer a seedling to its destined growing medium? Do I do it at the first sign of leaves, or is it better to wait until a few sets have formed? Do I need to worry about root shock? Should I use plant food to encourage growth into the new medium?
Setup. Seeds
greenthumbartisananswered grow question 4 years ago
I usually just let them go until I see healthy amount of roots coming out the bottom and move them into larger pots. (I always use air pots / smart pots though making it easier to judge root density) I like to go from riot plugs to 1L air pots, and then their final pot (3.6gallon air pots) adding some endomycorrhizal each transplant. endomycorrhizal seems to work really well and the plants don't seem to slow down at all with transplant. Don't see to much of a benefit to moving until roots actually need the space, plus it's easier to water smaller pots for the short time you can. Cannabis is pretty hearty plant and doesn't need much coaxing. Roots will fill every nook and cranny it can find in the pot. I wouldn't add additional nutes unless plant is showing signs that it's actually hungry. Seedlings don't need much of anything to get rocking and rolling. Good luck and happy farming! Wishing you a healthy bounty
Cannabis_Chrisstarted grow question 4 years ago
My first seedling doesn't seem to want to unfurl its cotyledons. Any ideas based on the attached picture in the skull planter?
Leaves. Other
GoldenGromieanswered grow question 4 years ago
First thing i would try is misting and raising humidity to 75 percent.
Week 1. Vegetation
4 years ago
2.54 cm
20 hrs
23 °C
No Smell
38 %
15 °C
19 °C
19 L
1 L
38.1 cm
4/22/21 - All three seeds are showing first signs of leafage. Seed #2 had some shell casing stuck on it from the seed holding the cotyledon's together, so it got pretty huge. #3 has coty's and leaves, and #1 is just about to start showing, so I moved some soil off, like a good friend. All three seeds seem happy and healthy, and I have lights out scheduled for 3PM-7PM M-F (yes my grow box is light tight) on a 20 hour schedule. For feeding, I'm going to be watering and using compost tea (Coast of Maine products) and I have cal-mag and pH down as needed; as this is my first grow, I don't want to go nuts, just grow a happy and healthy plant. I will be doing LST on all three plants given the space, and I plan on trying topping and maybe mani-folding on at least one of them (as I have two extra plants going). 4/23/21 - Day 2 Veg - Moved #2 (raises pinky to lip every time) into his big boy container. Watered the plants with some pH sassy water (acidic, don't be basic with cannabis), and I am amped to have all three of these little sprouts doing relatively well (I think?). Otherwise, I also got a cheap aquarium bublah today, and I plan on making some compost tea for weeks 2 and 4. Coast of Maine though, says that the Stonington blend has enough food in a 5 gallon pot for 30 days, so I'll ask about potential for nutrient lockout. Nighttime temps of 67F and 57% Humidity, soil temp 59F. I have no discernible way to measure CO2 yet....bummer. 4/24/21 - D3V - Everything looked good, nice light watering, dropped the light to 15 inches. Will see how the plants tolerate it 4/25/21 - D4V - Me babes are all getting big. My solo plant (#2, pinky to lips) is looking mighty strong, and has the second set of leaves coming in already. Same goes for #3 which is catching up quickly to #2, and #1 which is the runt of the litter also has a second set coming in. Just watching the soil and doing the finger test. Plants seem happy, makes me happy. If No. 2 (pinky to lips) wasn't already a built in name, I would call it Bob Ross, for all the joy it brings me 4/26/21 - D5V - Probably overwatered the last few days, so I'm going to be doing a light watering this go around. I also bought an air-stone and cheap fish pump online, and I figure I'll try the "oxygenated water route" although I've read it's not really achievable with an air-stone. I've also read some things about people swearing by them, so I figure at worst it will help get more oxygen to the 2 (#1 & #3) plants that are sharing a container. If I don't see any noticeable gains, then at least I'll be ready for when we get a fishy-fisho. 😅 I'm also going to start randomly changing the speed as well on the oscillating fan, as I hear at this stage it can lead to sturdier stem growth. I'm having a blast, and waiting for the first problem to rear it's fugly head, but that's okay because we love all the creatures here no matter how fug-o. (I'm not vain, you are! [turns and angry cries]) Bumped the light back up to 18 inches as #3 was showing some crimping on the edges. Probably overwatered, but I didn't want to stress it with light either too early. Also, I need some recommendations on beer to brew; I figure a one-gallon recipe would be best, something with a nice long fermentation at room temp (Pilz? Saison?). The CO2 from the fermentation would probably be enough for all the plants given the very tight space. Second sets of leaves starting to show more on #2 (raise pinky to lips) and #3. #1 is a lil' runty, but I'm gonna name it Rudy and hope it scores me a touchdown in the end. 4/27/21 - D6V - Lookin' goods, good lookin's. Light watering, giving them all an easy day 4/28/21 - D7V - Still looks good. Turned up my oscillating fan a bit to try and make sure they have some hardy stems. Watered with pH adjusted water. Looking happy and healthy, which makes me happy, which in turn, makes me healthy? Lowered the light back down to 15 inches from the plants, see if the leaves crimp on me again (I'm pretty sure I overwatered at first because I was a giddy child in my brain box). Also of note, for watering I've read to water from the outside in, in order to get the roots to really establish themselves well. So I usually water in a heavy circles around the plant, and then either lightly or heavily mist the plants and the soil around the stem. The plan is to one day build an automated system, but I'm not quite there yet.
Grow Questions
Cannabis_Chrisstarted grow question 4 years ago
Soil blend notes nutrients for 30 days, should I avoid using a compost tea during those 30 days to avoid burn or lockout? The compost tea would be 3 tsps CoM Worm Castings and 1 tsp CoM Plant Food per gallon. I would water once per week in Veg only.
Feeding. Schedule
DoctorGreenThumbanswered grow question 4 years ago
I see you just started your diary. Good thing about organic it's hard to burn your plants. I would suggest after day 28 start giving tea's. No need to do it any earlier. Best of luck on your grows.
