
A Very Judgmental Color - My 1st Grow

3 years ago
Room Type
weeks 3-13
weeks 3, 7-8
Grow medium
19 L
Pot Size
0.64 L
Critical Purple Autoflowering
Growers Choice Seeds
Growing it
Welp, so it goes. I learned a lot this grow, mainly that planting two plants in one container will lead to subpar results. The total dry harvest came out to 6g for Rudy and 10g for Threevieve for a total of....16g! I got over a half ounce, which in a vacuum would seem well and good and right and all. Except, I also grew Number 2 solo, and holy hell, big difference. The total for Number 2 really does deserve a drum roll, and it is frankly, starling the difference in end product (keeping in mind this could be entirely plant realated, a/k/a "pheno" related), it is not even a contest. As you can see, Number 2 filled up my drying box pretty darn well. And now, for the nurdy durty numbers: Wet: Rudy - 29g Threevieve - 52g Number 2 - 372g Dry: Rudy - 6g Threevieve - 10g Number 2 - 58g That's right folks, you read it here, individual containers for all grows moving forward here on out. Number 2 came in at 4.5 times Rudy and Threevieve (11.5oz wet) combined.
The Outcome
Week 13
What's on the scales?
Bud dry weight
What's on the scales?
Bud wet weight
Number of plants harvested
Grow Room
Grow Room size
g / watt
g / m²
g / plant
plant / m²
watt / m²
Tastes like
Feels like
5% Sativa 95% Indica

Positive effects


Negative effects

Reviews. Nutrient
I followed the feeding guide from CoM, and I have to say the results were great. I'm going to be trying it on a 3 gallon grow in fabric bags coming up. Grab some liquid squid too, because the fish bone meal wasn't stinky enough.
Reviews. Lamp
As I've never grown with anything else, I have no comparison, and this thing did admirably. I will note though, that the bud is rather larfy, and dries down to about 15% of initial wet weight.
Reviews. Tent
Commented by
Cannabis_Chris Cannabis_Chris
3 years ago
A fun experience, never ran into any issues this time around, but I'm sure I will in the future. I am very surprised at the difference in yield when plants have to share a container. I mean, Number 2 was planted first, but harvested last; I have to think it goes to the fact that he had no competition, and this could age as he wanted. Prelim smoke on Rudy was straight to the couch, with ankle and wrist locks. Three is wayyy smother, more cerebral, very relaxing. I cannot wait for Number 2! Tried some of No. 2. Larfy like the others but way more sticky. Just filthy with trichomes, beautiful buds. Very much a body high, not a lot going on upstairs, can't wait to try it in a month! No. 2 is drying well, jarred up the larger buds and will leave them in the uncovered jar in the drying box, which holds humidity well at 55ish percentabules. Number 2's main cola and two side colas came out ti 29 grams. The remaining monster cola was a whopping 11 grams itself, and the remaining bud came in at roughly 18 ounces, for a total dry weight of 16+29+29=74g. I have noticed it gets markedly stronger with age, and two bong-fulls put me to bed and I am a larger man. It works well for my intended purpose, which is pain relief (literally just sprained my ankle). Very strong body high, not much mentally in my humble opinion. A good smoke, I do it throughout the day in small doses, and if you're looking for some knockout gas, this would work well. Cheers, and I'll update monthly for the next six months with flavor profiles and smoke profile as I age it out. Smoked some of No. 2's top flower. Much more of a mild high, and a good deal of white pistils. I probably should have let it go longer, but, cannot stress this, I am not an expert and you ARE NOT MY SUPERVISOR [aside: reference Cheryl Tunt]. The high was mild on the front end, strong body high on the back end. Overall, a lovely sensation, and I would def recommend this strain for pain management. It helps mildly with inflammation from muscle soreness, but I wouldn't recommend it post gym right away as it probably tanks your heart rate and BP. I usually wait until my resting bitch face, erm, heart rate is achieved. Decarb'd half the trim from No. 2. Me and my couch are besties now and my muscles are tingling. Made some cannabutter from No. 2, going to use it for some gummies (first time making them). Put some on my takeout and I feel very groovy. Made some berry gummies with the cannabutter. 