Okay....so this is my first grow and I just started my journal today. However, I have been keeping track of my grow so far in a composition notebook. Let me catch up weeks 1-4 from seedling here.
Germination Method:
On 8/8/21 I put seeds into jars of water and waited for them to sink. Once the seeds sunk (within 24 hours), I placed them into folded and somewhat moist paper towels. I put the folded paper towels into plastic baggies and placed them into a dark cupboard for about another 24 hours. I checked the seeds and saw all of them starting to pop. The Afghan Kush seedlings seemed to pop faster as they had longer roots.
On 8/9/21 all seedlings were placed into 1 gallon pots with 50% Happy Frog and 50% Ocean Forest. Light cycle was 24 hours. I'm only using one light currently, as all the plants are still very small baby seedlings.
On 8/12/21 the first "true leaves" appeared
On 8/13/21 I used natural spring water from my well with a ph of 6.86 which I had in a reused milk gallon sitting at room temperature for more than 24 hours (using ph down to lower it from 8, as the water comes out at about a PH of 8 and a PPM of 00100) to mist all the plants (no nutrients added). Played my plants high vibration tunes.
On 8/14/21 misted the plants again 2x this day at 6:55 AM and then again at 8:40 PM using spring water directly from the well with a ph of 6.86, ppm of 00116 (no nutrients added). Water had been prefilled into an empty milk gallon at room temperature for more than 24 hours.
On 8/15/21 misted plants with spring water directly from the well with approximately the same conditions as previously noted at 2:30 PM
On 8/16/21 misted plants with spring water directly from the well with approximately the same conditions as previously noted at 1:00 A.M. Also played the plants high vibration tunes again.
On 8/17/21 misted plants with spring water directly from the well with approximately the same conditions as previously noted at 3:00 PM
On 8/18/21 misted plants with spring water directly from the well with approximately the same conditions as previously noted at 2:00 A.M.
**On 8/18/21 I noticed yellow tips on plants labeled Afghan Kush. The first true leaves looked to have "the claw" and signs of nutrient burn---most likely from the soil as I have not added any nutrients. The two other plants labeled Sour Diesel seem to be thriving and healthy.**
On 8/18/21 @ 9:00 P.M. Misted plants using the same spring water with a PH reading of about 6.59. Played high vibration tunes. **Changed light cycle to 18 on and 6 hours off using an automatic digital timer which turns off at 3:15 AM and then turns back on at 9:15 AM the same morning. **
On 8/19/21 @ 1:00 PM misted plants
On 8/20/21 @ 1:00 AM misted plants
On 8/21/21 I watered the plants for the first time (all previous notes are only where I misted them with a small, gentle spray bottle). I gave each plant two full cups of water directly from the well prefilled into empty milk gallons at room temperature for more than 24 hours, with a ph reading of 6.5. Both plants labeled Afghan Kush stunted in growth--with burned tips that are commonly described as "the claw."
Due to the stress, I did a lot of research this day and believe I should have started the seedlings into only Happy Frog, but I did a 50/50 mix with Ocean Forest instead. I think this caused the two plants labeled Afghan Kush to nutrient burn, but the Sour Diesel plants seem to love the soil. Also started to doubt myself today as to whether or not I swapped the seedlings because everything I read online says the Afghan Kush strain loves nutrients, but these are the ones that seem to have nutrient burned or at least I labeled Afghan Kush but did I accidently swap them? Time will tell.
8/26/21 I gave all plants 2 cups of water, using same water directly from the well with a ph of about 6.5
8/28/21 I gave all plants 3 more cups of water in an attempt to help flush the soil, this was my game plan to help the two nutrient burned plants but decided to give all plants the same amount of water. Still no nutrients added into water at this time.
**Topped all plants for the first time this day** Also put the fan on high setting for the first time this day. I have two photos posted from this day.
9/1/21 I gave all plants 3 more cups of water with a Ph of 6.86 directly from the well
9/5/21 I gave both plants labeled Sour Diesel 4 cups of water
9/6/21 Gave both plants labeled Afghan Kush (which have started to grow again but seem to be previously stunted in growth with burned tips are now being watered) 4 cups of purified reverse osmosis water purchased from the store. Still no nutrients added to any water at this time.
