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PotG & Punch Line -- Mars Hydro FC-E4800

3 years ago
Ethos - Punch Line bx1
Room Type
weeks 5
Coco Coir
Grow medium
Grow medium
11 L
Pot Size
3.79 L
4 years ago
Just got these in the mail. Was so indecisive about picking a strain of theirs to grow but just went for PotG because of high cannabinoid content and relative ease of growth and yield being decent. Got 5 free PunchLine bx1 regulars as well which was not expected but very cool! This was one of my many second picks In water with a dash of 3% h202 Date 3 update - This is gonna be a full on pheno hunt now.. I popped the remaining 3 seeds of the PotG. Let’s get it!!
Used method
Glass Of Water
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
4 years ago
5.08 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
100 PPM
60 %
21 °C
0 L
91.44 cm
Nutrients 3
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 0.396 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 1 mll
Hello everyone So we’re calling this the beginning of week one veg. I originally popped to planet of the grapes and three punchline. All germinated and showed taproots within 24 to 36 hours which is quite impressive. I was putting the germinated seeds into Rockwall when I accidentally broke just the very bottom tip off of one of the PotG seeds. This has happened a couple times to me before, sometimes they survive other times not. So what I decided to do was go ahead and germinate the remaining 3 PotG seeds I had. Just in case that one didn’t make it with the broken off tip, I convinced myself to go ahead and germinate all five seeds total. I was planning to take a few mothers with me into the fall indoor season, but I’m thinking now I’ll keep my one pure Indica mother and MAYBE one other mother, and kill off the rest so that I can do a legitimate pheno hunt with these five PotG seeds (and hopefully a mini pheno hunt with the 3 punch line I popped that are non-feminized). I’ve got some pretty good phenos of gold leaf, black domina, Bruce, purple punch, etc.. but I’m looking for the best of the best and really can only say that about my pure indica mom.. so if ethos is as good as they seem to be - these should blow my other contenders outta the water. So I’m not gonna keep around just “good” mothers - I want minimum 9s and 10s at this point.. so I’m gonna make space for a good pheno hunt of these ethos cultivars. Very excited! I’m also in the process of picking one other ethos strain to buy and run a pheno hunt in the future. On the list is: New drops - PunchBerry Cookies Strawberry OG Cookies As well as classics like Banana Daddy & Banana Hammock Ethos Cookies Cherry Gar-see-ya I could keep going but if you have recommendations I’d love to hear from y’all! I’m going to try and keep a more in depth and detailed diary on this one to help out other AND more importantly keep track of exactly what I did and used.. Thanks for stopping by and hope y’all have a good night/day! SJ PS- for all intents and purposes we are calling this day one of veg for all these even tho 3 of the PotG plants were germinated 36-48 hours after the rest! UPDATES Day 5 - all in solo cups in Mother Earth coco/perlite 70/30 Day 6 - looking good, gave each a pheno number. So we got PotG 1-5 and PunchLine 1-3 PotG 1 & 2 are the first 2 I germinated and 3-5 are the 3 I germinated 48 hours later. All growth looks consistent and on point - aside from PotG #2 which is the one that I broke the taproot on when moving into rockwool. But she survived so I'm happy! ------- NUTRIENT & FEEDING INFO ------- I'm gonna try and keep a good detailed documentation of my feeds on here for this grow.. I usually write down on paper every week an approximation of what I use but I've got so much going on that rarely stays up to date and accurate.. so here we go. Day 5 was yesterday - they went into solo cups and I used Mother Earth Coco/Perlite 70/30 which should be buffered somewhat but to be safe I saturated the cups of coco beforehand with a solution of about 5mL/gallon of CaliMagic which is 1-0-0 NPK with 5% Calcium, 1.5% Magnesium, and 0.1% Iron. Saturated the medium with this solution for 30 min or so then rinsed with water, put the starter plugs in and rinsed/watered the cups with pH'd water to flush the previous solution out. I think this will be sufficient seeing as Mother Earth buffers their product anyhow (that's my understanding at least) So tonight, Day 6, I mixed up a gallon to water/feed them. - 1.5mL CaliMagic - 1.0mL FloraMicro - 1.0mL FloraGro pH'd to 5.7-5.8 Just a few fluid ounces each to saturate the coco. I usually never give any nutrients until later in week 2 or beginning of 3 but its quite an insignificant amount and I really just wanted to keep the cal-mag up in the coco.