😁 The gummies and fauxCrunch-bars (Chronch bars) I made with the cannabutter are just body melting goodness. Legit, I walked up a goddamn mountain on Monday morning, had an edible after, and no soreness or inflammation. Best anti-inflammatory ever. As for the smoke; this stuff ages like a Francofied vin! Tres magnifique! Tres bon! Bon bon! MMmmmmmm, bon-bons 🤤 But fo'realskis, very smooth, slammin' n jammin' Decarbed Rudy, makin some buttah tomorrow, rice krispies after that I have essentially smoked all of this grow, save the jars I set aside for monthly testing on flavor profiles. So once I finish up what is left (a few grinds during which I will play either "Taps" or the "Benny Hill Theme Song") I think the next 1/8 can be opened on 9/23/21, then 10/23/21, and so on, etc. Last jar was the fattest cola there was however, and it gets opened some time in 01/2022. I began smoking way, way too soon with this grow, about 1 week after harvest. The initial flavor was spicy, earth, and sweet; and of course it hit as pleasant as fire. Nothing like a good coughing fit and your partner asking if you think you'll make it; good times! The flavor has mellowed intensely over a month, and it is a delightful smoke. Not much of a head high, although it does put me in a pleasant mood. The body high on this stuff is, frankly, intense. I am a large 1/4 ton male hominid, and this shit puts me to bed if I go too hard. As for the edibles. The first batch made using trim from Number 2 were extremely nice in terms of a body high, with zero head high. Great for popping 1 or 2 before a long hike, jog, bike ride, or whatever the fuck you wanna do for a few hours, I don't know you as a person, maybe that's yoga, or pogo-sticking (not a euphemism, perv), or horseback riding (again, you're a perv), etc. and so on and etc. I made another batch using the trim from RUDY! Very mellow body high, with somewhat of a stronger head high than Number 2. Again, good for people with joint issues who want a few hours of freedom of movement. I sound like a pharma commercial now....godammit. Don't pop more that 2, or you may get the head of a Golden Retriever (it's an old SNL thing, I promise I'm not weird, and YOU'RE NOT MY SUPERVISOR!). [ahem, claps obnoxiously] Welcome back, and that's all. Guten nacht! All of Rudy, save his tiny cola, has been consumed. Being "the consumption" in a historical perspective; not great. 9/22/21 - On 9/23/21, I get to open my first jar! What's in the jar? You ask. Weed, my good sir. [Tips cap, stares] 9/25/21 - I feel like sumpin happen'd yesterday, but I can NOT remember 😂 Jk, my stuff is better than the dispensary stuff though, which I'm proud of. All of my other jars are aging well in the low to mid 50% range. Flavor is sweet, earthy, and floral to me. But what do I know, my SO only calls me a human German Shepherd. Jokes on them tho, because I am clearly a bernadoodle if there ever were one. Hey, did I mention my shit is good? I smoked some of Three...what a uniquely different flavor from Rudy and No. 2. Very peppery, but also intensely floral, borderline perfume. Still a relatively harsh hit as well, but the body high is wowzers-cum-holy-moly-roly-poly. It's good. In a pickle as my bday and the 3 month smokeaversary fir Number 2 align. I usually quit tho, at least until the holiday stress gets me for a month around now. But my podunk-science tells me that I must consume some of Number 2...for science. I will document it here, taste, effect, my mood generally, the yug if ya catch ma drift. (The usual). Had some'a No. 2 for the anniversary of my spawning. Pretty, pretty, pretty good! Dry-herb vaped somma' No. 2; it was alright. Took out the cola from the 6 month age-out jar. The jar is holding rH of 55%. It's in a relatively tight jar, and I burp it about once every 2 weeks right now. It is aging beautifully, and I'm excited to see what the taste is like when she's ready. Dipped my toe into somma' the flower 'gain from No. 2 and Holy Balls Batman, hits like a what, what, what, Goulet! Every time I smoke this, I yell to MY LAYYYDY, "my shit smokes better than the dispensary" because it legit does. Why is everyone's weed, for lack of better verbiage; moist. Stole some from the 6 month jar and it is aging nicely. Smooth pull, even with a good amount of sugar leaves in there. Made some cannabutter from Three and Two. Not sure what it is going in yet...Caramel fudge, but I fudged the fudge part and it's grainy. No noticeable effect. Rolled a homemade J with No. 2. smooth, with a phenomenal body high, and it knocked me unconcious (sent me to bed). Pretty much smoked it all. Praise Jeebus is it purps, I can taste the purple with each pull. Very mellow flavor, floral, and very mellowing for both body and mind.
