This week went great!! Put these ladies in my tent and just started 12/12 lighting on June 25th. I hope they do alright because I ended up using Canadian sphagnum peat moss and amended it with Gaia 4-4-4 all purpose. I read peat moss has a low ph around 3-4.5 or so. So I mixed some backing soda in water and watered them with that. Then added a little wood ash on top. They seem to be doing good and growing so I’ll have to wait and see. Happy growing 💚✌️🏼
Wow! I really enjoyed visiting ur journals! Great work, I hope you’ll get a healthy grow with the best results and some delicious buds at the end. Keep on doing ur thing.
I will drop by some times to see your progress on ur grows! Happy growing and feel free to drop by anytime to say hello! Have a good day 😁🥦