The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

Chocobo Flower

3 years ago
Room Type
weeks 21-22
12-12 From Seed
weeks 5-8, 11-18, 21-22
Grow medium
Coco Coir
Grow medium
80 L
Pot Size
6 L
4 years ago
The more I grow FF7, the more that I like her. Fastbuds had not said what she is. But she is potent, productive, and easy to grow. The mother plant was a clone that I continued. She is in second week of flower. And she is more than two meters tall. 10 days ago, I cut 8 branches. And I want to keep two clones for the end of the year. So far, all 8 branches rooted. Okay, so I have extra clones to choose from. At week 14, FF7 was 180 CM tall and put in spot for flowering. So this is diary of the plant that keep popping up as background in my other diary.
Used method
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
4 years ago
15 cm
18 hrs
28 °C
60 %
26 °C
2 L
0 L
Mother plant is 210 cm tall. Her roots fill up 100-liter container space. And flowers is around week 3 of development. Fed mother plant with mixture of phosphate guano and salt peter guano. Mother plant showed some sign of phosphorous overdose. Lower leaves turn light green and have some mid leaves burn. However, from Thursday to Sunday, there were rains every day. I got automatic flushing and can restart with different feed next week. Think I’ll just give her salt peter guano and wood vinegar to lower pH a bit. Perhaps I’ll give her zinc as well. After one week, clones quickly grew. Four clones from bigger branch developed well. Mycorrhiza did its job. Root filled up the little pot after only four days. And there is fine hair along the root. This happens when mycorrhiza can properly infect root during cloning. So, I transferred four clones to half a gallon pot a little early. Again, I only plan to keep two for this dry season. The rest of the clones were smaller. And roots did not develop that well. I have no room for mediocre plants. And I threw these weaker clones out.
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Week 2. Vegetation
4 years ago
15 cm
18 hrs
28 °C
60 %
26 °C
2 L
0 L
Mother plant is 210 cm tall. Her roots fill up 100-liter container space. And flowers is around week 3 of development. Fed mother plant with mixture of phosphate guano and salt peter guano. Mother plant showed some sign of phosphorous overdose. Lower leaves turn light green and have some mid leaves burn. However, from Thursday to Sunday, there were rains every day. I got automatic flushing and can restart with different feed next week. Think I’ll just give her salt peter guano and wood vinegar to lower pH a bit. After one week, clones quickly grew. I have three clones that developed well. Mycorrhiza did its job. Root filled up the little pot after only four days. And there is fine hair along the root. I have transplanted these to seven-liters pots. This happens when mycorrhiza can properly infect root during cloning. A three other clones are okay. One came from a bigger branch and was top big for grow case. Another was overdosed with iron. And sure enough, she turned red. Okay, it is possible to have red leaves in hot climate with FFT7. I only plan to keep two plants going for this dry season. In this crazy pandemic, I stay sane only with the help of cannabis.
Week 3. Vegetation
4 years ago
30 cm
13 hrs
28 °C
60 %
26 °C
7 L
1 L
The girls are doing well in 7-liters pots. Spraying brassinolide before taking cutting made big impact. I took six cuttings. And I have one five big clones. The smallest clone is even big by my standard. No feeding yet as soil is still good with fresh earth worm casting. I did spray the clone one more time with triacontanol and zinc sulfate. Note on triacontanol, it does not keep well. And there are some clump at the bottom of the bottle after two months storage. To make it useable, I should boil this mix again. That is a bit of a pain. I am getting better at cloning. And my back up clones are doing too well. So, I have too many clones going in this raining season. I need to dump some of these off to manage my space to prepare for the dry season.
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Week 4. Vegetation
4 years ago
45 cm
13 hrs
33 °C
60 %
26 °C
7 L
1 L
The girls continues to grow in 7-liters pots. No feeding. No spraying. FF7 are just growing in the rain. There are four clones left. I gave smallers clones away. And plan to give away two more clones. Mother plant flowers does not do so well. Some branches rot with mold. And I am harvesting them. During raining season, I can only get low grade flower outdoor. They are potent enough but flowers won’t look too good. So, they likely to become edible
Week 5. Vegetation
4 years ago
60 cm
13 hrs
33 °C
80 %
26 °C
7 L
1 L
Mother plant came down. I chopped her early due to rain and mold Last couple of weeks, I did not spray the mother plant with anti-bugs microbe. And mites were alive and happy. They shed empty shell and breed. The mother plant was over 2 meter tall. And mites parachute to other plants. The clone were sprayed with anti-insect microbes once last week. There were mites. However, these mite were not moving and there were no white empty shell. For the girls, I gave most of my extra plants away. And there are three left. And they have out grown their 7-liters pots. Next week, I am transplanting two plants to 25 liters basket and start to train them. Fed them a bit of guano this week. Next week, I plant to spraying metharhizium and beavaria for three rounds. These are the anti-insect microbes. I’ll mix in some exalt spinetoram to boost the effect.