Week 2. Vegetation
4 years ago
7.62 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
250 PPM
60 %
21 °C
0 L
91.44 cm
Nutrients 3
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 0.396 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 1 mll
Hey everybody here’s my week 2 beginning - so day 8 I’ll come back through on the computer and add more of an in-depth update later. These are all chugging along nicely, I have all of them in individual pint size cups (solo cup size) Just gave them all their pheno numbers 1-3 for punch line and 1-5 for PotG PotG 1 and 3 are looking like the quicker growers at this point. Punch line all pretty even with 1&3 slightly ahead of 2 Still giving them just a very light feeding 1.5 ml calmag 1 ml micro 1 ml gro
1 comment
Week 3. Vegetation
4 years ago
10.16 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
500 PPM
60 %
21 °C
0 L
91.44 cm
Nutrients 4
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 1.057 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.528 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.66 mll
Transplanted September 4 PotG into 3 gallon ME coco/perlite PunchLine into 1 gallon plastic pots hopefully until they show sex. Running under Mars Hydro FCE4800 now. It’s a beast of a light and has amazing coverage for a 4x4. I’ve been itching to get a bar light like this for that superior even light distribution. Rinsed out new coco and then fed each one with 1ml armor si 4ml calimagic 2ml micro 2.5ml gro 1.5ml bloom I think they’re gonna start takin off in the next week! Especially under this badass light Day 17 - kicked it up a notch in feeding with a full tsp of micro, grow, and bloom per gallon.. probably a bit much but they look like they’re hungry. One PotG and one PL has the same small brown spots developing.. they’re too young at this point to put too much thought into what that is.. and no others are showing it.. I’ll address it if it’s matched with any other symptoms but for now they’re fine. UPDATE ugh ive got my days messed up i think - im not used to keeping that much track of vegging plants but today is Day 21 I believe? i have to go back and check but i'm worried about coco causing cal and mag issues so I fed today with epsom salts added. Theres plenty of calcium in micro (5%) and in calmag (5%) but only 1.5% magnesium in calimagic.. and the spots are looking more like magnesium deficiency than calcium with the spotting.
Week 4. Vegetation
3 years ago
15.24 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
750 PPM
60 %
21 °C
0 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 4
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 1.057 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1.057 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 1.585 mll
Day 22 of veg since popped thru substrate. Shit - got some issues popping up I think it’s magnesium.. I’m gonna run some Epsom salts thru them with micro only tonight.. it’s been so long since I’ve done a larger from seed grow like this in coco or in general. Maybe I should use a coco specific nute in the future but why spend the extra cash.. I can work it out and they’ll recover within a week or so. Punch Line ones look a little deficient in N too.. Update soon considerable smell for early veg. UPDATE Day 24 now and growth is ramping up.. Did a big flush and feed last night on all my vegging soilless plants.. Runoff was fine - 400-600 PPM, so my assumption is the issues I'm having are certainly from the coco. This is Mother Earth coco/perlite mix I've used for some time now.. I will definitely be doing more thorough rinsing and buffering of this in the future. Ramped up the nutes a bit more, hoping that wont be a mistake. Did a mix of 1ml Armor Si 3ml CaliMagic Dash of Epsom salt to kick up the magnesium even more 7.5ml Micro 6ml Gro 4ml Bloom This was based off GH website new feed charts they have. Fingers crossed they respond positively. Like I've said before, this is the first time I've done from seed in coco in several months - I guess got used to feeding clones or something cuz I'm surprised by these issues. Oh well, I'll get past it and this is another reason to run photoperiod plants - I'm not on a limited timeline and can make sure all the girls are healthy before initiating flower cycle. I'd be shitting my pants if these were autos and having the same issues. Wish me luck ——— - UPDATE- ——— Day 26 Interveinal rusting/spotting stopped progressing within 48 hours of feeds outlined above. We can safely assume it was a magnesium deficiency. Taking feeds down just a lick to the following 1.5mL Armorsi 3mL Cali magic 4ml micro 4ml gro 2ml bloom Pinch of Epsom salts to up magnesium. PH at 5.8-5.9 Growth has become aggressive for sure.. so happy to see these girls doing their thing and having issues sorted for the most part. Topping soon.
