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Auto outdoor

Approved by Royal Queen Seeds
4 years ago
Room Type
weeks 2-3
weeks 7-8
Grow medium
11 L
Pot Size
0.76 L
4 years ago
Nutrients 1
Biiomicro mass 4 mll
So original I wasn't going to do a diaries on my outdoor but then I figured why not. There going to stay in 1 gal pots with fox farm ocean forest soil for the grow. Try to keep them low key in the back yard and want to limit there size as much as possible. My last outdoor grow I had a issue with 2 legged rats jumping my fence and ripping off sections of my 8ft blueberry plant. Then because where I live gets a lot of rain from September to November (think we got 22 days of rain in September last year) I ended up getting bud rot and WPM really bad. After that I decided that the only plants that well be outdoor are autos so that there done before the rain comes. So for the first few weeks it's going to stay in my 4x4 tent tell I feel like they are ready to get moved outside. Hoping by the end of the month they well get moved to my garden outside. Well happy growing everyone.
Used method
Directly In Substrate
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
4 years ago
10.16 cm
24 hrs
22 °C
52 %
4 L
50.8 cm
Nutrients 1
Biiomicro mass 4 mll
Well having them outside was short lived. Think they were outside for roughly 30 hours before I brought them back inside and put them in my 3x2 tent that I had just finished Harvesting and cleaning after its most recent run. Went from sunny hot days to dark cloudy days with tons of rain. When I put them in my tent the soil in the 1 gal pots were soaked and muddy. Haven't watered them since to try and dry out the soil as much as possible (only been 2 days so far). Depending on how the weather does over then next week we'll be the deciding factor on if they go outside or stay in the 3x2 under my 250w cob light. I'd like to put it outside but at the same time I don't want them to get destroyed by the crap weather. Soooo yea guess we'll see how she goes. Happy growing everyone.
Week 2. Vegetation
4 years ago
15.24 cm
24 hrs
22 °C
52 %
4 L
50.8 cm
Nutrients 1
Biiomicro mass 4 mll
I'm hoping that the weather outside improves soon enough so that I can relocate them to outside. Last night alone had tons of rain and temperatures as low as 8c. Really want to put them out there but it's starting to look like they well be staying in this tent. I'll have to rename this diary if that's the case lol Happy growing everyone.
1 comment
Used techniques
Week 3. Vegetation
4 years ago
20.32 cm
15 hrs
18 °C
58 %
10 °C
4 L
10.16 cm
Nutrients 1
Biiomicro mass 1.321 mll
The plants are finally outside!!! The weather the last week has turned around and gotten better so they finally got moved to the big garden outside. The first day I put them outside tho started out sunny but after a few hours of being outside the rain started to come down by the buckets.... lasted almost 12 hours before it finally stopped. Got so much rain in that 12 hours that one of my 18l buckets I had outside was 3/4 full of water. So I checked the pots and they were almost mud. Luckily the sun came out and the temperature went up and the pots dried out fairly quickly because there only 1 gal pots. I FIMed them for the last time about 2 days ago. Should start to flower sometime soon. The temperature outside has been a bit all over the place since they have been outside. During the day it's been as low as 16c to as high as 22c and then at night it's dropped down to almost 6c a few nights but the plants look like it's not bothering them at all. Then when it comes to the humidity the day I moved them outside was around 39% but then after it rained it jumped back up to 60% and has stayed around the 55%-61% area. As for feed rite now it's getting Miicrobial Mass ones a week, usually on the days I do this diary. But when I start to see them turn to flower I'll be adding a bit of nutrients to the feed. Going to go with Canna or Emerald Harvest, have full containers of both not being used rite now and all my Advanced Nutrients products are being used for my tents. When I do start feeding tho I'm going to keep it light and only feed every second day. Well so far that's all to report on my AUTOs. I'm hoping I'll be able to beat the quality and quantity of my last AUTO outdoor grow. Did 2 Crop King Early Miss plants in the same pots. 1 foxtailed on me and the other one got 30g from. But I didn't do any training and only gave them straight water. This time I'm showing them a bit more love and have better quality seeds. Well happy growing everyone!!!