Week 2. Vegetation
4 years ago
7.62 cm
20 hrs
23 °C
No Smell
40 %
21 °C
15 °C
22 °C
19 L
1 L
38.1 cm
4/29/21 - D8V - Started these beauties off with a heavy watering today, not quite running out the bottom, but a good .25 gallons for both in a circle around the edge of the pot. I've been generally doing a figure 8 pattern slowly working my way in toward the stem, and I wanted to mix it up and try and get the roots to reach for that water along the sides. Number 2 is doing great, but #3 is starting to really take off. My runty Rudy just got it's second set of leaves, and is losing the war to it's sibling #3. I also flipped the pot with Rudy & 3 in the hopes that Rudy is so Runty from having the fan blowing on it (probable wishful thinking). Aside from that, I have not killed them yet, so I'm ecstatic. 😃 4/30/21 - D9V - I think after next week I'm going to run the exhaust 24/7. When it goes off, the humidity skyrockets to 87%. I know this is fine in Veg, but I want to get these babes used to some consistency before flower. 5/1/21 - D10V - Rudy has his second set of leaves, coming along. Number 2 (pinky to lips) is doing well and coming along quite nicely, yea baby. Number 3 is going nanners and Rudy has a definitive second set of leaves. I still think Rudy's buds will be primo, simply because I fuckin love an underdog! I don't chant his name when I open the door, YOU DO!!...Now watering .33gal each, and waiting to see how they do. Foliar spraying with water. Figure, hit em with water as soon as they wake, and the lights come up, and let em get drunk on H2O all day. 5/2/21 - D11V - And they're off! Runty Rudy took off and has some second leaves with third set shwoing finally. Number 2 (pinky, to, lips) and Threevieve (formerly #3) are taking off and have their respective third sets firing up. All happy, all healthy, just waiting for the problems to start...watching....waiting....Oh yeah, watering when they wake up at 7:30PM now as well. After doing copious research (Googling and shit) I have determined that I have neither the skill (nor temerity) to attempt a topping or mainline; to the LST-mobile! Also, not enough time in Veg me thinks to allow for any crazy stuff without negatively affecting yield... 5/3/21 - D12V - Watered a little too much yesterday, and had a little run out the bottom (along with some nuts probably). Plants didn't seem to mind at all, and I'll probably do a lighter watering when they wake up at 7:30. Live and learn. All looking good, Rudy is trying his damndest to catch up. Number 2 and Threevieve are both looking great, slightly different phenos(?) as number 2 seems to have very broad leaves. Not sure if Threevieve's are narrowing due to sharing with Rudy 5/4/21 - D13V - The soil was still plenty damp this morning, so I held off on watering. Light watering atound the edges, will hit it with more tomorrow. Did a light watering tonight when they're awake. Still no problems, but I'm sure when they come up, it'll hit like a rogue wave. I have finally made up my mind that I'll do some LST and SoG in my tiny box to get the best yield. Plan is to start guiding the plants next week, and I'll throw in a net and hooks sometime in the first week of flower (or sooner if I'm feeling ambitious). Also changing over to a baking soda/citric acid solution for CO2 generation as it seems more stable than my current method of fermenting sugar with baker's yeast (which does seem to produce very minimal CO2). All is well with my box o' weeds, makin' me one happy fella! 😁 5/5/21 - D14V - All is well in my box. Number 2 (pinky to lips) is doing very well, and in no way, will help me to dominate the world! Mwa ha ha ha. Mwa ha ha ha! [Cough] I mean it's growing well... Rudy is starting to catch up, like I knew he would. Threevieve is like a rocket headed for the moon, which is where I will be headed after my own combustion in roughly 10 more weeks. I've started some light training on Number 2 already, but he just loves growing right back toward the light. Only time in my life I'll tell anything to agressively "Go to the light"
Grow Questions
Cannabis_Chrisstarted grow question 4 years ago
If I have two plants with two sets of leaves going on three, and a runt (ruuuuddy....ruudddy....and so on) thatsjust coming into two, will they all still flower at the same time? All the same seed I believe, but Rudy shares a pot...Also, these are autos. Much thanks in advance.
Other. General questions
GoldenGromieanswered grow question 4 years ago
Autos can start to flower anywgere from 3 weeks on. Autos are like lighting a fuse, you dont really have any control.
Week 3. Vegetation
4 years ago
12.7 cm
20 hrs
23 °C
40 %
21 °C
15 °C
22 °C
19 L
1 L
45.72 cm
5/6/21 - D15V - Bebes don' look so wee no more. I sang to them, so I expect them to begin their death spiral now... Oh yeah, I also switched my main fan to being on 24/7 to see what the humidity is like when the lights go off but the air stays moving. I normally keep the small oscillating fan on only, but I want to see what I'm working with when things go dark and the air keeps movin' movin'. I have heard it likes to, move it. Also, my humidity was at 90% without it and I'd rather not kill my light or my wee babes, so there's that. Watered with [gasp] pH neutral water.... 5/7/21 - D16V - I can confirm my dulcet tones have not killed the wee babes. Lucky me. Light water this morning, .25gal for all three, some foliar spray of water as well, nothing crazy. They look healthy, guessing they're happy, wishing they could talk...if only. I have some good news, I may switch to Geico! Jk, but my "nighttime" humidity is 45%, which is better than the 90% it was previously. 5/8/21 - D17V - The smell is becoming more noticeable. Number 2 (raises eyebrow) is doing well, and Threevieve is a real overachiever. Rudy is still one set of leaves behind, but coming along nicely. Starting some LST on the bigguns, Rudy shall wait! Overall, coming along nicely. A nice heavy watering for all with 6.4 water; the plants definitely seem to grow better/more with slightly more acidic water. 5/9/21 - D18V - Light foliar spray with pH 6.8 water to start the day. All are healthy, I am happy....for now...So I accidentally lost three leaves on Threevieve doing my LST, but she's a fighter, she'll pull through. I gave each plant some Coast of Maine plant food. I did a top dress and worked it in, just going to let watering disperse it into the soil, no compost tea anytime soon. Seeing as how they recommend twice at 4-8 weeks, and this strain seems to only have a 4 week veg, I'm taking the risk giving it at 2.5 weeks. Fingers, toes, arms and legs all crossed. 🤞 5/10/21 - D19V - The Fam is looking strong and stout. Threevieve's loss of three leaves does not seem to have affected her; she a boss. Number 2 (eyebrow raise) is doing well and lookin a bush; I may run it yet in Texas. Rudy is coming along, looking good, and is definitely ready to make a big play. My feeding them did not kill them....yet...Added in a cheap-o aquarium CO2 generator to replace my fermentation generator. I now expect some tremendous-gargantuan buds! 5/11/21 - D20V - Rudy is catching up to Threevieve due to my accidental defoliation. Number 2 (pinky to lips) looks like a friggin bush, and I am loving it. Light water, and I'm still tweaking (not twerking) my CO2 system as it lasted 2 hours the first time, and about 6 the second time. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED (this is not premature, you are) 5/12/21 - D21V - 3 weeks has come and gone. Going a little easier during LST, as my accidental defoliating on Threevieve has allowed Rudy to catch up. I took two leaves from No. 2 (raises eyebrow) for some clay pressings (one successful attempt later) and it is doing very well, still a bush! Threevieve is definitely showing some signs of flowering, probably as a result of stress from my accidental defoliation; whoop there it is.
