Day 54 refilled resivor 20ml A&B each 5ml emyzines 8ml golden tree 20ml flower stacker ppm 789 ph 6.5 plant is looking good and she is getting thick pistils and bud formation is looking great.
Day 55 just looking for bugs nothing to do with plant...its on cruise control
Day 56 plant still no smell but the pistil growth is crazy and thick.
Day 57 notice resivor needs refilled. Cut two leafs off blocking bud sites.
Day 58 refilled resivor same recipe as last fill wow four days ago she is really drinking I did add 5ml calmag/iron. To this fill.
Day 59 wow plant is just doing awesome starting to smell a little. Also not to add calmag now I have tip burn fyi these autos don't like alot of nutrients.
Day 60 she building the buds and drinking alot.
@JenniferCali,I don't use air pumps I use fish pumps to keep water flowing in resivor.