
Lurpe Natural Solutions


Lurpe Natural Solutions, based in the Basque Country, Spain, specializes in formulating fertilizers and natural amendments specifically for cannabis cultivation. With over 20 years of research and testing in nutrient mixes, they offer a range of products designed to foster living, healthy soils. Their approach revolves around "living soil," a popular organic feeding technique that requires only water, thanks to their solid fertilizer mixtures.
Their product line includes Super Soil, Compost Tea, Elements, and a variety of accessories and merchandising. Super Soil is a blend of products aimed at creating living soils, while Elements consist of raw materials for custom recipes. Lurpe also offers consulting services, including physical-chemical and metagenomic analysis, to create custom mixes tailored to specific soil needs and continuous project monitoring.
Lurpe's commitment to environmental sustainability is evident in their aim to minimize carbon footprint by using totally natural products in harmony with the environment. Their products, such as Earth Vibes Super Soil, Tasty Flowers Top Dress, and Insect Frass, have received positive reviews and are appreciated for their efficacy in organic cultivation

Lurpe Natural SolutionsLurpe Natural SolutionsLurpe Natural SolutionsLurpe Natural SolutionsLurpe Natural SolutionsLurpe Natural SolutionsLurpe Natural SolutionsLurpe Natural Solutions
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kept them happy until harvest
6 months ago
fantastic topdressings/ soil amendments
6 months ago
kept my ladies happy untilharvest
6 months ago
i just love my garden helper
6 months ago
perfect product for me
6 months ago
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Love these products! My last organic grow was the best ever, amazing quality and pricduct. I can highly recommend using Lurpe!