Used techniques
12-12 From Seed
Week 6. Vegetation
4 years ago
70 cm
13 hrs
34 °C
80 %
26 °C
25 L
1 L
Weather cooled down a bit with pouring rain. Mite seemed to be under control for the moment. There is no sign of them. I like microbes. Once they start to infect mite, rain can’t wash microbes away. Trying to train FFT7 by spreading them out. Leave tips are burnt. I added too much sugar refinery sludge to the soil mix and the fertilizer was too strong. Well, no more feeding for a couple of weeks then. There are only two clones left. I gave the rest away.
Used techniques
12-12 From Seed
Week 7. Vegetation
4 years ago
75 cm
13 hrs
34 °C
80 %
26 °C
25 L
1 L
Trim off sucker branches and lower leaves. Fed with only guano.molasses. With mite infestation, I sprayed her twice this week. Once with anti-bugs mircrobes with four x concentration. And three days later with rose marry oil. Next week, I plan to spray her with anti-bugs microbe again then follow with neem oil.
Used techniques
12-12 From Seed
Week 8. Vegetation
4 years ago
80 cm
13 hrs
34 °C
80 %
26 °C
25 L
1 L
There were only a couple of days without rain. Thanks you @Gyo_weed for pointing out N deficiency. I fed the girls with double dose of cow manure. Seemed also lacking in iron. pH is probably too high as coconut husk are still fresh. Cow manure should lower pH. Regardless, I sprayed one dose of iron sulfate. I gotta keep the girls in veg until after fall equinox so flowers would bloom in my dry season. Until then, I am trying to keep them healthy but not too big. I am concern about mite that would come with wet raining weeks. It is useless to spray microbes when sheet of rain would wash it away in few miniutes.
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Used techniques
12-12 From Seed
Week 11. Vegetation
3 years ago
110 cm
12 hrs
32 °C
80 %
24 °C
80 L
3 L
Extending vegging period. Installed additional solar powered light to increase coverage angle. Root were having problem as bottom of the basket turn muddy. And I re-planted both FFT 7’s to final larger clay pots. One was moved from 25-liters basket to 80 liters clay pot. Another went to 60-liters clay pot. Large pots are more useful if there are a few weeks for root to expand and take up the space. Each of both plants had one dominant stalk. And the tallest stalk is 120 cm tall. Since I am going to veg these for a few more weeks, I cut off the tallest stalks to level the height. FFT-7 can get as tall as two meters in large pots. So, I want a wider bush rather than tall twin columns form. Mites are coming back but still under control. Beetles and wasps are visiting. And I am holding off on anti-insect spray in favor of these natural predators. At night, the vegging lights attract insects. In turn, the insects attract lizards and toads. It is a micro jungle. Soil is a bit off balance. And I sprayed calcium boron micro-nutrients to promote green leaves. For calcium and magnesium deficiency, spraying calcium and magnesium on leaves separately works best for me. Feeding cal mag doesn’t get good result in flowering stage. And spraying calcium mix in with magnesium doesn’t work as well as separately a few days apart.
