January 5 day 22, the Malasana Cookies is growing well, with newer growth comparatively healthy. It is more able to handle lower humidity with it's better developed roots. Watering is happening once every day and a half (approximately) with about 20 percent runoff per event. It is also starting to smell just a little bit, which at this stage is a bonus. The Jack's all in one is working fine. I am enjoying it's low phosphorus, as I always PH down with phosphoric acid which puts quite a bit into the nutrient solution anyways. It is also holding ph quite well, ranging from a 5.9 to a max of 6.2 over the course of a week.
January 6, day 23, continued with a little LST to open up the center of the plant to new growth.
January 9 day 26, dense growth. Removed a few leaves the make room for new branching.
January 11 day 28, growth had become so dense in the center that defoliation was necessary. I left all the large fan leaves that were not interfering with branching.
Yep! They’re looking much better, think they’re going to be monsters ;)
Yeah, the Jacks works well with my well water which is 150 ppm and 8.2 PH from the artesian well.
Thanks man
@GrowersParadise, they are both good nutrients, but I am really enjoying the Jack's Tap for my water. The low 'P' is great when you have to add lots of phosphoric acid as a ph down. Your plants are starting to look nice and thick, happy growing! 👍🌿