MOLD 😡 No matter what I grow I’m fighting with this shit. Mushrooms, weed, constant battle. I feel like I cut all my fan leaves off at a bad time. Two days later the temperature dropped to the high 30s at night/morning with 50 - 60 degree days. I’ve lost a little less than a half oz to mold. When I come across it, I pull the whole nugget. I’ve used rose mold killer with a low percentage of neem oil, didn’t make much of a difference. Another product I used just let nights active ingredient was .02% citric acid, I only need a couple more day’s (the weather is in the 70s now). I plan to cut down the big colas tomorrow, and let all the other nuggets stay until they tighten up a bit.
Hey! Happy growing my friend! I hope you do well and get some good results! I will come by sometime to see your progress! Keep on growing!
If you ever visit my page please say hello!
Peace & love L.S.T 🌟❤️🔥