Day 61 plant is doing great im bored but she is looking beautiful.
Day 62 nothing done nothing to report.
Day 63 notice resivor needs refilled.
Day 64 refilled resivor 20ml A&B each, 8ml golden tree, 5ml emyzines, 20ml flower stacker. Ppm 780 ph 6.4 plant is still growing yellow pistils, and building bud growth is nice.
Day 65 plant doing great all is good
Day 66 I'm bored plant still growing pistils that are huge and bud spots are still building up nicely.
Day 67 this plant I think is not Blueberry auto it might be Blueberry haze auto. But plant is looking good 👍.
@JenniferCali,I don't use air pumps I use fish pumps to keep water flowing in resivor.