Welcome to week 6! Did a little more LST on a few of the side branches, nothing crazy. Seeing some good growth, BUT there are quite a few genetic flaws (missing parts of leaves, or entire leaves). This strain from my understanding is or was still pretty young, and these seeds were part of a giveaway, I am in no way faulting exotic seeds, as I knew what I was getting into when I planted them, and I'm sure that exotic is continuing to stabilize this strain. Let it be noted that I have never had any issues with genetics with any of my other exotic grows. Aside from the leaf deformities I don't see any other issues, growth is consistent between the 2 plants, and rate of growth is right where I would expect it to be for the age of the plants. I will also probably be starting another grow in the next week or so, since I've almost got my 2x4 tent up and running. The plan will be to start another 2 plants once my first 2 are 6-7 weeks old, that way I have less time between harvests and thus more weed on hand.👍
Well until next week, sit back, relax, and fire up a fat one. Peace.
Looking good mate, I think you may have an issue similar to mine, looks like a little too much N causing the cal mag to lock out careful with the calmag as it can contain N.
Sorry for the unsolicited advice, I hope its helpful. Good luck with the rest of your grow 👌🙂
@InspireMe,That may be a possibility, I'm using a bloom nutrients for the entire grow, which is low in N, however they started showing pistils at 2 weeks so its possible the N requirement of the plants was quite low after flowering began and maybe a little too much N built up in the medium due to not enough run off during watering. Increasing calcium did make a difference, runoff ph was good. All in all I'm thinking its due to the lower nutrient requirement and early flowering characteristics of this particular strain. I did have a similar thing occur with another early flowering auto strain. It will be interesting to see if the increased runoff makes a difference on the next grow. Thanks for sharing your experience and happy growing.
@Growurownseed, Thanks! I use maxi gro during veg, half gro and half bloom for the first 3 weeks of flower, and then all bloom for the rest of flower. In 2.5 years I've only had to buy 3 small bags of bloom, lasts a long time, fairly cheap, and gets results. Add a good cal-mag like ROOTS and thats really all you need, screw spending hundreds of dollars on nutes, when you really don't need to. Happy growing bro.