Here starts my first run at Mephisto's Pink Panama. This will be the first run with me running Mephisto's that aren't freebies. In the same tent I have 3 Grizzly Crinkles that are a week behind these 2 Pink Panamas. I would've had 3 PP and 2 GC except one of the PP did not germinate. My last run I was constantly adjusting things as I learned more about the style of organic growing that I want to take, this run should be a bit more focused and consistent, both Pink Panama plants are in recycled organic living soil, they begun as Happy Frog, Natures Living Soil - Autoflower and Perlite...I have amended with ~3 cups of earth worm castings, 3 cups of perlite and a little over 1/2 cup of Nectar for the Gods One Shot. I plan on top dressing with Roots Organic Uprising (grow and bloom) as primary method of feeding. I plan to foliar feed compost tea every week or possibly just every other week (in addition to compost tea soil drenches), I plan to foliar feed a mix of aloe, silica and coconut water at least once per week as well.
This is my first run using Azos in addition to Mykos for early germination and growth...I actually soaked the PP seeds in a Azos and RO water solution for a day before I put them in paper towels to germinate. After paper towels they went into rapid rooters until seeds popped, at which point I dampened each rapid rooter, coated each rooter with a 50/50 mix of Azos and Mykos and then poured remaining mixture into planting hole in 5 gal pot. Hopefully this will get enough root contact for beneficial use, going forward I will use Azos in addition to my bennies until the beginning of flower. I am experimenting again with this grow with the addition of Azos and foliar feeding, we'll see if I get good results. Also, this run I am only doing initial transplant from rapid rooter to 5 gal fabric pot and not starting in solo cups for 1-1.5 weeks. I only wanted to start these in rapid rooters so that I would hopefully be able to expose more of the roots to Mykos, I may be misguided here but here we are, time to find out!
@DoDrugs420, thank you, it is one of the Mephisto’s I’ve looked forward to than most others! Cosmic Queen, Mango Smile and Hubbabubbahaze will start after my freebie run is finished in hopefully couple weeks!