Used techniques
12-12 From Seed
Week 12. Vegetation
3 years ago
120 cm
12 hrs
32 °C
90 %
24 °C
80 L
5 L
Thank you to Sativa Man and Shoey for the inspiration to write. This week is again rainstorm week. The humidity is 90% between bouts of rain. And I have baby frogs hanging on my fence wall. Since my soil is full of Nitrogen, I don’t want to feed my cannabis plant. Root might rot. As it is, I have difficulty keeping root alive. I struggle to keep root healthy by making sure that the pots are well drain. I raising the pots from the ground. Also I try to cleaning mud from the bottom holes as much as I can. My mongrel puppies were also bored during rain. They have pent up energy and are destructive between rain. They chew on everything. And I dug up clay pots for my young clones. The clay pots have some weight and are less attractive toys to dogs. My wife calls them by cute names. To me, these mongrels are Havoc and Mayhem incarnated. Other tropical flowers and fruits are coming along during the wet season. Gutifera plants got tall and I need to unfold my ladder to pick the flower. We also have an Indian fruit call Karanda (Carissa caranda). Supposed to be medicinal. And my wife blend it with honey in ice to make a drink. I think a couple shots of vodka would improve these drinks. Anyway, if cannabis roots are damaged in this very wet season, I may need to extend vegging period further to get root healthy before letting the weed plant flower. Regardless, my stash will still last me a while. Plus, I still have some frozen green flower in my freezer. These need to be thaw out and either properly cure or decarb. Cheers,
Used techniques
12-12 From Seed
Week 13. Vegetation
3 years ago
130 cm
12 hrs
32 °C
90 %
24 °C
80 L
5 L
After two weeks in large pot, and after two weeks straight of daily dour pouring rain, there are yellowing leaves. When it is so wet, soggy soil drown out root. And once there was a break from the rain, root recover and grow into larger space. Then roots suck in stored nutrient from leaves and branches. Lower and middle leaves yellowed fast and drop. Stem also shrunken. Oh well, I shall extend the vegging period for one more week then. The is so plants would recover a bit before go into flowering mode. And I’ll start flowering in the middle of October. For remedial action, I sprayed diluted mix of cow manure and bat guano. Ratio was five spoons of cow manure to half spoon of guano in 6 liters bottle. Plants are starving and extra phosphorous is needed for root. Iron sulfate was also added. Iron defieciency is common during flooding season. There are signs of mite again. Spraying microbes is ineffective in the rain. However, it is all that I can do. And I am waiting for mother nature to show me some favor and send in her predatory insect to devour mite. Cheers to you all.
Used techniques
12-12 From Seed
Week 14. Vegetation
3 years ago
140 cm
12 hrs
32 °C
90 %
24 °C
80 L
5 L
There are two FFT7 plants. One in a large 100-liters pot in sunny sport. Another plant is in 40-liters pot with part-sun spot. This is the space that I have allocated the FFT7 grow. The plant in larger pot with more sun is doing much better. This plant is my main source of hybrid Indica/Sativa buds. The smaller plant is just for extra amount. Overall, keeping plant in long vegetation with low light hour outdoor won’t get optimum result. Plant only grows big up to a certain point. Low light hours induced flowering buds that are converted back to leaf buds by weak night light. Then, there would be too many small tops and flimsy branches due to low light hours. Moreover, longer growing time exposes plant to myriad hazards. Still, it is better than letting weeds flower ripe in 90% humidity and 80 cm of rain in October. And I can still maintain mother plants for cloning outdoor without electricity cost. Leaf chlorosis is under control. Spraying fertilizers on leaves seemed to work. On the other hand, I avoid additional drenching from feeding through root. I am letting the soil raining bouts. As it is, covering up the soil before rain proved only practical only on day time during the weekend. I work day time during the week. And I sleep well at night. In any case, we should have only a few more storm systems until the raining season let up by November. Mite is a issue during raining season. Microbes are losing effectiveness as they are washed away by daily rain. Additionally, I get sap sucking beetles hanging on plants. Where have the predatory bugs all gone? Setting up the plants for flowering. I have trimmed off small branchlets. This should be the last high stress shaping for this grow. Although I make infusion, I still never like larf buds. I can put up with less yield but I rather have decent looking buds. Trimming also help with mold and pest control. Since, I don’t want more small bud sites, I am promoting root and vertical growth with auxin. This week, I spray FFT7 with Root Start (auxin) mixed with manure tea. I’ll go back to more natural root feeding once it is dryer. . So, I am letting the plant veg for yet one more week to recover from aggressive trimming and heavy rain. I think the girls need a bit of time before going into flowering. FFT 7 flowering time is nearly eight weeks. I want them to be ready for my New Year. Stuck the trimmed off branch trims into small pots. If they survive, they will make good Christmas presents. I lost a couple batches of clone this month. Mold got on top part of the plant. I mixed Trichoderma in soil and the stem and roots was okay. So for this round of clone attempt, I paid more attention. I nuked the soil mix in microwave. And I also wash the cuttings with bleach solution for three minutes. (Yes, I really timed it) Then I washed the bleach off with tap water. After three days, the cuttings are still intact. So, lets see if this sanitization would improve cloning yield rate. For those that actually read this, thank you for sharing the journey. Your comments and suggestion are most welcome.
