Ooowee what a week - since the god-light is on and strong I’ve popped them in the garden during the day and indoors at night, they’ve taken to it stunningly well.
Just the usual in terms of training, make as many tops as possible without topping or fiming - the only things I’ve taken off are leaves, and that isn’t many😂
Stay safe
You’re diaries are great and plants are beautiful!
I’ve just started a Cream Caramel Auto myself. I’m a novice, never done LST, but your diaries have me wanting to try it. You’ve helped me understand the basic technique pretty well, but do you have any beginner tips or important details that I should know?
And don’t feel obligated to reply, I’m sure you’re very busy! I appreciate the time you spend on these fantastic diaries and I’m learning a lot from them!
Thank you very much @Grackle, I’d say trust your plants and yourself but above all have fun and enjoy your time with them. Ask any questions you feel you need to as we’re all here to help my friend 👊🔥💚