9/7/21 Both plants labeled Sour Diesel which I have also been calling "healthy plants" are 8 inches tall but are growing more bushy/wider. The Afghan Kush strain, which seem to have struggled at first due to nutrient burn, are now 10 inches but seem to have spotting in the leaves. No more leaves appear to be getting "the claw" though from nutrient burn. Instead, these spots I think are showing me signs of a ph imbalance and so therefore, I changed the Afghan Kush plants to receiving on purified water as noted on the previous day.
On 9/7/21 I topped both Sour Diesel "healthy plants" for the 2nd time
On 9/8/21 I topped both Afghan Kush plants for the 2nd time
On 9/9/21 I watered both plants labeled Sour Diesel aka "healthy plants" 2 cups at around 9:15 AM when the lights turned on, then transplanted both plants that afternoon into 5 gallon cloth pots and then watered them with 1 half gallon of purified store purchased reverse osmosis water.
On 9/10/21 I watered the plants labeled Afghan Kush 2 cups at around 9:15 AM. These plants I have nicknamed the "Survivor plants" and are the ones which both showed previous signs of nutrient burn. Both of the first true leaves died after getting "the claw," but are both now looking way more healthy, and have grown much larger. However, these plants are still showing some spotting in the leaves, which I will show in pictures. I transplanted these two strains into 5 gallon cloth pots and gave them 1 half gallon of purified reverse osmosis water a few hours later this same day.
**The 5 gallon pots for both strains are still 50/50 mix Happy Frog & Ocean Forest by FoxFarm**
**No additional nutrients have yet been added to any time I've watered the plants. The nutrients are still strictly provided from the soil.**
On 9/10/21 I measured both plants which measured in size as follows:
Sour Diesel "Healthy Plants" 10 1/2 inches tall
Afghan Kush "Survivor Plants" 12 inches tall
9/13/21 **I turned on the 2nd light this day** Both lights are now on at 100% and are 12 inches from the plants. The two Sour Diesel plants share a light directly adjacent to the two Afghan Kush plants, who have their own light now.
9/15/21 The rest of the pictures shown on this diary entry are from this date. Measured plants which are set up in the closet from left to right as follows
Plant 1 --- Plant 2 --- Plant 3 --- Plant 4
Plants 1&2 are the ones labeled Sour Diesel aka "Healthy Plants"
Plants 3&4 are the ones labeled Afghan Kush aka "Survivor Plants"
Plant 1 = 12" tall
Plant 2 = 12 1/4" tall
Plant 3 = 17 5/8" tall
Plant 4 = 14 5/8" tall
Also checked water level of soil using my soil meter and are as follows (water scale is 1-10, with 1 being dry and 10 being wet)
Plant 1 = 5
Plant 2 = 6
Plant 3 = 6
Plant 4 = 8
Due to soil still being wet, I am not watering any of the plants again and they have not yet been watered since previously noted during transplant into 5 gallon pots.
Hey! Happy growing my friend! I hope you do well and get some good results! I will come by sometime to see your progress! Keep on growing!
If you ever visit my page please say hello!
Peace & love L.S.T 🌟❤️🔥
@Rodamis_Prime, thanks!! I managed to make more room above between the lights and these huge plants, and hoping I don't run out of room before harvest lol
@sativaman, They were much more sensitive than the other strain since the beginning, but I've learned through this process that the Cal Mag REALLY helped it. I tried everything else and I think that's what it needed this entire time.
Kindly offering my sympathies to you.
Gonna have to flip lights on those huge plants!! They are almost at the highest for this tent! Do you plan to put them out??? Expect 2-3 times stretch after 12-12.
@mariharam, Hey I am a total noob so take this with a grain of salt!
First, I am really sorry to hear about your sister.
I was just in a grow shop yesterday and they sold me some potassium silicate to help strengthen stems and branches during the last few weeks of vegetative and the first few weeks of bloom.
In addition to strengthening the stems, they also referred to it as a "stretch stopper" as the stems tend to get more girthy rather than tall.
The idea being that flowers will only grow to be as big as the stems can support. So if you end up with a shorter stout plant, you should have bigger buds.
@sativaman,Trying to figure that out. I wanted to give em a few days to recover because I just chopped off like over a foot from the tops because they were so big, and I didn't flip them two weeks ago like I had planned because of all that shit happening with the family. Hmmm I do have the closet still which gives me an extra foot I can swap them back into if I have to, but I think I'm going to cut the recover time and just flip them in a day or two.