MMM... the girls don't look very well... they have a strange fade on the center of the leaves, maybe magnesium deficency, i think my water is poor of that, i can tray to add it for prevention.
I have a cultilite 300w (but are less maybe 220)setted on 50%, is 55 cm from the plants, but I moved now and before was at 35-40cm (maybe this was one of my issue, you can see the picture).
the extraction is setted on low potency and is turned on 15min off/30 on with passive intake, the box is near the window opened most of the time, in the
next days I will create something to put the air from out, do you think is necessary? the room is my bedroom and I smoke in there. there is one fan
I have a thermo ighrometer.
the plants will grow in 4 30 lt. smart pot,, filled with biocanna professional plus and 10% of expanded clay and 4 spoon of bactogel of agrobacteria brand (a mix of michorrize and rhizosphere's bacteria on a pholimer inerte crystals and leonardite e zeoilite, I think they will help me a lot, a will add them directly on the roots to boost the radication (grower says it's a crazy trick that works very well) .
for the fertilization i opted for plagron terra grow terra bloom green sensation root power pure zym and sugar royal, i have biobizz calmag too
------- next day------ (Ill write this thread over the days, so there be few updates, I want to take note of everything)
the problem on the leaves doesn't want to go away, this week I watered with only water, and bought the PH meter en EC meter, I don't know if is a good meter, was low priced, bytheway I bought it on amazon so I can raplace it, I will add calmag on the next irrigations, i'm taking picture every day , maybe someone will can help me.
Hi guys I hope someone will help me, in my opinion my plants have a magnesium deficency or something other issue, I need someone more skilled then me to confirm the issue
The biggest deficiency I see is your pot size. The leaves are already overhanging the edge of the pot. Itโs time for them to move up into some bigger pots and they should bounce back fairly soon. Some fresh soil in a new pot will have some more nutrients for the plants.
Thatโs my two cents. Hood luck with your grow ๐ค
@ApoorGrower,We all must learn by doing my friend๐ and even thoug you made mistakes, they look great ๐๐๐
I think your upcomming grow sounds great, and i wish you all the luck i can๐
@Cannabeast40, thaaanks, I hope wil be all right, i did too much mistakes, too bad organisation and not enough budget to buy professional stuff like leds, how do you think of my asset? it would be fantastic if someone comment with his opinion thanks for the visit and happy grow too
Hey! Happy growing my friend! I hope you do well and get some good results! I will come by sometime to see your progress!
If you ever visit my page please say hello!
Peace & love L.S.T