Week 5. Vegetation
3 years ago
22.86 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
800 PPM
55 %
21 °C
11 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 5
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 1.057 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1.057 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 1.585 mll
Day 29 Magnesium and calcium issue seem sorted. Last night I topped the PotG and took cuts from the bottom node. Each one now has 3 nodes/ 6 branches. Punch Line was topped days ago but i also took cuts from those. It was a little early for taking cuts but I need to get things moving here and I took two from each so at least one will make it from each. They’re all looking much more green and healthy than they were before. I’m gonna gone down tonight’s feed tho. I’m not entirely sure on plans for flower. Hopefully within the next 7-14 days. Keeping things under the FCE4800 for flower. Probably will flower the Punch line in my normal flower room as all 8 would be a bit tight. Raising light and dimming to 70% or so to encourage a bit of vertical growth. That additional UV in veg is going to cause some tighter nodes - wish you could toggle it on or off. Still rather have it all grow then none at all. All growth has been consistent from all 5 PotG Punch line was bigger at first but now because of smaller containers the PotG is easily taken over in size. Not much distinction between plants at this point. Some have a bit fatter leaves than others 1 is a bit taller out of the medium where as the others are closer to it than I’d prefer but that’s why I’m encouraging some stretch here. Day 35 update - tomorrow will have new week update but real quick.. Astounding growth this week ! PunchLine male found and putting him outside to initiate reproductive stages and get me some pollen to harvest. Should Workout perfectly - there’s a good 4-5 weeks of decent weather and that should be all I need to get viable pollen Thanks for checking out the diary folks! Check out my Instagram @ezzjaybruh
Used techniques
Week 6. Vegetation
3 years ago
30.48 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
800 PPM
55 %
21 °C
11 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 5
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 1.057 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1.057 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 1.585 mll
DAY 36 All right got some aggressive growth this week. Sorted out the mag and calcium issues for the most part. Few plants are still showing minor deficiency symptoms. Punch Line #1 is a male. Identified at day 31 or so which is crazy to me that it showed signs that quickly. Put him outside - will initiate reproductive phase and I will harvest pollen in 3-4 weeks hopefully. So I used these LST clips I’ve used on dozens and dozens of plants now and they went on fine. But when I came back 12-24 hours later they had snapped the fuckin plant stem on the branch it was on. WTF. So one plant - #5 - has only one node left cuz it snapped its own branches!! So crazy man. I’m debating when to initiate flower on these babies. They’re gonna be beasts if I go much longer in veg. Probably won’t be able to do all these in this 4x4 realistically These are easily the best looking plants I’ve seen at 30 days in. Stalks on these are massive for their age. Nodes are huge and tight. Fan leaves bigger than my hands. Big ups to ETHOS on these. UPDATE October 1 - punch line to 12/12 Stay tuned and check out my Instagram @ezzjaybruh
Week 7. Vegetation
3 years ago
30.48 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
800 PPM
55 %
21 °C
11 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 4
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1.057 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 1.585 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.528 mll
PoTG about to go to 12/12 PL 2 remains that are not sexed.. those went in 12/12 on oct 1 These are in aggressive veg growth at this point.. I’m worried I took em too far but I’ll make it work! UPDATE POTG 1,2,3,4 first day of 12/12 on Oct 5 Punch Line 1 is outside because I know it is male, so I’m gonna harvest pollen from it. Punch line 2&3 are not identified for sex yet. Those two have been in 12/12 since Oct 1st PotG 1-4 are in 12/12 as of Oct 5th Topped all these plants and topped again days before putting in 12/12 These things are so damn strong. Strongest trunk and stems I’ve ever had by far. I assume genetics at play there but also due to consistent silica supplementation with ArmorSi
1 comment
Week 8. Flowering
3 years ago
60.96 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
