Wonderful week inside the greenhouse. I've added a fan to circulate some more air around inside as the temperature is dropping and humidity rising rapidly, providing ideal conditions for mold to grow with no airflow.
UKBS 2 Clones will probably be in flower at the end of this week, meaning I'm likely gonna have to finish them inside somehow or chop early if the weather goes to shit.
-10/9- UKBS Clones are not and will not flower outside, after a night of extremely cold temperatures they've nearly wilted and I've opted to move them inside. As for the larger ones, they are also beginning to be unhappy with the temperatures. Leaves are twisting and the bud growth almost seems to be accelerating as if they know the temps are going to utter shit.
-10/10- Great call to take the clones in, snowed today. Big girls were pretty OK overall but the clones would have been absolutely destroyed. Seems I've made all the right calls so far for the outdoor side of things, from the greenhouse to taking those clones in. - Nothing I can do but ride out the weather at this point, and take the girls down if they get too damaged by the cold.
Hey! Happy growing my friend! I hope you do well and get some good results! I will come by sometime to see your progress! Keep on growing!
If you ever visit my page please say hello!
Peace & love L.S.T 🌟❤️🔥