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Badazz OG Cheese in Living Soil

3 years ago
Room Type
weeks 10, 12, 14, 16, 18
weeks 13
weeks 5-14, 16
Grow medium
Grow medium
57 L
Pot Size
2.84 L
4 years ago
Nutrients 4
Brown Rice Vinegar 2 mll
KNF Fermented Plant Juice (Bamboo) 2 mll
Starter Mix 3-3-3 - Down To Earth
Starter Mix 3-3-3 1.25 mll
Same as my Peyote Forum Grow: I took the idea of this soak from Chris Trump on YouTube, it's a KNF sytle, minus the OHN and added Humic acid. Seed Soak: 24 hours in a solution made of 1 liter of dechlorinated water, 2 ML of Brown Rice Vinegar, 2 ML of Fermented Plant Juice I made from bamboo, and 1/4 teaspoon of Bio-Ags Ful-Humix. I put this into shot glasses and dropped seeds into separate glasses. Then I used the solution to hydrate the Jiffy Pods. Once soaked I made small hole for the seed and dusted it with DtE Starter Mix (1/4 teaspoon) and put the greenhouse on the windowsill for a few days til they popped. 6/9 did within a few days, which is all I needed. Once they looked good and hardened them for a few days I transplanted them into 1 gallon pots to veg while my other plants finish up. I'll post that mix in week one.
Used method
Peat Pellet
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
4 years ago
2.54 cm
14 hrs
27 °C
70 %
12 °C
3 L
0 L
Nutrients 6
Brown Rice Vinegar 2.113 mll
KNF Fermented Plant Juice (Bamboo) 2.113 mll
KNF LAB Serum 1.057 mll
Badazz OG Cheese is off to a great start! I was gone for the weekend so update for week 1 is coming in a bit late. The Jiffy pods were transplanted into about .8 gallon nursery pots filled with a Coot's Mix, 1/3 peat, 1/3 pumice and rice hulls, and 1/3 compost and worm castings. This soil as mixed with 2 tbsp DtE Starter Mix and 1 tbsp FF Marine Cuisine. This will give them a light but good nutrition as they grow roots. I also gave them a compost extract with some humic acid to get the biology going and later in the week a KNF soil drench. My first photos are off to a running start.
Week 2. Vegetation
4 years ago
10.16 cm
14 hrs
27 °C
72 %
15 °C
3 L
0 L
Nutrients 7
Brown Rice Vinegar 2.113 mll
KNF Fermented Plant Juice (Bamboo) 2.113 mll
KNF LAB Serum 1.057 mll
These ladies are moving out of the seedling stage and hopefully will take off soon. They loved their first KNF foliar spray, they were preying that day. I did notice some bugs flying around them and maybe a few nibbles on leaves. I finally made some OHN for my KNF inputs, the herbs, garlic, and ginger should act as a repellent and I made sure to get total coverage to drown/spray any eggs. I also top dressed with Neem and Karanja meal to further prevent pests at this early stage. I'm beginning so cut down my last grow, so these will be able to transplant whenever they're ready.
1 comment
Week 3. Vegetation
4 years ago
15.24 cm
14 hrs
27 °C
530 PPM
74 %
21 °C
14 °C
3 L
0 L
Nutrients 5
Brown Rice Vinegar 2.113 mll
KNF Fermented Plant Juice (Bamboo) 2.113 mll
KNF LAB Serum 1.057 mll
Overall a good weak for these. They got their KNF inputs this week and ill probably brew them a tea in the near future. In the next week I will be transplanting them into the 15 gallon final pots. They continue to have little bugs and also leaf miners so I pull out the big guns and hit them with Spinosad to get it over with while they are still small. I'll probably follow it up with a neem meal tea or something to keep bugs from coming back.
