The Sunset Sherbet, got a Transplant yesterday, ( ater topping and alittle cleaning of the bottom area)
She and her Sisters showeed wonderful long Roots, and was growing out her Pot
After Transplant, the medium was watered with Humic Acid Plus, Growzyme and " living Organics" to enrich the Medium
with Microbacteria
Today she looks great, next update will be very interesting- i think she takes the Overdrive
here are some Codes
And for the Fertilisers:
Code: mrs_larimar
Very tasty sweet flowers on this lady. My wife said it was her favourite weed we have grown and I had to chop ours 3 weeks early. I can't wait to watch what you do with her. Have fun with the little sherbert.👍🏻
@DevilsBud,you got to be patient in you waterings and never let them dry out. but if you do it like this.... perfect
or using them with awatering system is perfect