Used techniques
Week 4. Vegetation
4 years ago
17.78 cm
20 hrs
22 °C
55 %
21 °C
15 °C
22 °C
19 L
1 L
38.1 cm
Nutrients 2
Stonington Blend Plant Food - Coast of Maine
Stonington Blend Plant Food 3.125 mll
Wiscasset Blend Earthworm Castings - Coast of Maine
Wiscasset Blend Earthworm Castings 3.125 mll
5/13/21 - D22V - Fed some Coast of Maine plant food last week, and I don't know if it is actually helping, but Threevieve bounced back quite well from her (accidental) defoliation. She has definitely entered flowering I think as a result, but it seems minimal right now. Rudy is all caught up and looks fantastic! Number 2 is doing so well I may ask it to run Virtucon for me while I go into space after I smoke this ish with Sloan Kettering and Johhny Hopkins. Nice watering this morning for all three. Going to work in some worm castings sometime this week, probably towards the end. All is well in my box... 5/14/21 - D23V - Opened the door to living plants for another day, smiled wide, and told myself this is the good life. Is it wierd that I want to find a little spider to put in my box in the hopes that it'll be equal parts sassy and wise? No, great! 5/15/21 - D24V - Plants still of the living. Still no sign of flower yet on Number 2, but that's okay, yeah? Yeah. Good watering for all three, and they seem to be drankin it up! 5/16/21 - D25V -They live to live another day! Viva la vive! (I think, not Franch) They're really drinking it up now, pretty much taking .175 gallons each at this point, nothing coming out the bottom when I water, which makes me happy. The growth is impressive, and they really do seem to be almost doubling in size each day. I'm working to really bend the main stems down as I'm very limited in space. Next grow will utilize 3 gallon fabric pots instead. Not that these plastic bag pots aren't working (they're great) but I am curious if I can do better with more airflow to the roots. Fed 'em some worm poop, delicious. Onward and upward! To infinity and beyond! We go up Ray. Etc. 5/17/21 - D26V - Tucked the bigger leaves under the budding sites and upped the exhaust fan to medium as the humidity is up towards 60. Threevieve is really starting to flower and Rudy is as well (plants of a pot, flower together (?)) and Number 2 has been preoccupied with Mr. Evil's agenda (he didn't go to medical school to be called mister, yet here I am; COME AT ME EVIL). Wednesday is the big day to flip to 12/12, and I am very proud to have not killed them...yet.... 5/18/21 - D27V - Captain's Log: These green "plants" appear to be growing like some kind of...weed. They have minds of their own, and untucked all the leaves I so indelicately tucked for them just yesterday. Some plants are just ungrateful. Back in my day, when a man tucked your junk, you kept it that way! GET OFF MY LAWN! J/k, fed em some H2O yesterday, which they promptly used to keep growing. Number 2 (begins raising pinky) is showing flower! Rudy a boss, and Threevieve is takin off. Tomorrow is the big day they get sent into flower, and I'm probably more excited than any human shouldbe about it.
Used techniques
Week 5. Flowering
4 years ago
25.4 cm
12 hrs
22 °C
55 %
21 °C
15 °C
22 °C
19 L
1 L
33.02 cm
Nutrients 2
Stonington Blend Plant Food - Coast of Maine
Stonington Blend Plant Food 3.125 mll
Wiscasset Blend Earthworm Castings - Coast of Maine
Wiscasset Blend Earthworm Castings 3.125 mll
5/18/21 - D27F - Time is a sphere ever expanding. You merely exist in it at a moment. Knights on white satinnnnn.....Anywayyyyy, I switched the light to 12/12 and hit that flower button. Gave em some water and unleashed some heavy CO2. Threevieve was goin ham already, Rudy is at the 50! Number 2 is still busy running Virtucon, but will be around shortly, yeah. Got to 80 inside my apt today, but my box stayed in mid-70's. AC is in, in le apt, exhaust on medium, blurple full on blurpin. 5/19/21 - D28F - Never reaching, the enddd......All is well in Boxland. Sure enough, all are ladies in flower. Does this mean I will rename Number 2, Frau Fabissina? No. Rudy or Rudette? Rudy, RUdy, RUDy, RUDY!!!! [Starts slow clap]. And Threevieve was already a "boss bitch." Watered em, changed out le CO2. The Peoples Democratic Republic of Box is happy. There may only be happy in the PDRB. 5/20/21 - D29F - Letters I've written....The box was damp, the plants loved it. I accidentally knocked off two bud sites on Threevieve pushing leaves out the way. I think they may have been balls anyway, but I'll check with Barry Zuckercorn. No. 2 (steadies pinky) is just huge, massive stalk, really beautiful with some massive leaves. Rudy is beautiful, growing very well. My box is a happy box. 😃📦 5/21/21 - D30F - Never meaning to send....but I Lov.....ahem....cough....look over here. The PDRB is a happy place. It brings me joy to bend the plants to accomodate the plants. Happiness. Number 2 [eyebrow raise] is doing great, and I'm bending him every freaking, which way. Turned up the air, made it rain, and made the soil moist....gross. Rudy and Threevieve are winning in the flower department. There is only simulated sunshine in the PDRB. The happiness is real. 5/22/21 - D31F - WHAT KIND OF A MONSTER CAN'T EVEN CAPTION RIGHT!?!?! GOD! (pick one). Anywayyyy...Number 2 is doing very well, and I expect 28,000,000 micrograms of flower from him, or he vets fed to the frickin sharks. Yeah. Those sharks. Rudy is going to score me a touchdown. I don't know what the literal translation is, in measurement, other than anything under an ounce will be disappointing. THREEVIEVE IS A BOSS, has a gazillion flower sites - bankin' on blurple... 5/23/21 - D32F - Foliar sprayed with some water. Watered with some water. Number 2 is in full on flower power, yeah baby, yeah. Rudy is at the 55? Just slow clap it back. Threevieve looks amazing and her top cola looks beautiful. If the plantz were growing straight up I reckon they're 15 inches tall. Might need to get a screen for my space yet. That's how it be in the PDRB. 5/24/21 - D33F - Opened it up a little before simulated sunrise (happiness is real, all is happy in the PDRB) and sprayed those leaves and pre-buds down in H2O. Threevieve has an absolutely gorgeous cola and is all-in on flower. Rudy is at the 58? Idk, idgaf, he looks good. Number 2....looks glorious, beaming like Rob Lowe in an eyepatch...(how did he lose the eye, do they say? Wo/man, I need to rewatch that trilogy, hope it ages well)
Used techniques
Week 6. Flowering
4 years ago
33.02 cm
12 hrs
22 °C
55 %
21 °C
15 °C
22 °C
19 L
1 L
25.4 cm
Nutrients 3
Stonington Blend Plant Food - Coast of Maine
Stonington Blend Plant Food 3.125 mll
Wiscasset Blend Earthworm Castings - Coast of Maine
Wiscasset Blend Earthworm Castings 3.125 mll
Fish Bone Meal - Coast of Maine
Fish Bone Meal 3.125 mll
