First week of the flowering phase and things are already looking promising. Pistils appearing already as you can see in the photos, and all 5 plants stretching out nicely.
I’ve now defoliated all of the fan leaves that were on the main stem, they were huge and had done their job of providing energy to the side branches and were now probably just taking up too much water and nutrients and were too low to absorb much light.
So now all growth is concentrated on the side branches, all of which are nice and uniform and giving several tops on each plant.
I’ve moved the light to 18inches/45cm away from the tops for the flowering phase. Temperatures have been a lot more ideal this week.
Applied the BioBloom powder as a top dressing, using the lower dose of 3g per litre of substrate, so 36g top dressed onto each pot.
Love how easy these nutrients are to use. Very simple to weigh and top dress rather than mixing up liquid nutes into water every time. Much less effort and much less time consuming.
And the plants look the some of healthiest I’ve ever grown. No sign of any deficiencies so far!
Que maravilha ✌️
Boa sorte no cultivo e aproveita o desenvolvimento 👍
E no final que tenhas uma grande colheita 🌱🌱
Se quiseres passa pelo meu diário e deixa o teu apoio
I just grabbed a pack of White Widow and Jack Haier from GHS, I'm super excited to get my current grow finished and get them started! Good luck on the cultivation, ill be following along for sure! 👍👍