She's out and about .. I'm hoping I can recreate the circumstances of my first girl as she's doing amazing. This is another orange cookie strain, the second seed I got, and I really love my first one .. so here's hoping!
Nothing to say yet really.. she's grown her first little leaves and she's ready to start.
She's spreading out very similar to the way the first one did. I'm watering her in a wide circle to encourage root growth and trying not to overwhelm her with light. She's growing a lot and has her first bigger leaves starting up. The last grow I used the pot to pot to 7gal. This time I'm planning to do the pot to a 3gal. I'm using air pots for the 7gal and the 3gal. I want to see if it makes a difference for these two girls. People have told me contracting ideas on the pot. That autos couldn't or shouldn't be put in such big bags because time is short vs screw it.. time is short .. bigger roots bigger harvest.
I'm still doing the smaller pot first for a couple of reasons. The larger pots are too heavy for the little shelf where I put the smaller light and they're too big. Also I think letting the roots hit the wall and put effort into making a web is good for her. I just kinda like seeing that moment when you transplant them and that web just shoots out. Plus it keeps the soil fresher and reduces the nutes you need to add to water.