Thanks for checking this diary out! Cheese is one of my favorite strains ever, and i still have that sweet Amsterdam cheese aroma in mind whenever i think about it. i really wish to replicate it.
So, i've planted this seed, she sprouted last night. as I noticed the shell was stuck, i stepped closer, and noticed two seedlings. one with the shell, and another one next to it. i didn't dig out to find out if they're Twins or siamese. (1 or 2 tap roots ?)
i didn't really know what to do, so i've let them together. For science! it's my first time with such a seed.
24h soak in bennies + katana roots + water. then planted straight in coco.
pre watered with 0.3ml shogun coco and 5 ml of katana roots.
If you have any advice, feel free to share!