800 PPM
50 %
21 °C
11 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 5
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1.057 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.793 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 1.585 mll
So this is 5 days into flower or switch to 12/12. I saw some dude on Instagram with like buds forming (around what would usually be 30’days in) and said he was 14 days in flower and I was like wtf no way and he argued with me for a while until he explained he’s counting from 2 weeks after flip to 12/12 and that’s the way you’re supposed to do it?? Lol ok bro Anyways. These girls are just the most vigorous growers I’ve seen in a long time, maybe ever. It probably helps I’ve got my nutes and coco down after a handful of runs with issues and over feeding and drying out too fast.. you live you learn and I feel this is going to be an amazing end result. Stretch is on. 1 and 4 seem to be more stretchers and 2 and 3 are not as much. All have created nice even Canopies without too much LST or intervention. Likely going to take off a bit of the lower growth on each one in the next week. They all are looking nice and healthy now that they are in my flower room with more environmental control. PotG 1 is a great grower with a little more vertical growth even in veg than all the others, and now in flower showing that in her stretch. Gaining more than an inch a day probably closer to 2 PotG 2 is kinda the middle child. Good growth and nice even canopy. Not too much stretch yet. PotG 3 is looking good, I think she’s got a bit more indica traits as far as staying stout as well as the fatter fan leaves. Keep an eye on her to show out. PotG 4 is by far the biggest overall - and almost as tall as 1. Canopy nice and even and lateral growth is just what I like to see. I think she’ll be the biggest yielder. That said she’s the only one still with some mild issues showing on a few leaves. Likely still the mag or some micros, but I’m not too concerned as she’s growing at lightning speed so those deficiencies might just be from that quick growth. We’ll see. Stay tuned, we got a killer few weeks ahead. OCTOBER 12 - Holy shit these are the most vigorous growers I’ve seen in a long time. So impressed! #1 is putting on 2 inches a day stretching OCTOBER 15 update- (10ish days in flower) umm these are gonna run outta room. Hope stretch stops soon but I will accommodate if not. Really canopies are developing as perfectly as I could ask for save for pheno 1 which has more internodal distance and stretching more - two mains are growing like 24 inches above the rest of the canopy. Considered just chopping them / topping them but bad idea a week and a half into flower Check out https://mars-hydro.com/ for top end lights at amazing prices and use code EZZJAY to let em know I sent ya!!
1 comment
Week 9. Flowering
3 years ago
106.68 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
800 PPM
50 %
18 °C
11 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 5
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1.057 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.793 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 1.585 mll
Umm still mind blowing growth. 1&4 are the big dawgs for sure - they’ll yield considerably more than 2&3.. 3 is a indica leaning pheno 4 is actually breaking away from 1 as the top pheno in size.. lateral growth is impressive as hell on all these but especially 4 4 is taking up a 3x3 area right now alone! Day 17 flower update All girls are in full swing of producing flower. 1&3 are just a tiny bit ahead in size and maturity by my book. So, 4 is by far the biggest of all these - but when you compare bud sites, seems to be the least frosty on sugar leaves. It’s early tho I know. Also note that 4 looks a tiny bit underfed? At the very least it’s a couple shades lighter leaves than the other 3. Kinda looks like micro deficiencies up top? I’ve been really doing lighter feeds than normal and still seeing some burnt tips on all these so it’s kinda weird. I’m determined to get a real good cycle of feeds in this time. I’ve been over feeding and having issues with coco being not buffered properly and the issues that come with that. So day 18 I checked run off and it was way too high - 2.5-3.0 EC even tho I just flushed about 10 days ago.. cocos drying out too quickly apparently. Gonna have to tone down the feeds even more. At least I know why I’ve got slightly burned tips on these.. Did feed/flush with straight water until each was well below 2.0 EC run off. Next day fed with just 5 ml of bloom at 5.9 pH Stay tuned!
