Primera semana, 4 Jamaican dream.
Riego solo agua + micorrizas.
De momento solo se utiliza un modulo de 120w.
(Disculpen la calidad de las fotografias)
Hey bonito trabajo, felicidades! Vi que usas trébol blanco como compañía para tus plantas, que tal la experiencia? Algún consejo? Es que estoy usándolos por primera vez! Buenos humos!👌
Hello friend, the white clover is the third time that I use it and it always gives me good results :)
It helps me maintain adequate humidity during vegetation and not generate erosion on the surface, it also resists any type of fertilization,
however, the humidity it generates can attract some type of pest, as long as your crop is isolated from possible pests, white clover is wonderful!
Greetings friend! :)
(Forgive my bad English)