Used techniques
12-12 From Seed
Week 15. Vegetation
3 years ago
150 cm
12 hrs
32 °C
90 %
24 °C
80 L
5 L
There should be only a few weeks left for our monsoon season. And I am finally letting these clones go into flower. I got over aggressive this week and double the manure tea concentration and added compost tea. I also chopped down a big branch from a tree above my cannabis patch to let in more light. Also, the sky also cleared up. The result of strong feeding and strong light is leave burn. Leaves won’t be pretty for the rest of the grow. There were a few dry days this week and I sprayed beauvaria to control mite twice. At the end of the week, I added plant growth promoters in the spray. These promoters are wasabi hormone and alfalfa wax. Last time that I tried these, they worked wonder. Ready or not, I am tuning off the night light and letting the girls flower. About the clones: Sanitizing branch cutting and soil before use worked wonder. All branches survived. I did leave the lid open for a day and night on the third day after cut. It was too soon and some plants leaves wilt died. The idea of giving clones away for Christmas proved to be unpractical. I want to repair my guitar and talked to my favorite luthier. The conversation leads to me taking clones to him right away and he’ll finish rooting them himself :D
Used techniques
12-12 From Seed
Week 16. Vegetation
3 years ago
150 cm
12 hrs
32 °C
70 %
24 °C
80 L
5 L
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Used techniques
12-12 From Seed
Week 17. Flowering
3 years ago
12 hrs
32 °C
70 %
24 °C
80 L
5 L
Flowering finally started. Harvesting will be around New Year day. Yeah. Things turned quickly from pre-flower conundrum into pistil explosion within a day. At the beginning of the week, I was still giving transitioning nute. Then I sprayed BAP hormone and gave phosphorous guano by soil feeding. The next day, pistils comes out. Thanks to @GYOweed for this piece of advice. I get by with a little help from my friends. Sprayed antibug microbes; beavaria and metharizium. Cheers,
1 comment
Used techniques
12-12 From Seed
Week 18. Flowering
3 years ago
160 cm
12 hrs
32 °C
70 %
24 °C
80 L
5 L
Flowering in progress. Top the soil with about a gallon of earth worm casing. This is 1-1-1 organic NPK and it should last about a month before watering washes it all away. So, it should take care of plant nitrogen need ntil the end of the growth. I have started light guano feeding. Concentration of two table spoons for every 6 liters of water. 6 cc of molasses was also added to the same container. And I fed FFT 7 about 3 liters of this tea. Sugar leaves are developing trichome. Mites and bugs won’t eat through that. No more antibug microbe spray. No more micro-nutrients spray. I am busy with work. I don’t expect things to change in coming few weeks. Next step will be heavy stacking and anti-mold regiment. I’ll update this diary when I am doing more things other than feeding guano and molasses.
1 comment
Used techniques
12-12 From Seed
Week 21. Flowering
3 years ago
175 cm
11 hrs
32 °C
60 %
22 °C
80 L
6 L
5th week in flowering. There should be only 7 weeks in total flowering. Flower is nice and sticky with trichome dew. This is the final flowering phase. Trimmed of big fan leaves. Remove any visibly rotting buds. I defoliate a bit late if at all. Cram in phosphate and potassium. Feed soil microbe. These translate to bat guano, salt petre, and molasses. Plant 1 is nice. Main reason is that she is getting more sunlight. Plant 2 is in part shade near a big tree. They are clone from the same plants but plant 2 won’t produce less with low quality buds. Plant 1 harvest will be in my show-off jars. And plant two will join my infused oil collection. How plants are grown impact quality and yield. There are more to growing than feeding various fertilizers and additives. Next week, will be my final feeding week. The sky and forecast is clear. However, if there is any sign of rain, I’ll chop FFT7.