Week 10. Flowering
3 years ago
121.92 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
800 PPM
50 %
18 °C
11 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 5
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.66 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.528 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 1.189 mll
————-DAY 22 of flower—————- Alright stretch is all wrapped at this point. Did a little bit of defol just cuz things were getting cramped on the interior of the plants. Having to really watch run off on these girls. Couple signs of mildew 🤦‍♂️ Ugh - been months since I’ve had a lick of mildew and it starts up now. Lots of reasons probably - weather and shit outside. Just turned furnace on for the first time it’s kicking up all types of shit from inside the ducts. Upped ArmorSi cuz silica is supposed to help with WPM. Pheno 1 & 4 are largest two. Pheno 1 has more lateral branching into even canopy. 2 is middle child as far as size. 3 caught up actually after some late stretching. All are about the same nutrient wise except for 1 - she’s the odd one out as far as morphology in some respects. Also as I started saying is showing different needs as far as nutrients. Showing some calcium deficiency in the last week. Overall so impressed with these genetics and results thus far. ——————- Day 26 ——————- Stacking and putting weight on. PK boosted 3 first to show some purps in buds. Littttle tiny bit in 1 as well. Frosty as hell WPM seems at bay
Week 11. Flowering
3 years ago
121.92 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
800 PPM
50 %
18 °C
11 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 5
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.66 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.528 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 1.189 mll
————— DAY 29 ————— Welp the pheno contest seems to be coming down to 1&3 maybe 4 at this point. That’s aside from knowing final smokable product. Just judging from cultivation factors as well as what I believe to be factors that make good final product. #1 will almost certainly yield the most. Stacking better than any of the other ones. Most bud sites #2 is smaller in size and too much internodal space but great buds none the less #3 is smaller in size but I have some intuitive feeling about her and she’s the first also to show any color. I think she’s gonna be the heaviest hitter #4 is as large as #1 it’s just not stacking quite the same and the buds that are there aren’t as big. Seems more stereotypical sativa leaning than the other 3. This f***ing dryback and smaller pot size is killing me. I should have used bigger pots. Didn’t expect these to be such massive plants. So now they’re sucking up water so fast that salts are building up within a week I’ll have 2000ppm readings. Gotta set up drip feed next round. Flushed today and got down to 250ppm runoff within a few gallons thru the substrate which is awesome. ————-Day 33———— Same shit with dry back Causing build up - it’s getting frustrating but not much to do 1&4 are worse cuz they’re feeding quicker and so it’s fast dryback and more nutes drying up. Guess I’m just gonna have to lower nutes even more going forward.. shoot for maybe 0.8-1.0 EC. Purps coming in one most of these but most apparent in 1&3
Week 12. Flowering
3 years ago
121.92 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
800 PPM
50 %
18 °C
11 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 5
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.396 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.396 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.793 mll
Well this is technically a day early I believe but got some night shots here for the first time!! 4 is catching up as a contender for sure and 3 is dropping off. 1 is still the main keeper at this point. 4 has shifted to great bud production now and more sugar leaf trichomes. 3 is special, beautiful buds, but just not gonna be a great producer. 2 actually is taking the cake now for sugar leaf trich production! All killer phenos but each one has pros and cons.. aside from #1 honestly so far
Week 13. Flowering
3 years ago
121.92 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
800 PPM
50 %
18 °C
11 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 5
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.396 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.396 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.793 mll
I’m lucky these are doing so good given the issues I’m having with dryback. So frustrating but it’s my fault on a lot of levels.. You live ya learn. #5 is finally getting thrown in flower after a month of recovery from LST snaps. Happy to have her in the flower room. 3 is fading and putting some nice color on the leaves.
