๐Day 88 is the last day for the Cream Mandarin XL Auto from Sweet Seeds. 89 total days. 56 Days of flower. The plant flourished and has some really nice dense colas. The aroma in the tent is a strong intoxicating sweet orange cream with a nice hint of stank. Outside (I vent to outside from a 2nd story window) the aroma is every where even when windy. Its it skunky citrus outside. Im surprised my wife hasnt complained about it, she hates the smell and reminds me when the colas are in full swing. The leaves have faded to yellow up top with a few large leaves yellowed and discarded by the plant at the bottom. The bus are very dense, but the branches didnt need any support because the branches were super sturdy. I fed it nutrients right up to harvest time. During the last week or so the pH of the run-off would drop quickly, so I was giving some low EC fertigations followed by full strength. This would help keep in range but was a possible signal that the plant may be ready. (I will review so previous plant logs to see if there are similarities of pH towards harvest).
@NSCanna, Thanks for the taking time to look at my grow! I dont remember measuring it, I would estimate at the very base its about 2.5" diameter. It was splitting the skin at the base because it was growing so plumply.
Wow, man, that's fat! Seems like coco allows you grow so much more outta 10litets pot. I also noticed your fert cocktail. I'm curious if I could grow 2kg raw from 7l coco airpot with calmag, sensi coco grow and bloom only...I'll try. So you like tangerine dream and growers choice...
My favorite plant is Super Lemon haze auto and Green house seeds seedbank. This strain is fat, fast and juuicy. I should try growers choice, and you should try ghs seeds as well.