Used techniques
12-12 From Seed
Week 22. Flowering
3 years ago
175 cm
11 hrs
32 °C
60 %
19 °C
80 L
6 L
Weather is as cool as Bangkok will get. 19 C in the morning and 30 C midday. Good ganja weather. FFT7 is smelling just nice. And she is good for chopping. Fermenting whole milk with live microbes/pro-biotic yogurt. Plant 1 is as good as she will get. There are spider mite webs on top colas. These buggers suck off all juice. One side effect is that weed is tastier and smell better when they are attacked at late stage. Part of plant defense response I guess. And I shall need to wash and clean the buds well before I dry them. Read @Top_Banana diaries. He used different brand of yogurt than I do. And I looked up the sort of LAB in that yogurt. Then I also changed to new yogurt. This is what I can get from a convenient street corner store. It has two microbes instead of one. I shall feed the yogurt on Sunday evening and plan to harvest on Wednesday of next week. Plant 2 is prematurely chopped. A very good friend visited. And I chopped the plant for her. Won’t be as good as plant 1 since plant 2 did not go through full pre-harvest routine.
Used techniques
12-12 From Seed
Week 23. Harvest
3 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
The grow took longer than necessary. I dragged her vegetation until the late month of raining season. Just so that she finishes in early part of Thailand dry season. The dry weight from this one was 160 grams of mid-size nuggets. The harvest is nothing spectacular but taste and effects are good. And I am well supplied for the entire year of 2022 with just this one harvest. Hybrid effect – I would say about 60 Indica to 40 Sativa. Good high follows by relaxing stone. Smooth without too much spice and is generally sweet. The smell is mainly lemonty, pine, sweet, and a bit of licorice. I think organic soil mix and LAB has a lot to do with taste and smell improvement.
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Spent 128 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
160 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Positive effects
Euphoric, Relaxed, Uplifted
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry mouth
Negative effects
Medical effects
Insomnia, Stress
Medical effects
Pungent, Sour, Sweet

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
I like growing with natural energy and outdoor works for me. I am in the tropic and daylight is pretty constant around 12 hours throughout the year. Photoperiod works best for me. And it is too bad that FastBuds would focus only on auto. Unless thing change, I won’t have any more FFT7 seeds to grow. For the record, FFT7 takes high fertilizer. Down side is that she is prone to spider mite. Takes over watering well. There was no issue with heat stress, sideway rain, insect swarm, hermaphrodite. FFT7 was a good and sturdy plant. Pre-flowering was difficult to notice. Her pistil is short but she bulk up then finishes fantastically fast. FFT7 best quality is the high/stone effect as well as smooth sweet lemony taste. There are faster plants with better looking nuggets out there. This is an all rounder that does everything very well but has no single quality that stands out.


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Ferenccommentedweek 163 years ago
Happy Testing
homerjgangiacommentedweek 04 years ago
Good luck with your grow mate!💪💪
sativamancommentedweek 123 years ago
This garden is beautiful! Thanks for the update and story you made me laugh with your clones and dogs! Nice shinny healthy fur coat! Gotta remember where they come from... I also had Paradise birds this summer but they were nothing compare to yours! Flowers are bursting from everywhere and the leaves looks thick and huge!! Your dogs don't eat the frogs? I have a cat it's the 3rd wild rabbit (to my knowledge) he caught and he eats them!!! Rabbits are almost of his size!
Med_in_Tropiccommented3 years ago
@sativaman, you my have a mountain lion in disguise 😀😀😀😀😀 I guest that my dogs had bad experiences with toads. And they can’t distinguish between frogs and toads. They are poor hunters. I do have birds and squirrels in my yard that these guys never caught.
Cannabeast40commentedweek 04 years ago
Wish you best of luck and happy growing 😀🙌
GYOweedcommentedweek 04 years ago
Look who is using coco
Med_in_Tropiccommented4 years ago
@sailormoonflowers, yeah. For my dry season, I use 10% peatmoss. I buy from local shop as 50 liters sack. And it goes a very long way. I also prefer acid peat moss not the type with pH adjusted. It depends on your soil formula and growing method.
sailormoonflowerscommented4 years ago
Peat moss is a big help for me with water retention just below surface, the imported stuff Dutch/Belgian is expensive though..👍
Med_in_Tropiccommented4 years ago
@GYOweed, actually is chopped coconut husk. Untreated and likely contaminated with beetle egg. I use 1/3 soil. 1/3!earth worm casting. And 1/3 coconut husk. Also added microbes in soil - Metarjizium and Beauvaria ti take care of centipedes and bugs. And a dash of granular humic acid. That is my soil for rainy season. For dry season, i add a bit if peat moss.
