There is not much to say this week. They are taking their time. I am starting to be afraid if 10 weeks of flower will be enough.
Anyway, the leaves issue mentioned in the previous week stops spreading. A nanners also mostly stops appearing but this fight is still ongoing. This means daily checks routine.
The dose of TOPMAX will be increased for the next two weeks so I am expecting some solids stuff there! As they still are in the development phase.
Stay tuned! Stay safe! Hit the like button!
Thank you,
See you said you have a mg deficiency, looking at the photos looks like over watering with the start of nitrogen toxicity with how dark green the leaves are going which might lead to nutrient lock out if not addressed, good luck with your grow hopefully you sort your issues your having out
@Shaunmc57, Hello, the overwatering was first in my mind but I am watering only twice a week and always wait once substrat is dry at depth of the finger lenght so...the dark appearace is made by fish mix but girls seems to love it so far