May 25, 2021 - D34F - And we're back with your regular writing. The previous editor, has been saåäked. Sïlly lïl llmäs wïk lïl tëënsy....sacked. Apologies. Ahem. Number 2, well, he's looking handsome as ever. Rudy is at the 60, I think. Threevieve looks beautiful and her main cola has some nice sugar leaves coming in. Looking forward to these buds, although, not expecting crazy density based on wäät ïrëādš äbøöt dïs ļīğht.... ..... [sighs audibly] Fed them all fish bone meal, smelled fishy, no need to investigate. My puppy wanted some 😂, cute lil she-beast she is and all that. May 26, 2021 - D35F - I rearranged the canopy a bit. Bent Number 2 back and to the left (insert JFK reference joke) when it was back and to the right. Bent Rudy back to the 55? Idk, I bent Rudy over further, so he technically lost yards, but in a good way. Threevieve also got bent over further, but she can handle it, she's a harbor chick. Really keep working in the fish bone meal, and I cannot stress how bad it smells 😂 Raking and patting my soil down. May 27, 2021 - D36F - All is well. I continue to bend the plants to achieve harmony in the PDRB. Number 2 is about to go full flower power ✌️🕺. Rudy is at the 58 again, I think? Threevieve has a gagillion flower sites, looks hearty and healthy! I'll hit em with a light watering and some mist...Not sure what else I can do outside of a net and aggressive LST to keep them from getting to close to the blurpies. May 28, 2021 - D37F - Babes lookin bushy, lookin green and healthy. The box endures. Water was giveneth. May 29-30-31, 2021 - D38-39-40F - In the North Kingdom. Land of cheese and beer and maple syrup and oh-so-close-to-Canada-poutine. I 🍁 VT 😍 《Regularly Scheduled Madness returns next week (tomorrow)》
Used techniques
Week 7. Flowering
4 years ago
40.64 cm
12 hrs
22 °C
55 %
21 °C
15 °C
22 °C
19 L
1 L
20.32 cm
Nutrients 4
Stonington Blend Plant Food - Coast of Maine
Stonington Blend Plant Food 3.125 mll
Wiscasset Blend Earthworm Castings - Coast of Maine
Wiscasset Blend Earthworm Castings 3.125 mll
Fish Bone Meal - Coast of Maine
Fish Bone Meal 3.125 mll
06/01/21 - D41F - Bushwhacked from a weekend away, but happy to be home. My three bebes have morphed into a bushy adult mess, and I love it. Fed em all some earthworm castings and watered em down. Didn't have to pay for the water, so I didn't buy them a drank 🙃 Number 2 is going ham in flower, and Threevieve and Rudy are forming up. All in all, seems to be going well.... 06/02/21 - D42F - OHH THE MADNESS!!!! LEAFS EVERYWHERE!!! OHH THE FLORA-ITY!!!!! I defoliated my best, chopped off a bud site (doh) and took off some of the older leaves. Hoping I didn't overdo it...watered em, and hoping those earthworm castings I gave yesterday help. Placed the chopped off branch into a glass with some water, not really sure what I should do with it, but I'll be dammed if I don't give it my all trying to keep it alive. OHH THE FLORA-ITY!!!!! 06/3/21 - D43F - They all survived my savage attack. Threevieve looks beautiful. Rudy is at the 65? 72? Rudy is doing well as well. Number 2 is a beast, and lesson learned on how big these plants get in a 5 gallon pot alone! Three and Rudy have much smaller stems, and went to flower about a week earlier despite being potted a few days behind No. 2. But hey, No. 2 has to run an evil empire while Herr Doctor is away, so it makes sense. This all makes sense. 06/04/21 - D44F - All is well in the PDRB. Water has been given, the plants are happy. Rudy's effin pistils are already goin amber (it's the color of his energy, whoa-oh), Threevieve is doin her thang, and Number 2 is so impressive, and in no way evil. Water brings the plants joy, which brings me joy. All is joyous in the PDRB. Joy. 06/05/21 - D45F - Trichomes starting to show on Threevieve and Rudy! Rudy is filling out, as is Three. Number 2 is a weed (ah, ba-da-ching, try the veal). Will water them, because we can all use a drink. Cheers! 06/06/21 - D46F - #Hashbrowns They're still chugging along. Looking leafy and green and healthy! Rudy is going amber super quick. Threevieve is taking her time. No.2 (raise eyebrow) is looking like a....millionaire (raises other eye). What? Trillions? Reallllyyyyy? 06/07/21 - D47F - I've been doing a 1/2 gallon for all three of the plants, of water [now say that in, Christopher Walken's, voice] [you're welcome]... [cough, read over here] I gave them 1/4 a gallon, and a light foliar spray. Busted both the exhaust and fan up to high, to simulate a sunshower. I may do a lightning storm tomorrow morning, somehow. Rudy is amber [is the color of your energy, woah-oh] on all flower sites already, his cola is getting chonkier by the day. Threevieve, who entered flower first has not ambered yet, but, her cola is fattening up. Number 2 is 4 FREAKING INCHES from the light in some spots on the periphery, but this is a 600W blurple, so I figure light burn won't really be a huge issue. I'm only a doctor of evile people. #PARODY 😘 If you did, so happen, to read all of, this, in Mr. Walken's voice, bravo.
Used techniques
Week 8. Flowering
4 years ago
16 cm
12 hrs
22 °C
55 %
21 °C
15 °C
22 °C
19 L
1 L
8 cm
Nutrients 5
Stonington Blend Plant Food - Coast of Maine
Stonington Blend Plant Food 3.125 mll
Wiscasset Blend Earthworm Castings - Coast of Maine
Wiscasset Blend Earthworm Castings 3.125 mll
Fish Bone Meal - Coast of Maine
Fish Bone Meal 3.125 mll
June 08 2021 - D48F - I bought some ground up fish bones and fed them to my green babies. [Stares intently] Not a sentence I thought I would utter in 2021. All is well in the PDRB. The plants are glorious in the simulated sunlight. It brings them joy. The PDRB is a joyous emipre of greenery and joy. June 09 2021 - D49F - Rudy and Threevieve are starting to fatten up. I would say Number 2 is a week behind, and is an absolute monster of a plant. I bought an AC Finity fan with temp/humidity control and a floor register and I'm going to build a drying box, thus negating the need to use my grow box for the dry as well. My next grow is going to be a mixed batch of feminized seeds. Looking forward to natural grows someday in the future. Happy, happy; joy, joy! June 10 2021 - D50F - About 20 days left on Rudy and Threevieve, however, Number 2 is being...eeevil [raises eyebrow]...and is basically being basic, and is just now leaving preflower. He's like, so, like, immature, ch'ya...I would say Rudy is at the 75, and I can slowly hear rumblings in the crowd portending his greatness. Threevieve is starting to get her chonk on, which I appreciates. The box is joy. The box will bring glorious joy. Also, I plan on curing some until Festivus. June 11 2021 - D31F - D51F - Which is it, only the plants and I know! Jk, it's 51, but they're looking great everyday. Rudy and Three are gettin' frosty already, it's beautiful. Even Number 2 is on the flower train. Presumptively, powered by something other than flower power, fish bones and worm poop fuel his rise! Mwah, ha ha ha, mwah, ha ha ha. Mwah, ha, ha, ha, hmmmm. Mh-hm. June 12 2021 - D52F - Number 2, slow it down a bit? HOW 'BOUT NO?!?! Number being evil and growing absolutely massive. The plant, which looks like it wanted it's own 3' x 3' box, is large and in charge in this box. Threevieve and Rudy get frostier with much chonk by the second, they're both very beautiful, and they've shared their container admirably. I water, they like it, I like it, you like it. LIKE IT! June 13 2021 - D53F - Number 2 is asserting his influence now. Rudy's pistils are amber, I think he's at the 80. Rudy's pot-mate [ba-da-ching] is developing a little more slowly, no amber on her yet. They were given water upon wakin up, and a little more before bedtime. Sleep well, little Green fiends! June 14 2021 - D54F - This family has itself a bully! No. 2 is eeeeeevvviiilllllllll. He's freakin massive, and boy you betcha, I won't be growing any 5 gallon soil grows without a trellis system in the future. Trellis, not trolley, nor.....Monorail!!!!
