7/8 update: 1 was harvested on 7/3 and is almost done drying at which point I'll finish trimming and cure for at least 2 weeks before I sample (I might press a little rosin after RH stabilizes in jar) before I update with that. 2 has been growing very well, 2 is stacking a bit better than 1 and should yield a bit more. On 7/4, 2 got moved into the other setup so that new round of plants can come into tent. As a result, 2 is now under light 24 hours per day but she hasn't shown any signs of stress or unhappiness from the move yet. Figuring 2 has at least 2 more weeks left in her before harvest but we shall see!
@Hydro_Hiebs, I’m still learning a little bit and adjusting to an organic grow but I am starting to kinda get it (I hope)! Thank you for your kind words!