d1 - Apart from a small accident in the germination, everything is running smoothly. Starting from today I'll start with the fertilization (learning from past mistakes 😅) with megacrop a + b in a ratio of 1:3 (and not use calmag). As additives i'll use kemp, silica, fulvic acid and once a week, useful bacteria and mycorrhizas. Anyhow all of these last aren't nutrients in a strict sense but are needed for the plant health. I will use the reflecting tube for the first 3 weeks as usual, but this grow I want to start directly with 3 watts of light from the beginning and then (gradually) increase the power to 8 watts when the seedling will have about 10 days. hope it works!
d5 - i'm up to 0.9 ec and 6-7w of light... and it seems to want more! since i changed the tube i use to grow the plants (and spaced out the light compared to the past) my reference points have changed a bit. here GD comes in handy i'm really using it as a diary! the third set of leaves has already sprouted
d7 -If I was watching it, I would probably see it grow! 😲 already at the 4th node, giving the plant more light and more nutrients right from the start helped! i will follow this procedure with the watermelon too!
Extra tip: when RQS sent me the easy grow seed germinators I wanted to test if they are good for cuttings and this is the result after 7 days! Cooool!