She's petite, hoping mighty big things to come🙃🤞😆
Think she got prego to early... Very little to no new floral sites developing though what is their is swelling and showcasing seed development
She's on the auto pot system with my other 3 other receiving a grow feed schedule, am adding purpinator for some extra p/k to the feed and help the vegging girls come along
New to breeding auto's... Did learn, if your planning on using feminized mama's. Pop them first about 2-3 wks in advance... Then plant your traditional beans for your male, males take about 3 weeks to show sex then start releasing around wk4, females 4-5 weeks (or if at all).... Plant ahead 3wks then plant male male be pollinating wk 3-4 be wk 6-7 for lady auto
Anyways that's a thought I would share
I'll be testing it out next time on F2's and Bxs
Harvested what i could off the Black Gorilla male for pollen and is in the fridge waiting on the other 3 to develop along till about wk 7 before trying the Q-tip method on selected branches.