Used techniques
Week 9. Flowering
4 years ago
43.18 cm
12 hrs
22 °C
55 %
21 °C
15 °C
22 °C
19 L
1 L
20.32 cm
Nutrients 6
Stonington Blend Plant Food - Coast of Maine
Stonington Blend Plant Food 3.125 mll
Wiscasset Blend Earthworm Castings - Coast of Maine
Wiscasset Blend Earthworm Castings 3.125 mll
Fish Bone Meal - Coast of Maine
Fish Bone Meal 3.125 mll
06-15-2021 - D55F - How is week 9 beginning on day 55 you ask? [Walks away] Anyway, rude and awful questions aside. My box is damp, I may need to defoliate Number 2, but I would like to let him fill out a little in flower first. Rudy is close to scoring a home-run. Threevieve looking good, and right. My box is damp, but the plants are happy. I am happy. HAPPY. 06-16-2021 - D56F - Don't ask questions I don't have answers for. Or, do, but expect to fork over much compensation as consideration for my answer *Answers may be other than is expected, no refunds, get over it* [Slowly ambles away] I broke a piece of Rudy off while watering, will dry and try. Seemed very larfy, which I expected given the light (which was chosen based on thermal discharge). Upon observation, there were occasional amber trichomes. Threw the trim in the freezer. Threevieve gets much chonk by the day. Number 2 is diabolical in size, freaking, huge. This has been fun so far, and I'm giving Rudy this one more week. If he's couch-lock, so be it. They all got fish bone meal and water. Thoroughly enjoying this 06/17/2021 - D57F - I don't know...or do I? [Ambles stage-left] Rudy is at, I think the 85. Again, I'm not a foosball-cannabis-ientist! He does have a few amber trichomes on inspection, not many. Three is all shiny and beefier than Rudy. Just starting to amber, isn't she lovely? Number 2 [whips head and raises both eyebrows only inches from face] IS FREAKING EVIL. Massive, chonky, beautiful, growing a bagagillion pistils, he will earn respect through hard work. [Insert Rob Lowe eyepatch reference as humor] 06/18/2021 - D58F - ....or like "Relue" or something? I know red and blue make purple, but blue and purple don't make purple. On this hill, I make my last stand! [leaves hill to pee] The plants are well. I have given them 2/3 their water tonight, with the other 1/3 in the AM. The sunshine is fake, but the green joy is real! 06/19/2021 - D59F - was after all, a very judgemental colour. In the plants defense, I may have been naked. [Walks back up hill, takes in view, decides this hill, like this gag, is old; judges life choice, shrugs] Number 2 is beautiful, and when I build a house with some more dedicated rooms (and less Lerue lighting, new hill taken) all the better. Rudy is amber AF, at the 90? Threevieve still isn't at amber pistils yet, but she fills out much by the day. The water is free in the PDRB! 06/20/2021 - D60F - [Beeping of backhow, destroys hill] Rudy, Three, and Two are all one big happy family. Rudy is ready for harvest soon, but I'm going to let him go some more as I'm still constructing my drying box. So it goes... 06/21/2021 - [Assess hill, decides mountains are cooler anyway] What was the question? Why, was the question? Plants are looking good. Thought Threevieve may have been hermin' but it was just a tiny new flower. Rudy is filthy with trichomes, all of which were surprisingly clear for the most part, probably just filling up on water by now. Built my custom dry box as well. Watered the plants. All is well in the PDRB. The Rulue light seems to be going well. [slowly ambles back up hill]
Used techniques
Week 10. Flowering
4 years ago
43.18 cm
12 hrs
22 °C
55 %
21 °C
15 °C
22 °C
19 L
1 L
20.32 cm
Nutrients 6
Stonington Blend Plant Food - Coast of Maine
Stonington Blend Plant Food 3.125 mll
Wiscasset Blend Earthworm Castings - Coast of Maine
Wiscasset Blend Earthworm Castings 3.125 mll
Fish Bone Meal - Coast of Maine
Fish Bone Meal 3.125 mll
22 June 2021 - D62F - The gang is chugga-luggin along. Gave them all drank, and they sucked it up. Seriously, they are guzzling water right now, it's great! I think Threevieve may be a herm, question to follow. Probably a result of my aggressive early on defoliation. Rudy looks amazing, really nice. Number 2 is just a goddam monstar. No movie reference, it is just large. Very huge. I untied his cola to look at Rudy yesterday, and the bastard is still growing! Looking for a good spot for my drying box, and will probably harvest Rudy at some point this week. Threevieve isn't coming along well, but I'll ask THE PEOPLE what it is. ✌️❤️🦄 22 June 2021 - D63F - Gahhhh, uhhhhhh 22 June 2021 - D64F - Uhhhhh, ah, uhhhhhh, blehhhhh [small toot] [SACKED] 25 June 2021 - D65F I think Rudy may be ready for harvest. He is showing a significant amount of amber (woa-ohhh) trichs under the scientific instrument of destruction. Seeing as how I built my drying box out of spruce, it kind of sucks at humidity regulation. Short story shorter, I ordered some Spanish cedar to line the interior in the hopes that helps. Number 2 is just, freaking, massive. Threevieve is not herming, turns out she's producing some new flowers! All is happy in the box. Joy. Artificial light. Water. Piddly CO2. Joy. I might do a half feed of fish bones for Number 2 as he was quite behind the other two. Also, has his own container. I meant to brag. Glorious Joy. 26 June 2021 - D66F - Water was given to all. They are joyous. I am joyous. 27 June 2021 - D67F - Rudy will be cut today. He has had a journey like no other. From Runt, to majestic plant, to ash and some dope tokes. Looking forward to seeing if it's good for pain-relief or anti-inflamation. Threevieve will soldier on along with the Monstar that is Number 2. The rulue light is just spectacular.... [grabs shovel, envisions hill] It happened. I cut Rudy. It was time, he scored a TD and started to run down the field the other way. Not a ton to harvest, 29 grams wet. I'm expecting Number 2 to really be the bog boy (girl) of the bunch. Number 2 has probably 7-10 more days. Threevieve probably has less than a week, although seeing a lot of new growth on her flower sites. I defoliated Three when I took out Rudy, so I imagine that means she'll start maturing faster now as well. All is well in the PDRB. 28 June 2032 - Day 68 Flower - In the year 2032, flower you! [Steps onto hill approx 6ft by 1ft mound, envisions an American game to be played under Rulue lights, names it basball, regrets everything except the light, keeps hill] So, here we are. Rudy is 1 ft over, drying in a box, life is hard man. One moment you have it all, fake light, shitty CO2, some dope ass soil with worm poop and ground up fish (2021, what in the what) bones (what?!?!) and some Righteous Brothers once in a blue moon, and then bam; you dead. RIH (Rest in Haze) Rudy 😘✌️🙏. Number 2 is just, monstrous, but freaking beautiful. I give him 1.5-2 more weeks I think Threevieve is ambering in her pistils, but still has new flowers coming in as well; she's weirdly beautiful, like her namesake 😘 Keep on Rockin in the PDRB! But, be mindful of the joy in silence, quietude, and minimal movement. Joy.
