Day 43 - after some research and checking the plant out in natural light, I'm pretty sure the markings I'm seeing are a result of a calcium deficiency. I took action today and gave her a slightly early drink of water, 1.2L with 0.5ml Calmag/L. We will see if that was the right thing to do or not, but I'm reasonably confident in my diagnosis. My research showed that a) these leaf signals somewhat fit the bill, b) plants under LED lights tend to suffer calmag defs more often than HPS/other types of light. Let's see how this week goes. A bit of calmag at this stage won't do any harm at least.
Day 44 - some minor defoliation and removal of lower budsites again. nothing major, maybe 4 popcorn bud sites and a half dozen awkward leaves. The main cola is really getting a chunk on already. might need to get some little pc fans in for more air flow, currently relying only on the negative pressure created by my extraction. I have to go away for a couple of days so will think about setting that up when I return.
Day 46 - been away for a few days, plant looks great. some continued yellowing / mottling of leaves which were already affected but doesn't appear like many new leaves are showing this discolouration. will see how it progresses. pot is still quite heavy so won't need to water until probably D48, at which point I will consider adding some PK 13/14. main cola starting to look very tasty. colours are beautiful already.
the little plant is looking pretty washed out but there's not much I can do to get her further from the light without a separate "veg" chamber... which is something I am considering. I'll be moving from where I currently live in about 3 months and would love to squeeze another grow in before then. Might be a bit tight but if I begin one next week it should be alright. I'm toying with the idea of a small auto sea-of-green setup, utilising my same grow area but with 3-4 smaller, 1 gallon pots. I'm thinking of a small CFL veg chamber for 2-3 weeks before transferring to main tent, which should be free of this Black Cream Auto in around 4 weeks. we'll see. I'll need to get started soon to make this a reality.
Day 48 - was expecting the big girl to need a drink today but the pot is still a bit wet. I am chalking this up to my slight interruption of the regular wet/dry watering when I applied emergency CalMag on D43. The pot wasn't quite dry when I did that so not surprising there's still moisture in the pot today. Tomorrow she'll need it, and I'll give her some PK 13/14 also. I will likely give her 2 feeds of this only - one tomorrow and one in 4-5 days when she needs a drink again. Conflicting info online about how/when to apply, especially with autoflowers. I'll likely go for 0.5ml/L and then maybe 1ml/L for 2nd and final application. the recommended dose is 1.5ml/L so I will err on the side of caution. Starting to get a wonderful aroma now, fruity cheesey goodness.
The little girl got a spray of some alg-a-mic mixture today, just to keep things damp. She looks okay apart from being very washed out!
Day 49 - gave a feed today with PK13/14 @ 0.5ml/L, 1.5L total. planning to give another hit of about the same in a few days time when the pot dries out, and then likely just water until harvest. maybe continue with alg-a-mic for another week depending on development.
I was doing some minor defoliation and got a little bit careless, managed to take off a small fan leaf and also cut into the main stem of one of the developing tops. UGH! Hoping it will end up ok and be like a "super crop" type technique, but man I am annoyed with myself. Should've just left it. It was a tiny leaf! I'll keep a close eye on it over the next couple of days. Fingers crossed. Added a bamboo cane to try and support the affected bud until it heals. It's just resting against the bud holding the wound closed.
Thanks for reading!
This is not a plant, this is a piece of art! Great result man!
Sweet hugs from us ❤️❤️❤️
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@CHILLING_RACOONS, ah thank you kindly for dropping in and leaving that lovely message. I can't take much credit really - the combo of great genetics from @Sweet_Seeds and the super easy feeding regime with Biotabs. I'm a total noob but with these excellent companies in my arsenal it's hard to go too far wrong.
Gonna roll a bone and take a look through your diaries now, I'm always looking to learn more about this amazing plant and the cultivation thereof, and you clearly know what you're doing!
Thanks again growmie :)
@DoDrugs420, thank you :) Very pleased with it so far. In the hardest part of the grow now, there's about a week to go but I have seriously itchy scissor fingers!! Gonna pack a bowl and take a look through your diaries now, maybe I'll pick up some tips. Thanks for stopping by growmie
@Jaygrow1020_autoking, thanks Jay! Getting so close now. This is one grow that I really wish we had smell-o-vision for. Like blackberry milk that's been left in the sun.. in a good way.
@Vincent_Van_Grogh, thanks Vinny, she's really packed on since you left this comment. Looking like about a week or so left on her. She is pretty frosted at this moment in time, and getting more sparkly (and stanky) by the day
@Kitties_and_Colas, it's hard to say for sure. There are still so many unknowns with cannabis growing, but I have seen plenty of anecdotal evidence on the web that backs this up - across various forums dating back a decade. If you google "purple strains foxtail" you'll find a bunch of the stuff I've read.
@Kitties_and_Colas, ah interesting. Could definitely be a hotspot on my lighting setup. Still figuring it out, it's such a tiny space that my options are limited. I did have my lamp running about 15-20% above recommended (by accident!) for the middle of flower so it may be a result of light stress. However, these purple strains seem prone to foxtailing regardless of environment - at least from what I've seen of other growers' diaries. This is just a head stash for me anyway, and I happen to love the appearance of foxtailed buds so no complaints from me. Always looking to learn more though, so thanks for the input :)