Beginning of week..
She is doing amazing! Runoff is right where it needs to be.. leaves are looking nice and green with not so much leaf burning on the tips anymore.. new sets of leaves daily! Gonna need to lollipop a bit more. She should produce a decent harvest! So excited to see what she does in flower! So far, I've noticed that she is making some purple striped stiples at the very crown of each (future) cola! So so excited! Need to raise light up a bit.. I think she's getting over 1000 micromols at the center sine she has stretched a bit...
Next day..
Whoops.. not sure how the hell she managed to stretch up to 1400+ micromols so quick.. had to raise the light quite a bit and also dim her down just a tad.. now the center is getting exactly 950 micromols in the center and around 650 - 700 micromols around the edges of the tent (footprint). Perfect! I noticed some purpling on a couple of the higher leaves.. these were the leaves getting over 1400 micromols and temps have been another lower than anticipated. So if she starts turning purple this early on, then WOW!.. She should make some pretty colorful colas!
Mid week..
She really needs a haircut. She has grown a few nodes on each branch just in the last 7 days or even less. So beautiful! Humidity is being a bitch right now. Up to 70% and my dehumidifier can't even get it to drop a little.. ugh. Cold front blowing through as I type this, so hopefully it'll blow this moisture out by the end of the day. Pistols should be making a crown pretty soon! Still stretching like crazy. She still has plenty of head room for it.. but damn, I really need to get some of these leaves and lower branches out of the way. That should help bring the RH down quite a bit too.. I know she isn't THAT big, but it's still gonna take me awhile to trim her up.. kinda wondering if I could wait till next week and get it all done at once.. cuz I feel like she may need one more with the speed she's been stretching at.
Next day...
Went ahead and removed ALOT of foliage.. humidity should go down quite a bit.. these leaves give off a very strong skunky scent.. can't wait to see the terp action of this strain! "OoOo.. I 'member"