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DNA Crew - Godfather OG (F)

3 years ago
Germination Method
Paper Towel
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Avg. success - 93%
Method popularity - 40%
DNA Crew - Godfather OG (Fem)
Avg. success
Custom Breeder & Strain - 89%
DNA Crew - Godfather OG (Fem) - %
Commented by
MissGreenEyes MissGreenEyes
3 years ago
2021/09/20 - Seeds added to Glass of Water @ 3:00pm 2021/09/21 - Seeds added to Paper Towel & Heat pad @1:30pm For heating pad, using an iPower 10"x20" Seed Starter Mat, which draws about 18W of power. It has a tendency to dry out the paper towels a bit faster, so I'm checking on the moisture level regularly. 2021/09/22 - Tap Root started sprouting in the morning. At 2:30pm, it's about 1/10 of an inch. At 10:00pm -- The Taproot is already at 1/4 inch. This thing is ready to be planted in it's medium tomorrow. 2021/09/23 - Dang. That rooted fast. At 6:30pm, only 20 hours after the last entry, the tap root was over an inch long. I waited a bit too long. It was kind of hard to place in the Rapid Rooter, so i had to tear it a bit to help it to fit. At 7:00pm -- Placed the seed in a Rapid Rooter. The RR had a bit of mold on it from bad storage, so soaked it in diluted Hydrogen Peroxide for a couple hours (then rinsed it in tap water). The seed is also in a growing tray to maintain humidity, and the whole thing is placed on a heat mat (same as before). 2021/09/24 - Overnight, it began to sprout. Started its little cotyledon leaves. The humidity is a high 95+%, so i opened the vests in the propagation tray. Moved it halfway on/off the heat mat so it doesnt burn. Will be putting this under lights soon. 2021/09/25 - 2:00pm - Moved to the grow tent yesterday evening. Light is at top height @50% power. It's getting a bit warm in there, around 78º, even with the fan on. Inside the propigation box, the humidity is around 99% and the temp is around 80º. 2021/09/26 - 12:30pm - A little growth. But small. The starter leafs are a bit more robust. It's a bit taller. Small victories. 2021/09/27 - 11:00am - Small growth on the starter leaves. Not much else. Humidity in the dome @ 99%. Temp around 76º. 2021/09/28 - 11:00pm - The starter leaves are getting stronger. It's just beginning to get additional leaves. A little taller, but definitely more robust, overall. 2021/09/29 - 10:00pm - Second set of leaves are really starting to show. A bit taller. Notices some roots starting to form on the bottom. Will be transplanting these into the soil medium in a couple days. The seedling has a bit of a yellow color, which i hope isn't a sign of a deeper problem. I also notices there's some other discoloration in the leaves. TBD is this is an issue. 2021/09/30 - 2:00pm - Continuation of the growth from yesterday. Hoping that the yellowing of the leaves has to do with genetics and not a nutrition deficit or something. Beyond that, it appears healthy. 2021/10/01 - 12:00pm - Checked the roots and they are starting to pop out the bottom, but just a little bit. A potential problem, noticing the leaves are showing more discoloration and a bit of a weird shape. Thinking it's either overwatering (there's a little in the tray and the rapid rooter is constantly touching a bit of water on bottom). OR it's heat or light stress. I turned down the lamp from 50% to 40% and poured out a bit of the water. 2021/10/02 - 1:00pm - The discoloration and leaf shape issue is progressing. Looking at the timescale, it's day 10 since spouting, so it's probably time to move it into the growing medium. Roots are very noticeable; in the Godfather OG moreso than the GDP. 9:00pm - Time to move it into soil. Made a mix of 30% perlite and 70% Fox Farm Happy Frog. On the bottom of a solo cup, added a small layer of perlite to help with the drainage. Added the seedlings to the cup and placed it in a humidity dome in the tent. Also gave it a little bit of water with some TPS rooting solution. As an added precaution, because of the leaf issue, I turned down the light from 40% to 30%. Will check on it tomorrow afternoon to see if these things helped. Let's hope
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Grow Questions
MissGreenEyesstarted grow question 3 years ago
Issue evolving over the past few days (Sept 29th - Oct 2nd). The leaves are discolored, light, almost yellowish in color. They are also making a weird shape! Clear images of this in the post above. Tons of details about conditions/ environment. What's going on here? Help!!
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Leaves. Other
Gwenhaduanswered grow question 3 years ago
Si c'est un problème de sur-arrosage la vérification est simple , laissez sécher le substrat et attendez que la plantule montre des signes de stress hydrique ( attention il faut être vigilant la plante étant jeune ). Ensuite reprise du programme d'arrosage divisé par 2 ( charge à vous de modifier cette valeur si vous constatez que me rythme d'arrosage devient trop intense ). Au vu des symptômes je pencherais plus pour, soit trop de lumière, soit un php de l'eau inadapté. Les plantules ont besoin de peu d'énergie solaire et selon votre puissance je testerais plus 10 ou 20 % cela devrait largement suffire. Si cela n'est pas assez vous verrez votre plant s'étirer , il ne restera plus qu'à dimmer à une valeur supérieur. Pour le php de l'eau, je sais que selon la croyance quand c'est en terre on régule pas, j'ai tendance à croire que jeune plantules dans un petit volume de substrat le php de eau est impactant surtout si votre eau à des valeurs hautes ( des amis on un php de 8,8 en sortie de robinet ). D'autant qu'un php bas est plutôt bénéfique sur les jeunes plants ( perso je commence à 5,5 puis 6 selon les réactions de mes plantules ). Il y a aussi le taux d'humidité ( je vise le 60% ou 70% max) qui peut parfois être trop haut et selon les conditions permettre le développement de champignons. Bref plusieurs pistes vous nous direz !

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homerjgangiacommentedweek 03 years ago
Good luck with your grow mate!💪💪
MissGreenEyescommented3 years ago
@homerjgangia, much appreciated, Homer J ;)
Legendaryseedthumbcommentedweek 23 years ago
Happy growing my friend! Nice reading your diary. Say hello if you ever visit my profile🌱 Peace & love L.S.T
spydercommentedweek 33 years ago
good luck with the grow....enjoy..
Godesskatcommentedweek 23 years ago
Everything is better with a beg of weed👻 Good luck happy growing😍
Godesskatcommentedweek 23 years ago
Looks soo good.. Good Luuuck😍