they are growing realy fast, LST is starting to look good, snapped 2 branches, and im pretty sure its because of the B-52, it works so great it just makes the branches hard really fast, but there healing now. this is also a fun and easy plant to grow, ive noticed, it can handle a bump. But since the vegetation is going so great, it is just making me more curious about how the buds are gonna grow, and the quality of the buds offcourse, fingers crossed.
great 😊👍 i love such unpredictable things :-) there you always have a little challenge 😊👍. The most important thing is that you look healthy and that is what you do 👍
@MadeInGermany, yes very true, and i used LST to keep them smaller. lol, that didn't really work out. but the yield will better thanks to that, I'm sure.