Used techniques
Week 4. Vegetation
4 years ago
60.96 cm
16 hrs
23 °C
61 %
22 °C
13 °C
3 L
1 L
10.16 cm
Nutrients 3
Biiomicro mass 5 mll
CANNA Terra Vega - Canna
CANNA Terra Vega 15 mll
Re potted them into 3gal fabric pots and started feeding then canna nutrients and there growth exploded exponentially. The northern lights jumped from 10" to 24" and the royal AK went from 8" to 22" in just a few days. Now I know a lot of people say you shouldn't re pot AUTOS but I call BS in that. As long as your growing everything rite and your plant is health you should have zero issues with re potting AUTOS as long as you only do it ones and don't go up to drastically in pot size. It's also looking like my plants are now starting to flower and thats good caz the weather here has gotten hot and sunny so hopefully it stays that way. Next to that nothing else new with them. At the end of this upcoming week I plan on doing a leaf strip on them and start giving them lost coast plant therapy ones a week like I do with the miicrobial mass. Well that's all here so happy growing everyone!!!
Week 5. Flowering
4 years ago
78.74 cm
16 hrs
17 °C
60 %
22 °C
11 °C
11 L
1 L
10.16 cm
Nutrients 4
Biiomicro mass 5 mll
CANNA BOOST Accelerator - Canna
CANNA BOOST Accelerator 15 mll
Had a absolutely beautiful last week for sun. During the day the temperature was between 22 and 24c. But at night it dropped down low, below 10c a few nights and so I brought the girls inside on those days. Buds are starting to develop nicely on them and I think there further along then just a week judging by where there at. That's the one things with Autos I hate, trying to judge what week of flower there on because unlike photo plants they start to flower when they want to, not when I tell them to. This is my first time using Canna Nutrients (I've had a good chunk of there line up just chilling on my nutrients shelf for almost a year untouched) and so far I'm liking what I see so far. I know a few growers that sware by the stuff and have recommended it to me, but not for soil, for coco. Quick story, I was originally going to do all my indoor plants a few grows back with canna nutrients and in coco but when I went to the grow shop to pick everything up I was sold the wrong stuff. I usually do all my research into product myself but decided on a whim when I was at the grow shop to go coco because I could get a great deal on everything (50l bag of coco, and 4 of the nutrient bottles for $150 after tax). Unfortunately the guy there sold me the base nutrients for soil and not for coco so it all ended up just sitting there going to waste. Fast forward to now and I'm just trying to use it all up so it doesn't go to waste. I have A LOT of nutrients in my grow office that I want to use up do I can get all new stuff (last I counted I had almost 50 bottles of different nutrients from General Hydroponics, Advanced Nutrients, Emerald Harvest, Remo, Canna and Green Plant.... no I don't have a problem lol). This week should be interesting because there calling for rain all week so I might have to move them to a under covered area to keep them as dry as I can. Sizes... Royal queen Royal AK- 26" Sunwest Genetics Northern Lights- 31" Well that's all from here so happy growing everyone!!!
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Week 6. Flowering
4 years ago
93.98 cm
16 hrs
20 °C
55 %
22 °C
11 °C
11 L
1 L
10.16 cm
Nutrients 4
Biiomicro mass 5 mll
CANNA BOOST Accelerator - Canna
CANNA BOOST Accelerator 15 mll
There has been some back and forth weather this last week. Rain, hail, sun, cloudy, back to sun. Like make up your mind!!! Luckily night temperature hasn't dropped below 11c the last week and the day temperature has been between 19c and 24.5c. Ive been noticing that the buds on the plants look really leafy compared to other plants I've grown both indoor and outdoor. Probably from stress because of the random weather we have been having. Noticed a few chew marks on the leaves from bugs so I gave them a good spray down the other night with Lost Coast Plant Therapy to see if it'll help. Plant size... Northern lights Auto - 37" Royal AK Auto - 31" Well that's all for this week everyone. Happy growing growmies.