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Week 4. Vegetation
4 years ago
17.78 cm
14 hrs
30 °C
530 PPM
70 %
16 °C
17 °C
57 L
2 L
Nutrients 9
Brown Rice Vinegar 2.113 mll
KNF Fermented Plant Juice (Bamboo) 2.113 mll
KNF LAB Serum 1.057 mll
Transplant happened over the weekend! I've been real bad about taking pictures but these girls are doing great. They got their KNF inputs like usual. To follow up with the IPM, I sprayed the plants with Dr.Bronners peppermint soap and some hot peppers. Hopefully that'll be enough to handle whatever as been munching on it. I transplanted them Saturday night. Earlier in the week I mixed the soil and have been watering with humic acid and knf inputs. I put a teaspoon of DtE Starter Mix in the hole and then watered with compost extract and fish hydrolysate for the biology and aloe vera gel to help with transplant shock. So far they are great! ✊🏾
Week 5. Vegetation
4 years ago
33.02 cm
14 hrs
33 °C
530 PPM
82 %
16 °C
18 °C
57 L
2 L
Nutrients 12
Brown Rice Vinegar 2.113 mll
KNF Fermented Plant Juice (Bamboo) 2.113 mll
KNF LAB Serum 1.057 mll
These girls are doing great! The pots in particular have made a difference this round. I upgraded from cheap off-brand fabric pots to legit Root Pouches. The biggest difference has been in water retention, I only watered once this week and the soil is still moist. This week they were LSTed finally, they responded well to this. I also gave them a SST soil drench using ground malted rye. 1/8 cup per gallon of water, left it swirl around 4 hours, added 1/4 teaspoon Ful-Humix, and then watered in. I realized I never put the soil mix. For these two the soil had already grow one autoflower each from my previous grow Herbs with my Herb. I reamended and mixed the following in a bigger pot. I was a little short on some of these but I'll too dress them later when I can get to the garden store again, but these are ratios I was shooting for. Per cubic foot of soil: 1/4 Cup Neem Seed Meal 1/4 Cup Kelp Meal 1/4 Cup Crab Meal 1/2 Cup Alfalfa Meal 1/4 Cup Marine Cuisine 1/8 Cup Bio-Live 1/4 Cup Acid Mix 1/4 Cup Karanja Pellets 1/2 Cup Ground Malted Barley 1/2 Cup Whole Malted Barley 1/8 Cup Cal-Phos 1/2 Cup Oyster Shell Flour 1 Cup Basalt 1/2 Gypsum
Used techniques
Week 6. Vegetation
4 years ago
33.02 cm
14 hrs
32 °C
530 PPM
82 %
16 °C
17 °C
57 L
2 L
Nutrients 9
Brown Rice Vinegar 2.113 mll
KNF Fermented Plant Juice (Bamboo) 2.113 mll
KNF LAB Serum 1.057 mll
Mixed week for them. They've grown a good amount and they responded great to the LST. Really looking forward to how they turn out and shaping them with the LST. I also sprinkled in some Kashi Blend on top to add some biology along with Ful-Humix. It was really hot this week so I also gave them some aloe vera gel and a hydrated kelp tea. This week I skipped the KNF in favor of give it the above. On the other hand, I keep getting some bug bites so I did a plant wash with Dr. Bronner peppermint soap and cayane pepper. I then I sent some pictures to my friends and he told me there's a chance it's early stages broad or russet mites, so I hit them with some Dr Zymes pesticide and I will follow it up with a neem meal tea next week and some Spinosad if the problem continues after that.