Week 14. Flowering
3 years ago
121.92 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
800 PPM
50 %
18 °C
11 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 5
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.396 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.396 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.793 mll
These girls woulda put in so much more weight had I not fucked up the crucial mid flowering period. It is what it is and I got cuts from all and can tell who the winners all. They all have their traits tho. 1&4 probably is the ones to take to scale, 3 is unique, 2 is similar to 1&4 but more frost and less yield.
Week 15. Flowering
3 years ago
121.92 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
400 PPM
50 %
18 °C
11 L
4 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 3
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.528 mll
Armor Si - Terra Aquatica
Armor Si 0.528 mll
Liquid KoolBloom - Terra Aquatica
Liquid KoolBloom 0.528 mll
Ready to chop. Just letting a few go a bit longer. Some of the salt build up early on certainly taking away from trich development I believe.. and some yield for sure.. but #1 is a champ. Least color of all but buds still have color and so much more size than 2&3. 2 was a late one to the party but showing out now. Probably the frostiest and I get if I had em tested would top them all in cannabinoids.
Week 16. Flowering
3 years ago
121.92 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
100 PPM
50 %
18 °C
11 L
4 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 3
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.528 mll
Armor Si - Terra Aquatica
Armor Si 0.528 mll
Liquid KoolBloom - Terra Aquatica
Liquid KoolBloom 0.528 mll
Last week.. PotG 3 has been taken down. It suffered most from over feeding I believe or is just a small yielding Pheno.. PotG 2 is a potent son of a gun and was a small yielder compared to 1&4 but has amazing terps and trichs everywhere 1&4 are the stars for sure - 1 is the keeper - unless smoke is just terrible but I highly doubt that. PotG 5 was held back in Veg cuz of accidental snaps and just has been flowering now about 3-4 weeks
Week 16. Harvest
3 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Uplifting smoke and clear headed for me.. pheno 3 was a early finisher and was much more amber than others. Insane terps. Grape koolaid, with some gas undertones on some phenos Dense AF nugs
Show more
Spent 114 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
566.99 g
Bud wet weight per plant
198.45 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Creative, Euphoric, Uplifted
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry mouth
Negative effects
Medical effects
Anxiety, Depression, Stress
Medical effects
Berries, Sour, Sweet

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Excellent genetics. Highly recommend ETHOS Terps are the best I’ve grown.. I like the boutique stuff tho. It’s like grapes but sweet and sour to it. Hard to describe. Killer bag appeal. Rock hard nugs on 3 of the 4 phenos.. pheno 3 had some fluff to it. Had some lock out issues with dry back of the coco being so quick. Overall they turned out pretty damn good considering they were abused a bit.


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DevilsBudcommentedweek 04 years ago
Good luck with your grow 💪🏻💪🏻
BroMan65commentedweek 163 years ago
I followed and read this from start to finish and every word in between. This guy can grow!!! GREAT GROW.
Ezzjaybruhcommented3 years ago
@BroMan65, thanks. I looked back thru this and realized I was so excited for ETHOS that I did document the shit outta this grow. Thanks for reading man
Ezzjaybruhcommented3 years ago
@BroMan65, Thanks many appreciate that really. I’ve got less into the heavy documentation cuz I’m not sure anyone reads it lol but it’s nice to see you did
Sparklescommentedweek 163 years ago
Congrats on the harvest man. Nugs look nice and chunky.