Week 7. Flowering
4 years ago
101.6 cm
16 hrs
22 °C
55 %
22 °C
10 °C
11 L
1 L
10.16 cm
Nutrients 4
Biiomicro mass 1.321 mll
CANNAZYM 3.963 mll
CANNA BOOST Accelerator - Canna
CANNA BOOST Accelerator 3.963 mll
So a few days ago I was out working on the plants doing a small leaf strip on the lower section to make watering a bit easier. When I was done I went to put togther its daily feed, water was already ready to go, just needed to add the nutrients. Was maybe 5mins tops. As I walked out to water the plants I noticed wind was blowing really good and when I walked over to where the plants are I found that my Northern Lights plant had been knocked over.... I believe it was a mix of the wind and the hot heat drying the soil out in the fabric pots a lot faster then it would indoors. So to stop that from happening again I planted 4 bamboo sticks around each pot. Each stick was 4ft and I pushed them in about 8" into the dirt so hopefully it'll help to prevent this from happening again. I've also changed my watering up to help stop the soil from drying to fast because the plants were getting a bit limp there near the end of the day when they were still in light. So now I've organized my watering into 2 days. Day 1 starts with feed in the morning and straight RO water 6-8 hours later and Day 2 is just straight RO water twice a day. Now one thing I've noticed with both plants is how leafy the buds are getting. Now I don't know if this is a stress thing from the weather being all over the place or if it's a AUTO thing because I've never had any of my photo plants do this, indoor or outdoor. Hopefully it corrects itself and the buds start to puff up a bit better. One of my growmies down under suggested cutting back on nutrients to see if it would help with the bud development a few days ago. So I might give that a try to see if it helps at all. Another one said it might be from cold nights (had a few nights there were the temperature dropped down to 5c) and that its stressed the plants out. Plant growth has slowed down. Last few weeks the plants were growing about 6-8" a week, this last week both plants only grew a few inchs each. Hopefully that's a sign that the plants are going to start pushing all the growth hormones towards the buds and not that there stressed out. Plant sizes... Northern Lights - 40" Royal AK - 37" Well that's all for this week. Hopefully next week the plants we'll have bounced back and started budding like they should by now but we well see. Happy growing everyone!!!
Used techniques
Week 8. Flowering
4 years ago
109.22 cm
17 hrs
18 °C
67 %
22 °C
13 °C
11 L
1 L
10.16 cm
Nutrients 4
Biiomicro mass 1.321 mll
CANNAZYM 3.963 mll
CANNA BOOST Accelerator - Canna
CANNA BOOST Accelerator 3.963 mll
So the last week has been mostly sunny. Had nice day temperature of 20-25c and humidity between 49-58%. Did a fan leaf strip on the plants at the beginning of the week and put a but more pro-mix soil in the pots. Everything was perfect.... until the wee hours of the morning today. I was woken up at just after 1am to this extremely load crashing sound. Looked outside and there was a MASSIVE storm that had rolled in. The weather app had said we were looking g at some light rain but by 1am we had thunder and lighting and the rain drops were so big they were exploding like water balloons when they hit the pavement. I was about to go back to bed when all of a sudden I thought "oh shit... the plants..." so up I got, moved them under my big Japanese Maple to help shelter them from the rain. Then because branches were bending over from all the weight of the rain on the plant I used my leaf blower to dry them off as good as I could. I'm sure my neighbors were wondering who the fuck was using a leaf blower at 1am in a rain storm lol. There calling now for heavy rain for 3 days straight so under the tree they well stay for now. Starting to see trenchomes grow on both plants, hopefully I'll still get a decent yeild with the crap weather that they have dealt with since they have been outside. If not I won't get to butt hurt seeing as this grow hasn't cost me much of anything next to the nutrients. Soil, pots, and seeds were all free items so I'll only be out the small amount of nutrients that I used for the grow. Well that's all for this last week so happy growing everyone.
