2021 - 07 - 17
Wedding glue auto 1:
- this is insane she grew so much in 7 days. just wow shes at
-12 Days since sprout
Wedding Glue auto 2:
- growing great looks healthy but slight heat stress, weather isnt so good as of late,
- 7 Days since sprout
2021 - 07 - 20
Wedding glue auto 1:
- i see growth changes every few hours, its amazing how fast she's going
-15 Days since sprout
Wedding Glue auto 2:
- Doesn't look like new growth has heat stress yet, so far growing at a good speed.
- 10 Days since sprout
Wedding Glue Auto 1-2.1 day 12
Wedding Glue Auto 1( plant strain and tag number) , 2 (week), 1 (image number) , day 12 ( Date since sprout )
@LittleJohn, hahaha i wish famm... curing now just started week 1, buds are starting to smell amazing, but not there yet.. hope she retains most of the snow once shes ready LOL!!!!