Okay first the bad news. We lost at least one, possibly two plants from out sea of green. I'm not really sure what happened but some how their stems got damaged. I may have saved one, I've got one in some seed and root formula to see if i can get it to sprout again.
On to the good news. The remain dark phoenixes are doing great. This Black Swallow living soil is great. I was a little concerned that the pH level of my runoff was super low but afyter talking to the staff at my local hydro supply store they reassured me that a low pH was normal. The plants weren't showing any signs of problems but I was happy to put my concerns to rest.
New leaves are growing everyday and the remaining plants look healthy. Still just feeding rainwater.
Nice 👍 great job!
This strain looks wild!! I will follow you to see how this turns out.
Very exciting, I’ve never heard of this cultivar.
Do you mind if I ask why 15 hours. I’ve never heard of anything but 18/6 and 12/12.
@RadDad,Come lo penso?Basta guardare la foto.Deve ancora iniziare la formazione di pistilli ambrati e poi tutti i calici si devono riempire. Io qua coi fertilizzanti che uso interrompo il big bud e do una botta di pk 13-14 e overdrive per due settimane più lavaggio di due settimane. Se raccogli ora perdi davvero tanto in qualità e peso . RIcordati anche questo...quando pensi che una pianta sia pronta lasciala sempre una settimana in più . Ovviamente procurati un microscopio per vedere i tricomi e la loro fase