end of week 2 is here.
This week i had some issues with my grow tent temp/RH when the temps reached 90F outside. No central air only wall a/c so the temps got hot in here and tent temps peaked 92F while humidity was bouncing between 42%-78%. After purchasing a window a/c to help tent and surrounding area i achieved a stable 73-75F/50-55% RH with humidifier 43-45% RH without humidifier.. I took my 4" duct tube i still had left, ziptied one end to the vent and ran the duct into the tent and down the back pole so air reached the bottom. (i have no duct vent on bottom only mesh screens.) I hope this works for when i get the heat wave july 1st.
other than that they did pretty well in the fluctuations and made decent growth in this week. Wedding glue needed to be tied down at the base as she was falling over, her stem should thiccen up this week. This week banana blaze was cracked out and closed the 2" gap between the 2 to just .5 inches so i'm curious who will be taller; when lst comes i will try to keep the same gap distance they have or make them even for a fresh start.