So, I may have killed my sprout trying to rip off the seed. It broke soil and did nothing for another couple days so figured that was a good idea, guess maybe not this time well see.
On my struggle plant, I ended up having to cut 4 fan leaves since I accidently let them press against the soil after I watered and trained. They were dead the next day. I wish I didn't make more issues for myself on this one because obviously now it starts putting out normal fan leaves.
My plant with the stains, I added some cal mag to just to see if it had an effect since it seems to be to go to for every problem that isn't obvious. It actually now seems to be putting out normal leaves as well. Was it the cal-mag? who knows.
I dont like my LST attempt on all my plants in my tent this run but Ill have to work with it for now. I am scared to bend the main stems again to make it more even because they seemed to stiffen up a bit after my first big pull. I took everything off my struggle plant. If it gives me anything at all ill be happy with it. My stain plant is super bushy and have to tuck/pull every day while the branches seem to be growing way slower than the main stem. I dont think ill be able to reach an even canopy on any of my plants but ill do the best I can for the best results.
Also fungus gnats are still chillin. Think im keeping it somewhat under control but really want it to be over. Maybe try dia earth this week?
Calcium deficiency is my guess it doesn't look like nitrogen but could possibly be part of the problem.
Have you added ferts?
Anything special in the dirt?
Happy growing, If you still have gnats try using neem oil it worked for me. I flushed my plants with it about 5 litres of pH adjusted water per plant and let it drain. I then used it as a foliar spray along with yellow sticky traps and that seemed to do the trick.
Good luck I hope the rest of your grow goes smoothly.👍
@Tay001, hey thanks for a reply on that. Did you spray the plants with the neem or add it to your water? I used the one from Home Depot and dunno if that’s no good or what. Was thinking of flushing them after drying as well. I also got sticky traps but all the had at the store was the ribbons which I hate because they move a round. Prob Amazon some of those yellow ones