This week was a hectic one so most of my time in the garden was just for the bare necessities and to begin final LST on the final 8 main colas. Started this week off with a heaping serving of worm castings and "Grow" by Root Organics to give the microbiology a head start before bloom. I was able to get most of them spaced out right and the canopy is starting to even out! With the benefit of hindsight I probably should have let the 4 mains grow a little more before topping as the shorter branches made it difficult to achieve proper spacing.
@Ketamine, Thank you!! So I actually am not using all nutrients listed at the same times. The photo p and bloom khaos (accounting for 50 mil out of 131 ml/gal) are not used in every feeding and the Herculean Harvest/Demeters Destiny I use in varying degrees as needed to tie up any excess salts or insoluble nutrients left over from previous feeds. So 400 PPM +/- 10% is usually around where I end up using RO. I use bloom khaos as a foliar and photo p on every tea day (I follow a feed-feed-tea, feed-feed-HH flush schedule, feeding approx .5 gal every 48 hrs but increasing to .7 gal as we enter late flower and they get thirstier)