Used techniques
Week 9. Flowering
4 years ago
109.22 cm
17 hrs
28 °C
67 %
22 °C
17 °C
11 L
1 L
10.16 cm
Nutrients 4
Miicrobial mass 1.321 mll
CANNAZYM 3.963 mll
CANNA BOOST Accelerator - Canna
CANNA BOOST Accelerator 3.963 mll
Oh damn has it gotten hot out. Had a few more days of rain then BAM hot hot heat. Almost hit 30c yesterday and today there calling for 32c. Going to be watching my girls with a spray bottle full of water spraying them down to keep them from getting to hot. Set up some bamboo trellis on both plants because the Northern Lights plant is so top heavy that if the 3gal pot drys out to much, just the smallest amount of wind knocks it over, and because the royal AK plant is bending over a bit from the weight. Hoping this well help to keep them upright and also help support any future weight gain. Also cut back a bit on feeding. Was feeding every morning and giving it a bit of water every night. Now ive changed it to feed every other day and just water on the opposite days. The buds are starting to get massive on both plants and I'm extremely excited to see what they both give me in the way of numbers. Well that's all so happy growing everyone and happy fathers day!!!
1 comment
Week 10. Flowering
4 years ago
109.22 cm
17 hrs
36 °C
49 %
32 °C
21 °C
11 L
1 L
10.16 cm
Nutrients 4
Miicrobial mass 1.321 mll
CANNAZYM 3.963 mll
CANNA BOOST Accelerator - Canna
CANNA BOOST Accelerator 3.963 mll
And the crazy heat continues. Last few days it's been damn close to 40c outside and my plants have been drying out extremely fast. Had to water it 3 times yesterday because of how damn dry it was getting from all the heat. This was the last week of feeding them and starting tomorrow they well be getting flushed. The main coles on both plants are getting massive and looking tasty. I'm really looking forward to seeing how this one turns out because as of rite now there looking like one of my better outdoor grows. Well that's all for this week so happy growing everyone!!!!
Week 11. Flowering
4 years ago
109.22 cm
16 hrs
28 °C
52 %
32 °C
17 °C
11 L
1 L
10.16 cm
Nutrients 1
Final Flush - Grotek
Final Flush 0.66 mll
Well they have been getting flushed the last week and a bit and are starting to show it. The Royal AK particular is starting to have a lot of leaves turn yellow. The Northern Lights is just starting to have that happen with it. So far I'm really happy with how well there both growing. Going to be giving them a scope tonight to see how much longer they both have and hope to being able to harvest them sometime soon in the next week or so. Well that's all for now, happy growing everyone!!!
1 comment
Week 12. Flowering
4 years ago
109.22 cm
15 hrs
24 °C
48 %
23 °C
17 °C
11 L
1 L
10.16 cm
Nutrients 1
Final Flush - Grotek
Final Flush 0.66 mll
Chopped everything down about 3 days ago. Since it's all outdoor stuff I had to bud wash it all. And I'm happy I did that because a family of spiders had started living on my Northern Lights plant, but only on one of the lower branches. The first bucket was warm water with baking soda and lemon juice, the second one was just warm water and the last one was ice cold water. By the time I was done the first plant (the smaller of the 2) I was already 2 hours into Harvesting everything and the water was looking a bit nasty (picture above). By the time I finished the last plant I was almost 5 hours in amd tired so I didn't get a picture of the water but trust me, It was absolutely nasty and I'm happy I did it. When it comes to doing the leave strip on the plants I have a feeling it's going to take longer then it did to wash the buds. Never have I had plants with so many leafs on them, cleaning them all up is going to be a massive job and one I'm not really looking forward to having to do. I also forgot to od the wet weight of the plants so no idea how much it all was when I choppednit down. But the 2 main coles had a hell of a lot of weight to them so I'm hoping by the time I'm done I should have hopefully 120-130g per plant. Later today I'm going to start cleaning up the buds and getting them ready to go into my drying rack for 24 hours before I start to cure everything. Hopefully by this time next week it'll all be ready to test out and get some numbers. Happy growing everyone!!!
