July 31: Another hot week here in Alberta. Smoke from regional forest fires in the area. High temps but haze doesn't allow full sun.
So far in this grow no nutrients have been added whatsoever. Aside from watering a couple of times from well water, these ladies have received only rain water. No special treatment.
Lots of resin and very sticky almost oily, smelling of sweet skunk/earthy.
Only downside is dirt and sand. It appears lower buds are quite dirty. Has anyone washed their buds off? May need to do this.
Some leaves are starting to fade which means harvest isn't far off. Maybe another 2 to 3 weeks to go.
@Northern_Ent, dry weight taken when packaged humidity stabilized at around 60%. Pretty happy given the challenging weather this year but think could push 10oz+ per plant under ideal conditions. The wet to dry weight ratio is interesting... seems some varieties hold a lot more moisture than others. I've counted all trimmed bud weight but some of the lower flowers are extremely dirty and probably can't be used.