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Grow Questions
Cannabis_Chrisstarted grow question 4 years ago
When is the best time to transfer a seedling to its destined growing medium? Do I do it at the first sign of leaves, or is it better to wait until a few sets have formed? Do I need to worry about root shock? Should I use plant food to encourage growth into the new medium?
Setup. Seeds
greenthumbartisananswered grow question 4 years ago
I usually just let them go until I see healthy amount of roots coming out the bottom and move them into larger pots. (I always use air pots / smart pots though making it easier to judge root density) I like to go from riot plugs to 1L air pots, and then their final pot (3.6gallon air pots) adding some endomycorrhizal each transplant. endomycorrhizal seems to work really well and the plants don't seem to slow down at all with transplant. Don't see to much of a benefit to moving until roots actually need the space, plus it's easier to water smaller pots for the short time you can. Cannabis is pretty hearty plant and doesn't need much coaxing. Roots will fill every nook and cranny it can find in the pot. I wouldn't add additional nutes unless plant is showing signs that it's actually hungry. Seedlings don't need much of anything to get rocking and rolling. Good luck and happy farming! Wishing you a healthy bounty
Cannabis_Chrisstarted grow question 4 years ago
My first seedling doesn't seem to want to unfurl its cotyledons. Any ideas based on the attached picture in the skull planter?
Leaves. Other
GoldenGromieanswered grow question 4 years ago
First thing i would try is misting and raising humidity to 75 percent.
Cannabis_Chrisstarted grow question 4 years ago
Soil blend notes nutrients for 30 days, should I avoid using a compost tea during those 30 days to avoid burn or lockout? The compost tea would be 3 tsps CoM Worm Castings and 1 tsp CoM Plant Food per gallon. I would water once per week in Veg only.
Feeding. Schedule
DoctorGreenThumbanswered grow question 4 years ago
I see you just started your diary. Good thing about organic it's hard to burn your plants. I would suggest after day 28 start giving tea's. No need to do it any earlier. Best of luck on your grows.
Cannabis_Chrisstarted grow question 4 years ago
If I have two plants with two sets of leaves going on three, and a runt (ruuuuddy....ruudddy....and so on) thatsjust coming into two, will they all still flower at the same time? All the same seed I believe, but Rudy shares a pot...Also, these are autos. Much thanks in advance.
Other. General questions
GoldenGromieanswered grow question 4 years ago
Autos can start to flower anywgere from 3 weeks on. Autos are like lighting a fuse, you dont really have any control.

Show by Week
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homerjgangiacommentedweek 04 years ago
Good luck with your grow mate!💪💪
Cannabis_Chriscommented4 years ago
@homerjgangia, thank you! Looking forward to it!
Lacrimacommentedweek 34 years ago
Happy Growing ! 😊💪
Cannabis_Chriscommented4 years ago
@Lacrima, thanks! Looking forward to the end product!
Waylatecommentedweek 24 years ago
you had me at "simply because I fuckin love an underdog" I am pulling for you, Do your thang CC
Cannabis_Chriscommented4 years ago
@@Waylate, thanks amigo! 🤙
Waylatecommentedweek 04 years ago
Good Luck with your grow
Cannabis_Chriscommented4 years ago
@@Waylate, thank you! I am amped/stoked to finally be growing my own. Looking forward to the hard stuff to get to the good stuff!
Fordsiecommentedweek 104 years ago
Your girls are looking pretty dope! I had mixed feelings about my GC critical purple auto, I’ll try again someday. Yours are looking fabulous, keep it up bro, can’t wait to see how yours do! Best of luck growmie!
Cannabis_Chriscommented4 years ago
@Fordsie, thank you very good sir! 🖖
Cannabis_Chriscommented4 years ago
@Fordsie, thanks amigo! 🤙
HAPPY91commentedweek 64 years ago
Very nice keep up the amazing progress. I use Coast Of Maine also. I hope for strong happy and healthy grows!
Cannabis_Chriscommented4 years ago
@HAPPY91, thank you. I'm hoping they don't grow out much more, and based on what I've seen I probably have 1 to 2 weeks of growing left in terms of height, then they seem to puff out until their demise (not so blissful for them, but very good for me about 7-14 days later 😅)
Ner0zcommentedweek 54 years ago
Straight up blurpin'. I wish there was just a big red button with a case over to initiate flower mode. It would really put a visual on the excitement of flipping. Happy growing dude
Cannabis_Chriscommented4 years ago
@Ner0z, it's the little things in life that bring the greatest satisfaction. Like the Rainmaker I just lit, a little goes a long way! Cheers!
xTherapy_Growingxcommentedweek 94 years ago
How did urs flower so fast? I’m on week 7 and got nothing 🤦🏼..check mines out on my diary..I’m growing critical purp autos from growers choice too..