Ezzjaybruhcommented3 years ago
@Sparkles, thanks 🙏
Inganjawetrustcommentedweek 113 years ago
Looking good bro 🥦🥦🥦🥦👍
Ezzjaybruhcommented3 years ago
@Inganjawetrust, thanks bruh!
homerjgangiacommentedweek 04 years ago
Good luck with your grow mate!💪💪
Ezzjaybruhcommented4 years ago
@homerjgangia, thanks homie (in marges voice)
DreamITcommentedweek 04 years ago
Enjoy growth mate 🤘🍀🦄
iiSNEEXxcommentedweek 53 years ago
following! Im using a 4x4x6 w/ 600w led vivosun do you think it could handle as many plants as your doing? Im excited to watch your grow *cheers*
Ezzjaybruhcommented3 years ago
@iiSNEEXx, Id probably keep it to 4 plants directly underneath that light personally. Like a 3x3 area underneath it max.
iiSNEEXxcommented3 years ago
@Ezzjaybruh, Thanks man but how many plants do you think i can grow with this light in my 4x4x6 effiently until i do get a new light and maybe a second 3x3 tent for veging then use the 4x4 for flower w a better light eventually. but for now how many should i do in this current setup to get the best yields everytime i do grow with the setup. how many plants would be best for best yields each grow i do.
Ezzjaybruhcommented3 years ago
@iiSNEEXx, that light is likely best for a 3x3, thats the advantage of these bar lights is that they evenly cover the entire 4x4.. so you can pack it in real tight. You could probably do a full tent like this - the ones on the sides of the tent just might not be getting optimum light. If you got $ to update light I'd recommend it. But getting a full grow under your belt with what you got also is a good idea. Good luck!
Budha420commentedweek 163 years ago
Amazing looking buds you grew there! Well done!😍
Ezzjaybruhcommented3 years ago
@Budha420, thanks 🙏
TragicTerpscommentedweek 163 years ago
Awesome yeild Ez!
Ezzjaybruhcommented3 years ago
@TragicTerps, thanks man it’s a record for me in that container size. The biggest one got 10 oz
TragicTerpscommentedweek 163 years ago
These are the best looking male plants I've seen yet...
Ezzjaybruhcommented3 years ago
@TragicTerps, thanks man they had some nice color expression in the end of life. They were outside in cold October nights, I think that helped a lot
Inganjawetrustcommentedweek 103 years ago
You're going to have some big blooms on those girls . It will be fun to watch them fill out 😜
Ezzjaybruhcommented3 years ago
@Inganjawetrust, yeah these next 2 weeks will be the most exciting to see how they stack
Sour_Dcommentedweek 103 years ago
Lots of tops, looking good! 😎
Ezzjaybruhcommented3 years ago
@Sour_D, thanks man!
WolverineGreenscommentedweek 133 years ago
Lookn nice 👊
Sour_Dcommentedweek 123 years ago
Nice! 😀
Nothingsuscommentedweek 73 years ago
Looking real nice man I’ve still Got at least 2 weeks before I flip my POTG!
Rabbimiccommentedweek 163 years ago
I'm gonna pop 6 potg.nice grow
Ezzjaybruhcommented3 years ago
@Rabbimic, you won’t regret it..
TerpyOGcommentedweek 163 years ago
Top shelf flowers right here! Cant wait to grow mines out, Hopefully they look as dank as yours. Nice job!👍💪👌
Ezzjaybruhcommented3 years ago
@TerpyOG, thanks 🙏
JaramnieJazzcommentedweek 163 years ago
what a nice male hope u have some pollen from him
Ezzjaybruhcommented3 years ago
@JaramnieJazz, thanks! I did keep some but unfortunately it got mold while drying out the pollen so I tossed it all 😢
BarneyRumble420commentedweek 153 years ago
Nice work man 🌱🌱✌️ done well
Ezzjaybruhcommented3 years ago
@BarneyRumble420, thank you amigo!
sailormoonflowerscommentedweek 133 years ago
@Ezzjaybruh, Reckon your'e in for a treat there mate... 👍😎👌
Ezzjaybruhcommented3 years ago
@sailormoonflowers, thanks I think so too!
the end.
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