Used techniques
Week 7. Vegetation
4 years ago
45.72 cm
14 hrs
31 °C
530 PPM
79 %
16 °C
19 °C
57 L
2 L
Nutrients 10
Brown Rice Vinegar 2.113 mll
KNF Fermented Plant Juice (Bamboo) 2.113 mll
KNF LAB Serum 1.057 mll
Another mixed week. I'm terms of growth it's was great. All plants have clear female sex traits. The LST I did last week really opened them up, for the most part I left the ties alone all week only bending the main stem when it got above the canopy. At the end of this week I redid all the ties and shaped the canopy even more. In terms of nutrition, I gave them an alfalfa, neem, kelp tea, I went heavy on the neem meal for an IPM spray. Then they got water with Ful-Humix and later I gave it the KNF inputs with fish hydrolysate to replace the FAA, but only in the soil not foliar sprayed. I'm terms of the bad, it seem it still might have some pests. New growth is coming out damaged as you can see in the last picture. I sprayed with a liberal amount of Montery Spinosad on Saturday night. Three days laters I'm going to follow up with another organic pesticide as i fear these are broad or russet mites. Fingers crossed I've solved it though.
Used techniques
Week 8. Vegetation
4 years ago
55.88 cm
14 hrs
37 °C
530 PPM
50 %
20 °C
19 °C
57 L
2 L
Nutrients 6
Sprouted Seed Tea (Barley) 7.925 mll
Aloe Vera gel 3.963 mll
Marine Cuisine - Fox Farm
Marine Cuisine 7.925 mll
Overall a better week for the plants. I'm hoping I've finally turned the corner on whatever was damaging them. I'll know if they are better if the new growth looks good, but its still too early to tell. We had a pretty intense heat wave last week, so skipped the KNF and gave them things to help them handle the heat, Aloe Vera gel and kelp tea. Some of the lower leaves are yellowing so I also top dressed with FF Marine Cuisine for a quick N boost and gave them a malted barley SST along with the Bio-Ag Ful-Humix, to improve nutrient cycling. I hope this will help them handle the heat wave and if they had a nutrient issue it'll pull them out of that as well. I also kept up the IMP spray, in case it broad or russet mites. Last week I hit them with Monterey Horticultural Oil and a few days later with Doctor Zymes. I'll probably have to keep spray another week to be sure, but I'm not noticing any worsening of the damage, so thats a good sign.
Used techniques
Week 9. Vegetation
4 years ago
60.96 cm
14 hrs
36 °C
530 PPM
60 %
20 °C
19 °C
57 L
2 L
Nutrients 8
Brown Rice Vinegar 2.113 mll
KNF Fermented Plant Juice (Bamboo) 2.113 mll
KNF LAB Serum 1.057 mll
These two had an OK week. They haven't fully bounced back like the peyote forum, but they are doing better. It was still a really hot week, so I gave them more kelp to help them, they also got KNF inputs, Humic acid, and oceanic hydrolysate. Some lower leaves are curling which isn't great so I'm taking it easy on them next week. By the weekend they were looking better and the worst of the heat wave is over so I retied all of the branches and really spread the canopy. The LST has worked really well this round. They are showing signs of preflower, so next week I'll be top dressing. I'm slowing down the IPM since the new growth is looking better, although I did spray them with Dr Zymes, but seems to have it a little phytotoxicity last time so I was more gentle this time. I'm hoping I have everything under control but next week I'll probably switch up the IPM just in case.