Used techniques
Week 11. Flowering
4 years ago
43.18 cm
12 hrs
22 °C
55 %
21 °C
15 °C
22 °C
19 L
1 L
20.32 cm
Nutrients 7
Stonington Blend Plant Food - Coast of Maine
Stonington Blend Plant Food 3.125 mll
Wiscasset Blend Earthworm Castings - Coast of Maine
Wiscasset Blend Earthworm Castings 3.125 mll
Fish Bone Meal - Coast of Maine
Fish Bone Meal 3.125 mll
06/29/21 - D[still giggling]69F - Rudy knew the stakes, man. He played hard, played to win, and in the end, he ate it hard. And will also eventually be eaten, a lot of trim from him. Number 2 dominates and rules with an iron first-velvet palm. Threevieve is lookin fine as well. All is well in the PDRB. They got water, some more fish bone meal for No. 2 tomorrow; joy in the false light. 06/30/21 - D70F - Watered them before they went to bed. Fed em a lil ground up fish bones [shakes head slwoly, comes back] and watered them again. They reach for the fake light. They will descend into darkness like all. Descend madness, into you! 07/01/21 - D71F - Rudy continues to dry, the box will be lined with Spanish cedar when he's done, and re-sealed. Number 2 is beautiful, Threevieve is flowering anew. The beautifuls thrive in the Rulue [grabs shovel, takes defensive stance]. PDRB APPROVES YOU! 07/02/21 - D72F - Number 2 has some leaf tip burns, and all I can think of is the first Austin Powers with William Ferrell as Fez; truly hysterical film. Three has some new flowers poppin off, looks good, smells great, hopefully smokes better. Rudy is still dead, and drying well. 07/03/21 - D73F - Watered em, getfin ready for Merika day. 07/04/21 - D74F - Some of Rudy was ready, so I smoked his ass; quite the delight! Definitely a STRONG body-high, so right up my alley. Initial flavor is woodsy and floral, peppery, all my jams. Like, you know, when a girl yells "this is my song" even though it was clearly never written for her; like that. Also, MERIKA!!!! Hello there, Update on Rudy, who's total weight was..... 3 grams! 😂🤣😱 Hoping to get more from Three and No. 2! 07/05/21 -D75F - 75th day of flower on 07/05, coincidence? Yes, delighfully so. Number 2 is just a massive beast, who will gladly bring mayhem for bill...trillions of dollars. Threevieve just had a burst of new flower growth, but I think I may have to harveat her tomorrow or the day after, or in a few days after I get her under an implementation of science to observe her shiny mushrooms.
Used techniques
Week 12. Flowering
4 years ago
43.18 cm
12 hrs
22 °C
55 %
21 °C
15 °C
22 °C
19 L
1 L
20.32 cm
Nutrients 7
Stonington Blend Plant Food - Coast of Maine
Stonington Blend Plant Food 3.125 mll
Wiscasset Blend Earthworm Castings - Coast of Maine
Wiscasset Blend Earthworm Castings 3.125 mll
Fish Bone Meal - Coast of Maine
Fish Bone Meal 3.125 mll
Sixth of June 2021 - D76F - Day 76 of flower on the Sixth of July, coincidence? Yes, see my comments on July 5th, and stop being so lazy. I bet you read the last chapter of the book before starting from the beginning and risking disappointment like the rest of us. The plants bathe in the Rulue light [eyes hill] and Number 2 makes me laugh, because it is such a fantastically large plant. At the very least I know I could probably get a nice ScrOG or SOG with a singular 5 gallon pot; good times. Threevieve is almost there, but I need her to like chill for 2-3 more days because I'm not done lining the inside of my dry box with Spanish cedar; [red ships of Spain]. I'm going to continue to water them, Number 2 has a few of the smaller lower flower sites starting to mature, and those near the light are just large and in charge and I love it! Overwhelming joy in the PDRB, and outside of it. The joy brings the happiness, the plants thrice in the happiness and false light. Hope. Joy. Rulue. (I will not call it blurple any longer, except for right then, and YOU'RE NOT MY SUPERVISOR!) ĐÆÝ ⅞⁶ FŁÖØR - SIŁŁÝ ŁÏŤĻ ĹĻÆMÅ HĂVÎÑ ŤËÅ [SACKED] Seventh of June 2021 - D77F - Get it, 77 on 07/ thing you know, I'm harvesting on day 81 somehow on August First (time machine).... [Sighs, collects thoughts, looks to hill, fading smile into a 1,000 yard stare, dear God what have I [SACKED] SEVENTH OF JÖØN - Ď77F [GODAMMIT] I watered them, they bathe in the false light, joy. Eighth of July 2021 - D78F - Wow, day 78 on 07/08, wow. [Owen Wilson wow]. Rudy is still dead, No. 2 rules the box, Threevieve is just hanging on. Water was given, joy was made. PDRB approved joy. Ninth of July 2021 - D79F - Day 79, on 07/09, magic! For my next trick, I will make these plants disappear! 💨 Number 2's bottom sites are ripe for pickin. Threevieve's new flower growth is pumpin the brakes a day or two more. Rudy is still dead, his tiny cola sits in a jar, holding rock steady at 50% humidity, with burps every two days. Smells lovely, PDRB approved. Zero of August 2021 - D83F - Imagine if zero became a day? We could banish the 31's to the dustbin of history, vanquish them to the irrelevancy of the past, WILL SOMEONE PLEASE THINK OF THE NON-INTEGERS!?! [Pretty sure zero is a concept, like time, and light] If we can recreate the sun, it's only a matter of time before....time....falls. Plants are doing great, mind ya business! [SACKED] It was the beat of ti.... [SACKED] Once upon a... [SACKED] ŁÏŤŤŁË ĻĹÄMÁŠ ØŇĆĒ BÎŤ MÝ §ÊËĒŠŤËŔ! [FFS, FTLOG, SACKED]
Used techniques
Week 13. Flowering
4 years ago
57.15 cm
12 hrs
22 °C
55 %
21 °C
15 °C
22 °C
19 L
1 L
2.54 cm
Nutrients 7
Stonington Blend Plant Food - Coast of Maine
Stonington Blend Plant Food 3.125 mll
Wiscasset Blend Earthworm Castings - Coast of Maine
Wiscasset Blend Earthworm Castings 3.125 mll
Fish Bone Meal - Coast of Maine
Fish Bone Meal 3.125 mll
July 13, 2021 - Day 83 Flower - Threevieve lived a good life. She was a dutiful servant to the Rulue [holds flag majestic waving in Rulue light, except the flg is Rulue colored, so it really just looks silly] light. She drank in the podunk CO2, it helped her to get sticky icky wicky. Fo' sho'. She enjoyed the plant food, the poop de la worm, the ground up fish bones (psycho music plays on a grammphone in background) and of course, the acid adjusted water because godammit I'm not growing this to not at least get out like 1 freaking ounce in the end.... Anyway, here are the prelim numbers for Threevieve: 92g - Trim 52g - Flower (Wet) 81 days - Living 7-10 days - Drying So, do with that what you will, nerds. NERDS! I don't own legos as an adult. No you. Focus! Focus! Focus! Number 2 dominates the PDRB alone, I'll get him under the scientific implement of doom tomorrow to see how he's doing, but if me eyes serves me rights, he's looking mighty fine, a mighty fine one it is. That is all, this message was not PDRB approved. July 14 2021 - D84F- I swear if you watch Number 2 closely enough, you can see him growing. He goes under the microscope of doom tomorrow for "observation." Never a good term to here, in this case, necessary. PDRB You! July 15 2021 - D85F - So, Number 2 might be there. The newer flowers are pretty cloudy, a few clear, but the inner growth is filthy amber. This is going to be a fantastic high if I can get it dry, lol. So, tomorrow, Number 2 gets fed to THE SHARKS WITH FREAKIN LASERS, yea. Jk, Imma chop his butt down. That tooshy goin' way down, slappin' the ground. Pics of trichs to follow. Tricycles, mind you. Not trichomes, no, that would be entirely too silly. No, no. No. Sooooo....Byeeeeee 😘 July 16 2021 - D86F - To harvest, or not? This is a question. I'm leaning toward harvest based on the silly massive size of these buds. They're seriously, very large, like this may be problematic drying them large-they'll take two effin weeks to dry godammit. I'm guessing they'll be larfy, but based on my trimming yesterday, they feel thicc and chonky. No. 2 has served me well. Mwa ha ha ha, mwah ha ha ha, MWAH HA HA HA, HA, HA, HMMM, aheh, ahem....No. 2 is going to go bye-bye later, yea. I'll eventually send him into my volcano-like under-lair, or, I'll buy a Volcano and smoke him. MWAH HA HA HA, HA, AH HA, ahh, ha, hmmmm. BRING ME MR. WIGGLEBORTH! [For legal reasons, names and likenesses have been changed in ever slight ways, so as to make the parody, of the James Bond-like parody, inherent in this diary, ever more blatant] [smiles, looks to Rulue hill, decides to plant a purple elm (Lacebark ElmUlmus parvifolia) in spite] July 17 2021 - D87F - He sits silent, alone, in a box, worshiping the false light...