Shooeycommentedweek 123 years ago
How nice it all looks in the wet season med. Nice vibrant colours. Your bird of paradise seems to have a bit of a different flower to our ones. Much more vibrant. Our ones don't last long, and have like a beak shaped flower. You inspired me to add a few garden pics to my next report. Beautiful dogs mate. I love dogs
Lacrimacommentedweek 04 years ago
Happy Growing ! 😊💪
SegaYGriegacommentedweek 54 years ago
You should read the grower bible, bro😉🤝
sailormoonflowerscommented3 years ago
@HighRoller909, 😂 you are a wordsmith... and bang on the button... 👊
Med_in_Tropiccommented4 years ago
😀😀😀😀😀😀 Thanks @HighRoller909, am looking into mite management. They are starting to build immunity. I am going to hit the kitchen blender with lots of garlic. Hope my wife doesn't make me cook 😀😀😀😀😀
SegaYGriegacommented4 years ago
@HighRoller909,this is Cool broo😉🤜🤛
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sativamancommentedweek 133 years ago
Have you ever tried to cover the soil when raining? I once did a coco plant outdoor and to keep the rain away I've put a saucer on top of the container. To do that I've just cut a line from a side of a soft plastic saucer to a hole in the center to allow space for the trunk.
Med_in_Tropiccommented3 years ago
@sativaman, i hear you. I was thinking of an umbrella/tentlike arrangement. The idea is to reduce water into the large clay pots. Drainage is still good. I just want to cut off maybe 90% of water. And only during heavy rain. Most of the time the pot would remain as it is. Any reduction would be an improvement. It rains much heavier here this year. I suspect that we will get about 2 meters of warm rain from Aug to Oct. There will be 3 meters of total rain for the entire year. And cannabis can’t breath during such bouts anyway. And there are strains with goo “irrigation tolerance”. I am growing in low land Bangkok and need these strains. Traditionally, ganja is grown in hill dry hill area of the country. I am supposed to grow only on dry season. 😀😀😀😀😀 Anyway, we do try. Talking about the topic got me thinking on how to fix things. And I appreciate this very much.. Thanks again.
sativamancommented3 years ago
@Med_in_Tropic, I only grow in fabric container and saucer-cover was put on top of soil only when it was raining. I know you have the knowledge and experience but just as a kind reminder, we both know the importance of oxygen: a plastic bag around the pot all the time will suffocate the roots and cause rot. I would feel very bad if my advice is misinterpreted!!
Med_in_Tropiccommented3 years ago
Thanks @sativaman,great tip. Appreciate it. I think i ned to put a thik trash bag over the big clay containers. These are from 60 to 100 liters.. Another thing is that plants in 25 liter baskets are actually okay. The baskets and fern pots with side holes drain d breath well enough. Key is to not ket water collect. And i was focussing in drainage. Totally forgat that I don’t have to let water in. Thanks again. 🙏🙏🙏.
sativamancommentedweek 113 years ago
You have some huge plants to flower in this garden! What a journey to come!!
Med_in_Tropiccommented3 years ago
😀😀😀😅 actually @sativaman, they are too big 😀😀 Will be smelly even outdoor.
Shooeycommentedweek 183 years ago
Nice and tall plants Med! Always looking good in the garden mate
Betageminicommentedweek 123 years ago
Beautiful photos of flora and fauna. Hibiscus God damn Wau!🌺
Shooeycommentedweek 83 years ago
Beautiful lush green coming through. These look healthy and magic med 👍
Themythicalchristinecommentedweek 34 years ago
Nice plants 🌱 Good luck
spydercommentedweek 04 years ago
good luck with the grow....enjoy.
Grey_Wolfcommentedweek 233 years ago
Great job mate gee I wish @fastbuds would tell us what each of the FFT strains really are I have had the whole set sitting here in my seed collection for a long time just waiting until they drop the strain names ...................................
Med_in_Tropiccommented3 years ago
@Grey_Wolf, best things about FFT’s is that they ate from Fastbuds brand. You’ll get a lot of conversations started about Fastbuds photoperiod.