Cannabis_Chriscommented4 years ago
@xTherapy_Growingx, I'm about to post now to the community about me hermie. Glad GCS was responsive, always good to know as my next grow is a Scrog of Obama Kush Fem from them, most likely. It looks like it's new growth potentially, but I really don't know. Two of mine hit flower by the end of week 3 or 4, with the giant in it's own 5 gal not really starting until 2 weeks later! Different environments I think; the two sharing a container probably fought for resources and I am interested to see their root systems.
xTherapy_Growingxcommented4 years ago
@@Cannabis_Chris, let’s pray they aren’t herms! That Would be such a bummer 🤦🏼 But yea growerschoice sent me an email back saying critical purp autos take up to 8 weeks to flower.. and really it’s ok cus they are huge and it’s better for them to flower now than if they did 3-4 weeks ago..thanx for the response and best of luck with ur current and future grows! Stay Safe 💯 happy Growing 😎✌️🏼
xTherapy_Growingxcommented4 years ago
@@Cannabis_Chris, I did reach out to growerschoice and they said critical purp autos take up to 8 weeks to flower, if I’d a known that I would of just gotten photos, really I can’t complain tho, it’s better for them to start flowering now than if they did 3-4 weeks ago..thanx for the response 💯💪🏼..Happy GrowinG 😎✌️🏼
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Lazydaze428commentedweek 114 years ago
What's with the watering system, or the bottles I see next to rudy, I'm just curious most of the set up seems homemade witch I totally dig by the way.
Lazydaze428commented3 years ago
@@Cannabis_Chris,I started adding bubbles into my water after our quick conversation as I started researching oxygen and bubbles in the you already know it raises the ph in the water some how but I'm assuming its because of the oxygen, I'm not sure of the science I just read half said it was crap and the other swears by it so I only saw the up side and it has seemed to produce more growth especially at the base of stems where they meet the main stalk.I am obviously new to the world of indoor growing or hell growing all together but I am slowly getting the better equipment or more knowledge on how to use.I spend a lot of time reading other ppl experiences and the word of mouth info is the best teacher in the world so thanks for the words of encouragement and any advice you throw my way.🙏🤤
Lazydaze428commented4 years ago
@@Cannabis_Chris,thank for the info.I keep reading a lot of ppl over water but not me I had to go buy a water soil tester because I killed 3.the soil(coast of main super soil) looks wet but then I test it and its right on the mark of dry/damp.this is after I started over. I'm giving them enough water now but I'm always fooled by how wet the soil looks so I'm thinking you got right idea.
Cannabis_Chriscommented4 years ago
@Lazydaze428, it is actually a CO2 aquarium set up. I have it set to 60 days, right now (based on bubbles per second) and in the last week I'm going to up it as it should assist in getting me some denser buds. You can find the parts on the online jungle retailer, and a bazillion videos on YouTube. I'm still looking into a watering system, but it seems to be a hassle to keep mold/bacteria out of such a set-up.
TenderBudscommentedweek 133 years ago
Congrats! Love your commentary on the photos 👍💃🏻
TenderBudscommented3 years ago
@@Cannabis_Chris, sometimes you don’t.
Cannabis_Chriscommented3 years ago
@@TenderBuds, sometimes you feel like a nut 😂
xTherapy_Growingxcommentedweek 104 years ago
Toughhhh 💪🏼💯 I switched mine to 12/12 doesn’t seem to be “autoflowering” ✌️🏼
Cannabis_Chriscommented4 years ago
@xTherapy_Growingx, ahh, bummer mate. Hopefully it yields some massive buds from all that time in Veg!
SeaGrowcommentedweek 34 years ago
Happy growin mate 😉👍
Cannabis_Chriscommented4 years ago
@SeaGrow, thank you! Lookin forward to the end result
mmmlovelytomatoescommentedweek 133 years ago
loving reading your grows. looking forward to more!!
Cannabis_Chriscommented3 years ago
@mmmlovelytomatoes, thank you! ✌️❤️👨‍🎓
HirdoWeirdocommentedweek 133 years ago
Happy growing and enjoy 💪😍😎