Used techniques
Week 13. Harvest
4 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Welp, so it goes. I learned a lot this grow, mainly that planting two plants in one container will lead to subpar results. The total dry harvest came out to 6g for Rudy and 10g for Threevieve for a total of....16g! I got over a half ounce, which in a vacuum would seem well and good and right and all. Except, I also grew Number 2 solo, and holy hell, big difference. The total for Number 2 really does deserve a drum roll, and it is frankly, starling the difference in end product (keeping in mind this could be entirely plant realated, a/k/a "pheno" related), it is not even a contest. As you can see, Number 2 filled up my drying box pretty darn well. And now, for the nurdy durty numbers: Wet: Rudy - 29g Threevieve - 52g Number 2 - 372g Dry: Rudy - 6g Threevieve - 10g Number 2 - 58g That's right folks, you read it here, individual containers for all grows moving forward here on out. Number 2 came in at 4.5 times Rudy and Threevieve (11.5oz wet) combined.
Show more
Spent 93 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
151.01 g
Bud wet weight per plant
24.66 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Relaxed, Sleepy, Uplifted
Positive effects
Negative effects
Negative effects
Earthy, Flowery, Woody

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
A fun experience, never ran into any issues this time around, but I'm sure I will in the future. I am very surprised at the difference in yield when plants have to share a container. I mean, Number 2 was planted first, but harvested last; I have to think it goes to the fact that he had no competition, and this could age as he wanted. Prelim smoke on Rudy was straight to the couch, with ankle and wrist locks. Three is wayyy smother, more cerebral, very relaxing. I cannot wait for Number 2! Tried some of No. 2. Larfy like the others but way more sticky. Just filthy with trichomes, beautiful buds. Very much a body high, not a lot going on upstairs, can't wait to try it in a month! No. 2 is drying well, jarred up the larger buds and will leave them in the uncovered jar in the drying box, which holds humidity well at 55ish percentabules. Number 2's main cola and two side colas came out ti 29 grams. The remaining monster cola was a whopping 11 grams itself, and the remaining bud came in at roughly 18 ounces, for a total dry weight of 16+29+29=74g. I have noticed it gets markedly stronger with age, and two bong-fulls put me to bed and I am a larger man. It works well for my intended purpose, which is pain relief (literally just sprained my ankle). Very strong body high, not much mentally in my humble opinion. A good smoke, I do it throughout the day in small doses, and if you're looking for some knockout gas, this would work well. Cheers, and I'll update monthly for the next six months with flavor profiles and smoke profile as I age it out. Smoked some of No. 2's top flower. Much more of a mild high, and a good deal of white pistils. I probably should have let it go longer, but, cannot stress this, I am not an expert and you ARE NOT MY SUPERVISOR [aside: reference Cheryl Tunt]. The high was mild on the front end, strong body high on the back end. Overall, a lovely sensation, and I would def recommend this strain for pain management. It helps mildly with inflammation from muscle soreness, but I wouldn't recommend it post gym right away as it probably tanks your heart rate and BP. I usually wait until my resting bitch face, erm, heart rate is achieved. Decarb'd half the trim from No. 2. Me and my couch are besties now and my muscles are tingling. Made some cannabutter from No. 2, going to use it for some gummies (first time making them). Put some on my takeout and I feel very groovy. Made some berry gummies with the cannabutter. 😁 The gummies and fauxCrunch-bars (Chronch bars) I made with the cannabutter are just body melting goodness. Legit, I walked up a goddamn mountain on Monday morning, had an edible after, and no soreness or inflammation. Best anti-inflammatory ever. As for the smoke; this stuff ages like a Francofied vin! Tres magnifique! Tres bon! Bon bon! MMmmmmmm, bon-bons 🤤 But fo'realskis, very smooth, slammin' n jammin' Decarbed Rudy, makin some buttah tomorrow, rice krispies after that I have essentially smoked all of this grow, save the jars I set aside for monthly testing on flavor profiles. So once I finish up what is left (a few grinds during which I will play either "Taps" or the "Benny Hill Theme Song") I think the next 1/8 can be opened on 9/23/21, then 10/23/21, and so on, etc. Last jar was the fattest cola there was however, and it gets opened some time in 01/2022. I began smoking way, way too soon with this grow, about 1 week after harvest. The initial flavor was spicy, earth, and sweet; and of course it hit as pleasant as fire. Nothing like a good coughing fit and your partner asking if you think you'll make it; good times! The flavor has mellowed intensely over a month, and it is a delightful smoke. Not much of a head high, although it does put me in a pleasant mood. The body high on this stuff is, frankly, intense. I am a large 1/4 ton male hominid, and this shit puts me to bed if I go too hard. As for the edibles. The first batch made using trim from Number 2 were extremely nice in terms of a body high, with zero head high. Great for popping 1 or 2 before a long hike, jog, bike ride, or whatever the fuck you wanna do for a few hours, I don't know you as a person, maybe that's yoga, or pogo-sticking (not a euphemism, perv), or horseback riding (again, you're a perv), etc. and so on and etc. I made another batch using the trim from RUDY! Very mellow body high, with somewhat of a stronger head high than Number 2. Again, good for people with joint issues who want a few hours of freedom of movement. I sound like a pharma commercial now....godammit. Don't pop more that 2, or you may get the head of a Golden Retriever (it's an old SNL thing, I promise I'm not weird, and YOU'RE NOT MY SUPERVISOR!). [ahem, claps obnoxiously] Welcome back, and that's all. Guten nacht! All of Rudy, save his tiny cola, has been consumed. Being "the consumption" in a historical perspective; not great. 9/22/21 - On 9/23/21, I get to open my first jar! What's in the jar? You ask. Weed, my good sir. [Tips cap, stares] 9/25/21 - I feel like sumpin happen'd yesterday, but I can NOT remember 😂 Jk, my stuff is better than the dispensary stuff though, which I'm proud of. All of my other jars are aging well in the low to mid 50% range. Flavor is sweet, earthy, and floral to me. But what do I know, my SO only calls me a human German Shepherd. Jokes on them tho, because I am clearly a bernadoodle if there ever were one. Hey, did I mention my shit is good? I smoked some of Three...what a uniquely different flavor from Rudy and No. 2. Very peppery, but also intensely floral, borderline perfume. Still a relatively harsh hit as well, but the body high is wowzers-cum-holy-moly-roly-poly. It's good. In a pickle as my bday and the 3 month smokeaversary fir Number 2 align. I usually quit tho, at least until the holiday stress gets me for a month around now. But my podunk-science tells me that I must consume some of Number 2...for science. I will document it here, taste, effect, my mood generally, the yug if ya catch ma drift. (The usual). Had some'a No. 2 for the anniversary of my spawning. Pretty, pretty, pretty good! Dry-herb vaped somma' No. 2; it was alright. Took out the cola from the 6 month age-out jar. The jar is holding rH of 55%. It's in a relatively tight jar, and I burp it about once every 2 weeks right now. It is aging beautifully, and I'm excited to see what the taste is like when she's ready. Dipped my toe into somma' the flower 'gain from No. 2 and Holy Balls Batman, hits like a what, what, what, Goulet! Every time I smoke this, I yell to MY LAYYYDY, "my shit smokes better than the dispensary" because it legit does. Why is everyone's weed, for lack of better verbiage; moist. Stole some from the 6 month jar and it is aging nicely. Smooth pull, even with a good amount of sugar leaves in there. Made some cannabutter from Three and Two. Not sure what it is going in yet...Caramel fudge, but I fudged the fudge part and it's grainy. No noticeable effect. Rolled a homemade J with No. 2. smooth, with a phenomenal body high, and it knocked me unconcious (sent me to bed). Pretty much smoked it all. Praise Jeebus is it purps, I can taste the purple with each pull. Very mellow flavor, floral, and very mellowing for both body and mind.


