Goddamn Photoshop, Goddamn orange light.. It's quite hard
to work with it. Photos will get overexposured so easily. At least
they're trippy! Probably gotta do night shots from now on, like
in the past..
I have worries about height, there's some light burns (of what
you probably don't see from the pictures) in top leaves, but
there's not a whole lot I can do about it, at the moment.
Topping was a very good decision, but rather bit too much
than too little. :)
*...what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger, plants...*
@AwfulBuddy, Yeh man. 😅 Those bottom left stems should create big buds,
most of the space is dedicated to them. Sadly I don't have more height, to give
more balanced lighting, but I saved all the big leaves to the frying middle!