Used techniques
Week 10. Vegetation
4 years ago
66.04 cm
14 hrs
36 °C
530 PPM
40 %
20 °C
17 °C
57 L
2 L
Nutrients 21
KNF Fermented Plant Juice (Bamboo) 2.113 mll
KNF LAB Serum 1.057 mll
Oriental Herbal Nutrient 1.057 mll
Days are getting shorter, and the girls are getting ready for flower! I could probably call this week 1 of flower but I'm going to mark it as veg so they have 10 weeks total in veg. I did a few things in preparation for flower. Aside from their weekly KNF and BioAg Ful-Humix, I also gave them a compost extract and oceanic hydrolysate to increase and feed the microbiology in the soil. And I kept up the IPM, this week but I switched it up to Monterey Horticultural oil, no phytotoxicity. New growth is still looking good, so I redid all of the LST tie downs, probably going to be the last or second to last time I tie them down since whites pistils are beginning to pop up all over the place and I don't want to harm them and I like to leave them in place for two weeks so the branches stay in place. Then I striped a lot of the lower and damaged leaves. Lastly, I did a big top dress so they have everything the need to get them to the end of the cycle. I copied Build a Soil's Craft Blend recipe and made it myself from bulk dry amendments from my local organic gardening store (some of which are Down to Earth products they buy and resell, so I listed them above). Everything was added at 1 TBSP per pot, except some minerals I was missing when I first mixed the soil, so I added extra of those in the top dress. All in all it was about 3 cups of dry amendments plus 10 cups castings/compost. My DIY adjusted Build a Soil Craft Blend recipe: 1/2 cup Azomite Rock Dust 1/2 cup Oyster Shell flour 2 TBSP Ground Barley 1 TBSP of each of the following: kelp, alfalfa, soft rock phosphate, crab meal, soybean meal, gypsum, cottonseed meal, fish bone meal, insect frass, cal-phos, FF Marine Cuisine, and DtE Acid Mix and BioLive. I mixed all that up, spread it across the soil, and then on top of amendments I also layered on the following (in order): 1/4 cup Kashi Blend 4 cups Black Gold worm castings 6 cups compost and rice hulls as mulch layer (3 cups of each mixed together) 1/4 cup neem meal + 2 TBSP karanja meal (for IPM)
Used techniques
Week 11. Vegetation
4 years ago
71.12 cm
13 hrs
36 °C
530 PPM
40 %
20 °C
17 °C
57 L
2 L
Nutrients 8
Brown Rice Vinegar 2.113 mll
KNF Fermented Plant Juice (Bamboo) 2.113 mll
KNF LAB Serum 1.057 mll
Badazz OG Cheese is still in veg but creeping into flower, maybe next week. Betweenn the heat and their growth, I've been having to water a lot but I've aired on the side of less water more frequently. So last week they got the usually KNF soil drench and foliar spray, humic acid, and aloe vera for the heat. In addition, I made a nasty SST lol. Using water from my turtles tank, I stirred ground malted barley with LABS to control any bad bacteria for fours, then added Build a Bloom to that and watered in. I treat the tank with EM-1 on the regular for any bad bacteria or pathogen, the turtle water is high in nitrogen, bacteria, and other shit (literal and not) that will feed the soil. Lastly, I picked up some new Build a Soil products that are recommended by JayPlantspeaker, horticultural coconut powder (enzymes) and quillaja extract (saponins - wetting agent). Looking forward to these. I've slowed down the IPM significantly since all of the new growth is looking good. I made some EM-5 with serrano pepper and it was finally ready last week so I used to as a light IPM follow up. Really excited excited to see these girls get to flower, now we gotta cross the finish line.
Used techniques
Week 12. Flowering
4 years ago
71.12 cm
13 hrs
33 °C
530 PPM
58 %
20 °C
21 °C
57 L
2 L
Nutrients 10
Brown Rice Vinegar 2.113 mll
KNF Fermented Plant Juice (Bamboo) 2.113 mll
KNF LAB Serum 1.057 mll
Badazz OG Cheese is in flower you all! They are stretching so I'm hitting them with plenty liquid nutrients. KNF with Fish Hydrolysate, Ful Humix, Cal Mag, compost extract, and my new Build-a-Soil line up Build-a-Bloom, Horticultural Coconut, and Quillaja Extract. Stretch has them pretty thirsty so giving them water pretty often. Might be a little under watered since I left for two days but they looking good. In term of IPM I switched it up last week to Monterey Horticultural Oil since I wont use it anymore in flower. I hope the pests are under control, if so it'll be cruise control under the end. I found a big ass grasshopper fucking up a whole leaf and the damage looks similar to the one I've seen thus far, this might have been the culprit the whole time. So I stomped on that fool lol, we'll see if that takes care of the problem.
