The thrips problem seems to be getting out of hand although there are no leaves dying off apart from the bottom normal ones. I'm gonna get some spray to deal with those life suckers.
The plant is not growing for a while now and it's just focusing on fattening. Some buds started to mature already and I'm giving her at least three weeks to be ready to go.
She's probably gonna be my last auto as my next seeds are going to be photos. I think I already can handle them.
I took that last picture to entry the Mars Hydro creative contest but I was too late to participate. I liked the pic though.
Hello mate.
Why you cover it with the pot? She etiolated quite a bit. You should cover her with something transparent maybe.
You can put some soil around the base so the seedling can put out some more root, anchor her better and take up more from the underground.
Happy botanic.
Yeah. I didn't have another clear pot to cover it up with to protect against the strong LED light. She got some time down but recovered well. Thanks for swinging by.