Week 12. Harvest
4 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
The plant got extremely leafy and was a bitch to strip. Spent a good 2 plus hours trimming just this one plant. Buds are really light and not very dense at all.
Show more
Spent 87 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
390 g
Bud wet weight per plant
142 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Positive effects
Euphoric, Giggly
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry mouth
Negative effects
Citrus, Tropical

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Lots of damn leaves lol and light buds. Over dried the plants a bit because I got stick out of town for 24 hours and didn't get to take them down and start curing when I should have. Probably lost a lot of weight because of that. Smoke isn't bad tho I don't find it gets me as high as my indoor stuff does. But it's super cheap growing outdoor compared to indoor so lol. Happy growing everyone
Week 12. Harvest
4 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Buds weren't very dense and lots of leaves all over them, was a pain to clean up.
Show more
Spent 87 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
297 g
Bud wet weight per plant
102 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Positive effects
Giggly, Happy
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry mouth
Negative effects
Earthy, Herbs, Pine

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Plant didn't get super big in size and the buds were smaller then my other plant but still a great size. The end product was ok but not my favorite. Taste, smell and high were about average but nothing special. Might grow one more plant next year just to try it out again with different nutrients, bigger pot, coco and a few other changes to see if it was just a unfortunate underwhelming grow I just had or of this is as good as this strain is when grown outdoor. Well that's all everyone happy growing.


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InspireMecommentedweek 104 years ago
Good luck with your grow mate 👌🙂
homerjgangiacommentedweek 04 years ago
Good luck with your grow mate!💪💪
TenderBudscommentedweek 124 years ago
Ginger_gnomecommented4 years ago
@@TenderBuds, oh yea not really... it's better then the crop king low flyer and dark angel but not by much. Want to give it a second go at some point possibly indoor to see if it was just because it was outdoor and the weather was all over the place.
TenderBudscommented4 years ago
@Ginger_gnome, hmm. Ok, not your favorite.
Ginger_gnomecommented4 years ago
DoDrugs420commentedweek 124 years ago
Slayin it, the best of the best.
Ginger_gnomecommented4 years ago
@DoDrugs420, thank you, I had a lot of fun with this grow.
TenderBudscommentedweek 124 years ago
Congrats. Enjoy 👍💃🏻
BioBudscommentedweek 124 years ago
Nice results!! Enjoy!!!
TenderBudscommentedweek 114 years ago
Enjoy 👍💃🏻
TenderBudscommentedweek 104 years ago
Stacked girls 👍💃🏻
TenderBudscommentedweek 94 years ago
Looking good 👍💃🏻
Grow3rPTcommentedweek 84 years ago
Que maravilha ✌️ Boa sorte no cultivo e aproveita o desenvolvimento 👍 E no final que tenhas uma grande colheita 🌱🌱 Se quiseres passa pelo meu diário e deixa o teu apoio
JERJERAcommentedweek 84 years ago
How wonderful I hope a good development 🌱👍 Go through my diary and leave your opinion .
Grow3rPTcommentedweek 54 years ago
Que maravilha, espero uma boa evolução. E no final uma boa colheita. Se quiseres passa pelo meu diário e deixa o teu comentário :)
Lacrimacommentedweek 24 years ago
Happy Growing ! 😊💪
ThePassionForWeed420commentedweek 04 years ago
Buona coltivazione e felice crescita amico 👏 👏
the end.
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