Used techniques
Week 13. Flowering
4 years ago
76.2 cm
13 hrs
31 °C
530 PPM
52 %
20 °C
17 °C
57 L
2 L
Nutrients 10
Brown Rice Vinegar 2.113 mll
KNF Fermented Plant Juice (Bamboo) 2.113 mll
KNF LAB Serum 1.057 mll
Girls are rockin flower! Week 2 of flower, stretch is still going. Everything has been on cruise control for these ladies. KNF with Fish Hydro (switch from all FPJ to 2/3 FPJ+ 1/3 FFJ), Ful-Humix, Build a Soil Trio, and Cal-Mag. This week I also top dressed with Kashi blend to add microbes to help break down the compost and dry amendments on top. Since adding the Build a Soil Q, Coco, and Build a Bloom, they have been preying almost every day. I've continued to LST these two through the stretch. I accidentally snapped the main cola of #2, we're gonna call it a topping, cause two colas are now taking it place. Lastly, I've returned to a preventative IPM regimen, only using EM-5 with Q this week. Hopefully we'll be cruising to the end. ✊
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Used techniques
Week 14. Flowering
4 years ago
76.2 cm
13 hrs
32 °C
530 PPM
61 %
20 °C
18 °C
57 L
2 L
Nutrients 15
Brown Rice Vinegar 2.113 mll
KNF Fermented Plant Juice (Bamboo) 2.113 mll
KNF LAB Serum 1.057 mll
Another good week for these ladies. Both have plenty of white pistils and seems like its in the final days of the stretch. Days are getting shorter, just dropped under 13 hours of sunlight, so I think its looking like a late October harvest for Badazz OG Cheese, a little later than the Peyote Forum but the plants are also a bit bigger. I hit them hard with the microbes and nutrients for the last time this week since it looks like they are finishing the stretch. This week they got some Teraganix EM 1 and a compost extract, as well as a light top dressing of FF Marine Cuisine, DtE Insect Frass and neem seed meal. This was on top of their regular KNF with Fish Hydrolysate (lower to 1/4 dose), Build a Soil Trio (Q, Coco, BaBloom), Cal-Mag, and Humic Acid. I also managed to wake up early enough to do a final foliar feed of the Build a Soil Trio lol. I've been selectively LSTing some branches of these still but for the most part the shape is set and I'll untie them in a week or two. I did a heavy defoliation of damaged and inter leaves (see last picture). For IPM, these continue to have curled fan leaves, not sure if pest or def) but I also noticed some bud rot and chewed up leaves on the Peyote Forum #1 that was a caterpillar which made its way into a small nug. So I cut that out and them hit all of them with Spinosad (don't have BT). Otherwise, I think the pest pressure is pretty low, so I think we'll be good til the end. ✊
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Used techniques
Week 15. Flowering
4 years ago
78.74 cm
12 hrs
35 °C
530 PPM
65 %
20 °C
18 °C
57 L
2 L
Nutrients 10
Brown Rice Vinegar 2.113 mll
KNF LAB Serum 1.057 mll
Oriental Herbal Nutrient 1.057 mll
Seems like these are done stretching and it's time they just getting fat and stinky lol. Pretty simple week: KNF with Fish Hydrolysate (switch over to 100% Fermented Fruit Juice made of Mango and bananas), Humic Acid, Build a Soil Bloom, Q, and coco, and cal mag. I also gave them I small amount of Agsil 16 for a small boost of potassium and silica. Not much in terms of IPM since they are in flower I've back off unless I see a problem. Everything is looking good though and I think we're all set to cross the finish line.
