pots (15l), coverd with strech foil...waterd with chlorine free water pH 6.4... ambient temp. 20°C , still waiting for my wether station so i can set humidity in proper range, also my grow area is around 0.9 m3
UPDATE: 3 out of 4 are out after two days ... hope to get 4 out of 4 :)-=o ... got my weather station and my grow room is at 25°C at RH 63%.. according to VPD charts im good ?! also my SF2000 is at 80%
UPDATE 2: next day it was 4 OUT OF 4 ! Nice:)
something is wrong i think i have excess of nutrients or nutrients are to low...but i ithink its too much? any advice?? i dont know if the light is to strong or nutrients HELP!! :D