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homerjgangiacommentedweek 04 years ago
Good luck with your grow mate!💪💪
Cannabis_Chriscommented4 years ago
@homerjgangia, thank you! Looking forward to it!
Lacrimacommentedweek 34 years ago
Happy Growing ! 😊💪
Cannabis_Chriscommented4 years ago
@Lacrima, thanks! Looking forward to the end product!
Waylatecommentedweek 24 years ago
you had me at "simply because I fuckin love an underdog" I am pulling for you, Do your thang CC
Cannabis_Chriscommented4 years ago
@@Waylate, thanks amigo! 🤙
Waylatecommentedweek 04 years ago
Good Luck with your grow
Cannabis_Chriscommented4 years ago
@@Waylate, thank you! I am amped/stoked to finally be growing my own. Looking forward to the hard stuff to get to the good stuff!
Fordsiecommentedweek 104 years ago
Your girls are looking pretty dope! I had mixed feelings about my GC critical purple auto, I’ll try again someday. Yours are looking fabulous, keep it up bro, can’t wait to see how yours do! Best of luck growmie!
Cannabis_Chriscommented4 years ago
@Fordsie, thank you very good sir! 🖖
Cannabis_Chriscommented4 years ago
@Fordsie, thanks amigo! 🤙
HAPPY91commentedweek 64 years ago
Very nice keep up the amazing progress. I use Coast Of Maine also. I hope for strong happy and healthy grows!
Cannabis_Chriscommented4 years ago
@HAPPY91, thank you. I'm hoping they don't grow out much more, and based on what I've seen I probably have 1 to 2 weeks of growing left in terms of height, then they seem to puff out until their demise (not so blissful for them, but very good for me about 7-14 days later 😅)
Ner0zcommentedweek 54 years ago
Straight up blurpin'. I wish there was just a big red button with a case over to initiate flower mode. It would really put a visual on the excitement of flipping. Happy growing dude
Cannabis_Chriscommented4 years ago
@Ner0z, it's the little things in life that bring the greatest satisfaction. Like the Rainmaker I just lit, a little goes a long way! Cheers!
xTherapy_Growingxcommentedweek 94 years ago
How did urs flower so fast? I’m on week 7 and got nothing 🤦🏼..check mines out on my diary..I’m growing critical purp autos from growers choice too..
Cannabis_Chriscommented4 years ago
@xTherapy_Growingx, I'm about to post now to the community about me hermie. Glad GCS was responsive, always good to know as my next grow is a Scrog of Obama Kush Fem from them, most likely. It looks like it's new growth potentially, but I really don't know. Two of mine hit flower by the end of week 3 or 4, with the giant in it's own 5 gal not really starting until 2 weeks later! Different environments I think; the two sharing a container probably fought for resources and I am interested to see their root systems.
xTherapy_Growingxcommented4 years ago
@@Cannabis_Chris, let’s pray they aren’t herms! That Would be such a bummer 🤦🏼 But yea growerschoice sent me an email back saying critical purp autos take up to 8 weeks to flower.. and really it’s ok cus they are huge and it’s better for them to flower now than if they did 3-4 weeks ago..thanx for the response and best of luck with ur current and future grows! Stay Safe 💯 happy Growing 😎✌️🏼
xTherapy_Growingxcommented4 years ago
@@Cannabis_Chris, I did reach out to growerschoice and they said critical purp autos take up to 8 weeks to flower, if I’d a known that I would of just gotten photos, really I can’t complain tho, it’s better for them to start flowering now than if they did 3-4 weeks ago..thanx for the response 💯💪🏼..Happy GrowinG 😎✌️🏼
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Lazydaze428commentedweek 114 years ago
What's with the watering system, or the bottles I see next to rudy, I'm just curious most of the set up seems homemade witch I totally dig by the way.
Lazydaze428commented4 years ago
@@Cannabis_Chris,I started adding bubbles into my water after our quick conversation as I started researching oxygen and bubbles in the you already know it raises the ph in the water some how but I'm assuming its because of the oxygen, I'm not sure of the science I just read half said it was crap and the other swears by it so I only saw the up side and it has seemed to produce more growth especially at the base of stems where they meet the main stalk.I am obviously new to the world of indoor growing or hell growing all together but I am slowly getting the better equipment or more knowledge on how to use.I spend a lot of time reading other ppl experiences and the word of mouth info is the best teacher in the world so thanks for the words of encouragement and any advice you throw my way.🙏🤤
Lazydaze428commented4 years ago
@@Cannabis_Chris,thank for the info.I keep reading a lot of ppl over water but not me I had to go buy a water soil tester because I killed 3.the soil(coast of main super soil) looks wet but then I test it and its right on the mark of dry/damp.this is after I started over. I'm giving them enough water now but I'm always fooled by how wet the soil looks so I'm thinking you got right idea.
Cannabis_Chriscommented4 years ago
@Lazydaze428, it is actually a CO2 aquarium set up. I have it set to 60 days, right now (based on bubbles per second) and in the last week I'm going to up it as it should assist in getting me some denser buds. You can find the parts on the online jungle retailer, and a bazillion videos on YouTube. I'm still looking into a watering system, but it seems to be a hassle to keep mold/bacteria out of such a set-up.
TenderBudscommentedweek 134 years ago
Congrats! Love your commentary on the photos 👍💃🏻
TenderBudscommented4 years ago
@@Cannabis_Chris, sometimes you don’t.
Cannabis_Chriscommented4 years ago
@@TenderBuds, sometimes you feel like a nut 😂
xTherapy_Growingxcommentedweek 104 years ago
Toughhhh 💪🏼💯 I switched mine to 12/12 doesn’t seem to be “autoflowering” ✌️🏼
Cannabis_Chriscommented4 years ago
@xTherapy_Growingx, ahh, bummer mate. Hopefully it yields some massive buds from all that time in Veg!
SeaGrowcommentedweek 34 years ago
Happy growin mate 😉👍
Cannabis_Chriscommented4 years ago
@SeaGrow, thank you! Lookin forward to the end result
mmmlovelytomatoescommentedweek 133 years ago
loving reading your grows. looking forward to more!!
Cannabis_Chriscommented3 years ago
@mmmlovelytomatoes, thank you! ✌️❤️👨‍🎓
HirdoWeirdocommentedweek 134 years ago
Happy growing and enjoy 💪😍😎
the end.
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