1 like
Week 16. Flowering
3 years ago
81.28 cm
12 hrs
33 °C
530 PPM
52 %
20 °C
17 °C
57 L
3 L
Nutrients 10
Brown Rice Vinegar 2.113 mll
KNF LAB Serum 1.057 mll
Oriental Herbal Nutrient 1.057 mll
Badazz OG Cheese is on cruise control now. Girls are huge and fattening up pretty quick. I topped each pot off with 1/4 cup of Kashi Blend from GrowingOrganic for microbes. Other than that feeding schedule is the same. KNF with Fish Hydro, Humic Acid, Cal-Mag, and Build a Soil trio. I've been having to water a lot more between feedings now too. Lastly, I let go the LST ties on the lowest branches and did a big defoliation. ✊
Used techniques
Week 18. Flowering
3 years ago
81.28 cm
12 hrs
30 °C
530 PPM
60 %
20 °C
14 °C
57 L
3 L
Nutrients 11
Brown Rice Vinegar 2.113 mll
KNF LAB Serum 1.057 mll
Oriental Herbal Nutrient 1.057 mll
Skipped a week for vacation. OG Cheeses were doing great,. We had a flash thunderstorm that hit while I was out of town with hit my other plants pretty hard but these are fine. Good thing plants got full sun the next day and dried off, so mold risk is minimal. To help dry them off I removed many of the fans leaves in the middle, chopped and dropped them on top of the soil mixed with some kashi blend to break it all down and add biology back to the soil after the heavy rain. I've been dialing down the nutrients a lot. Next week PF #1 is going to only water and PF #2 will soon after, although I'll keep adding thing to keep the biology happy. These last weeks they got the usual KNF with Fish Hydro, humic acid, cal-mag, and build a soil trio, though in weaker concentration each week. OG Cheeses are maturing nicely and the genetic proved resilient compared to the Peyote Forum. Also, there is a mantis hanging out in OG Cheese #1! ✊
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Used techniques


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Cannabeast40commentedweek 04 years ago
Happy growing & Good luck on this grow also 😀🙏
homerjgangiacommentedweek 04 years ago
Good luck with your grow mate!💪💪
Ferenccommentedweek 94 years ago
Nice plants @Rasjavi420
Rasjavi420commented4 years ago
@Ferenc, thank you!
Ferenccommented4 years ago
@Rasjavi420, Yeah they are good
Rasjavi420commented4 years ago
@Ferenc, thank you! They could be doing better but also worse lol.
Lacrimacommentedweek 04 years ago
Happy Growing ! 😊💪
Trumptight420commentedweek 04 years ago
Good Luck with her Happy Growing👊
Rock_n_Roll_Randycommentedweek 04 years ago
Good luck with your grow bro 🙏🤜🤛have fun
DreamITcommentedweek 04 years ago
Enjoy growth mate 🍀👊🦄
DoDrugs420commentedweek 84 years ago
Holy, that's some serious Badazz OG Cheese!
Rasjavi420commented4 years ago
@DoDrugs420, Thank you! She really is badazz xD
Greenwolvesfarmercommentedweek 44 years ago
Wooow . Que linda se ve ! Buena suerte y éxito en su trabajo ! Felicidades
Rasjavi420commented4 years ago
@Greenwolvesfarmer, gracias amigo!
MOSS_FIGUREcommentedweek 134 years ago
Happy growing! ,From Thailand
JERJERAcommentedweek 34 years ago
Желаю вам удачи и счастливого роста 😊 🙏
Grow3rPTcommentedweek 24 years ago
Que maravilha espero um bom desenvolvimento 🌱👍 Passa pelo meu diário e deixa a sua opinião
Wougaecommentedweek 04 years ago
Good luck my friend with ur new flatemate 💪💪💪💪👍👍🦄
Cyrusdaviruscommentedweek 183 years ago
Looking good 👍 just dropped a badazz myself so I wanted to look around at others to see how they grow... Cyrus
Themythicalchristinecommentedweek 144 years ago
Gorgeous plants 🌱 They look happy and healthy; may they grow heavy in the coming weeks! Good luck with the rest of bloom 🔮
Greenwolvesfarmercommentedweek 84 years ago
Buenaaa ! Le deseo lo mejor ! La mejor de las suerte y éxito rotundo ! A full ...te invito a mi perfil ;) muchas bendiciones
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