Med_in_Tropiccommented3 years ago
Hi @Grey_Wolf, FFT 10 is crazy strong. She was difficult for me to handle. You should do her easily. FFT7 is nice. These FFT’s are not exactly consistent. There are big variations between phenotypes.
Grey_Wolfcommented3 years ago
@Med_in_Tropic, I am very much over the Bruce banner after growing a few pretty average versions of it but a nice NL would be nice I might do a mass planting of some of them into a 2x1 m garden bed .. Maybe 8 plants?? which ones would you recommend from the FFT range mate ?
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sativamancommentedweek 233 years ago
great review!! even the dodgy colas looks dense and frosty.. gotta Love growing!!
Med_in_Tropiccommented3 years ago
Hi @sativaman, i got a heated press. And i tried a few batches with it. I found handling the goo to be difficult. And my yield was way low. Git a couple of grams out of an ounce of bids. Played with moisture and all and i still don’t like it. At the end of the day, my people don’t really smoke. They prefer oil. So i need to dilute my oil and make it easy for my friends to dose. It is like a table spoon before bed. This is their counting unit. Early in, o was stupid enough that tell a friend to dose with half g a day. She Knocked herself out and stayed in bed for two days straight. Another guy was told to take 1 cc. And he took a table spoon. Also stayed in bed for a few days. I realized that i am such a nerd and i need to adjust my counting units. And dilute infused oil works best for my crowd. I don’t like canna vodka either. Big headache afterwards.
sativamancommented3 years ago
@Med_in_Tropic, Have you ever done some tincture??
Med_in_Tropiccommented3 years ago
Actualiy @sativaman, dodgy cola’s were my best. Problem is that color looks off too ght before drying. And i was apprehensive of mold. So i won’t cure these. The will go straight to decarb and o”then infuse with oil.
Shooeycommentedweek 143 years ago
Microwave soil! Bleached clones!! Mate you are taking it to another level 👍
Med_in_Tropiccommented3 years ago
@Shooey, sanitising things is the basic that I ignored. Five days in, all trimmed branches seemed to be surviving even the tiny little twigs. So, this would be a more reliable way to produce clone with less waste. Honestly, I don't have the space to grow them all.
Shooeycommented3 years ago
@Med_in_Tropic, I'm impressed
Med_in_Tropiccommented3 years ago
😀😀😀😀 @Shooey, its only about sterilizing things. Mushroom farmers steam everything. Most of the time you would not need to disinfect. Weeds have their natural immunity. And i was too lazy until i realized that i don’t have a batch of plants ready now for April harvest. And thisis my backup batch My new hatch of seeds just arrived from Delicious Seeds. Hope they would work.
Shooeycommentedweek 113 years ago
They are gonna be big ones mate! I didn't know fast buds did photos. Have you got those big monitor lizards in the yard again?? 🦎
Med_in_Tropiccommented3 years ago
Hi @Shooey, sure will post pic. Will let you know. It is a stimulant/pain killer/muscle relaxant. Not much high. The seeds are like pistils. One flower has over a hundred tiny seeds. However, they grow very slowly in the beginning. Takes about two months before trasplanting into a small pot. But they grow into large trees.
Shooeycommented3 years ago
@Med_in_Tropic, I hadn’t heard of kratom before! I just looked it up. Pretty amazing plant and very controversial,,, I would be interested to see some pics now and then and see how it goes mate👍
Med_in_Tropiccommented3 years ago
Hi @Shooey, it was a field trial for Fastbuds. I don’t believe that they will market this. Really is too bad. The big lizard remember me well. He runs and dives in the water when i ever am near. 😀😀😀😀😀 Before he was used to people giving gim the distance. 😐😀😀😀😀 It is really wet this season. And Thailand finally legalized kratom. So, i an rediscovering kratom growing. Wet marsh land climate is goid for kratom.
Ga4rd2en0ercommentedweek 04 years ago
I really enjoyed my #7, you're in for a nice treat!
Fast_Budscommented4 years ago
@Med_in_Tropic, 😂 We shall see! No immediate plans for now.
Ga4rd2en0ercommented4 years ago
@Med_in_Tropic, only thing I can think of is stability. Lots of different pheno expressions happening.
Med_in_Tropiccommented4 years ago
@Ga4rd2en0er, yeah, what is taking @Fast_Buds so long to launch these photo-period strains? My growing style doesn't work wtih auto's.
the end.
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