Don’t know what is causing the burn besides the roots just have no more room already ate two of my air stones so had to add a couple extra and I know it has a little to do with the burn. I know I need a bigger bucket if I end up vegging 8 weeks again heheh.
Hey! Happy growing my friend! I hope you do well and get some good results! I will come by sometime to see your progress!
If you ever visit my page please say hello!
Peace & love L.S.T
@Ketamine, yes it was I didn’t think 100 higher than normal would do that it sure did hehe but thank you I brought it back down and since then been healthy.
Looking awesome 👌 . What I have learned about scrogging is not to flip into flower to soon . What I mean about that is when you have small new shoots that are popping up and they just got to the scrog or they are off the middle of the branch and are small . Those sites will under perform for bud sites . So if you give it a small amount of grow time so that those small sites grow bigger leaves and stretch a bit then they will perform well . I am still following this lol I love a good scrog grow . Oh and if you have some mains that are out growing those smaller sites to quickly what you can do is pull the large leaves off of those fast growing ones and it will slow their growth down so those shorter sites can catch up 👍
@Grow2Smoke89, lol thanks for the praise my man.i just know that when we go to grow these plants we put so much time and effort and love into them and we all want that super sick crop out lol so I thought I would drop some help. My rando clone war was a scrog and its in the dark days before it gets cut and I am about to update my King tut scrog grow.
@Rodamis_Prime, bro I love this comment so damn much there was so much good info that I will def follow. It’s funny you mention that cuz when I tuck some of those I’m like man that thing is dinky ahah but the ones that been there for about a week are pretty sturdy. And man about pulling the bigger fan leaves of the crazy growers I absolutely do but I also keep all big leaves on them as it’s on the out side and don’t block light just take it in lol but I def learned something just off your comment thank you.
I see the canopy finally filled out man , looking very good . My sf4000 grow is doing the exact same thing lol but in mine there is almost a full rectangle shape in the canopy 2 or 3 inches wider then the light all the way around . Lol if you swing by my king tut diary you will see what I mean lol. Keep up the good work it looks very healthy.
Ya running a scrog can be a pain in the butt for sure . Always tucking and moving stuff around to get that optimal flat canopy with the best amount of nodes for the best yields . Looking good though . I got a couple scrog grows going right now and I know the pain . One is almost done and is in week 8 of flower the other is almost done vegging to start flowering . Come check them out when you have time.
@LeCuack, awesome I’ve had a couple successful runs as DWC this is my first one with or as a scrog thank you for following the growth rate of the DWC is crazy
Looking good so far on the ScrOG. It can be a PITA, but makes the flowering process real simple. If you need some inspiration as to the power of the scrog, check out my diary Big Girl ScrOG Vs. SF-7000. I pushed a single plant to cover a 5x6ft trellis. I only have a few grows with this technique, but after a few it becomes more intuitive and easier. I just started soaking a Quick Sherbet seed today, so I'll be following your grow. Goodluck and happy growing👊.