Today was a good day😎 as sone as I've got home from work I saw 2 big boxs right in front of mi door, It took just one look that I already knew it was MarsHidros new products that they have sent me 😻😻
Ps 3000
120×60×180 GrowTent.
Today is the day I feel like i leveled up in all ways.
I'm so grateful and thankful.😘😻❤️💪💪
Thank you so much MarsHidro.
So here she is in her new home, she is looking really good,I'm going to finish her out with this new beautiful led. Hope you al enjoy mo diaries! Have a good grow growmies 😘😎
Simply beautiful (= Congrats mate. When you harvest please let me know and I will follow your diary as a guide for mine. If you agree of course. Wish you the best of lucks with this pretty babe (=