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1stGr. SF-1000KIT CBD20:1 Supersoil

3 years ago
SF1000 Light Emitting Diodes/20W
Sf1000 Light Emitting Diodes/20W
Room Type
leaf tucking
weeks 10
weeks 4
weeks 4-5
weeks 4-7, 10, 14
shamrock potting soil
Grow medium
Westland Cacti
Grow medium
9 L
Pot Size
0.5 L
3 years ago
This is a fastbud plant in one of my diares, just made this to possible enter fastbud contests. CONDITIONS: Glass of water method, PH 6.3 PPM 78 22c. Kept above a fridge in a dark press that doesn't get used. I'll check back in 12 hours to see if they have dropped. Hopefully by 36-48 hours they will have at least dropped or even better, sprouted and dropped. But even if it's dropped but not sprouted I'll add a drop or 2 of hydro and if it's still floating or not sprouted I will just discard after another 24 hours following the 48 first try. IF fails it will be a weak seed, it's better just to try another seed and change conditions, ie giving them hydro straight away and keep the temp more stable somehow or try a different germination method. UPDATE 12/20/21 12hrs since dropped. Both seeds have hit bottom of glass, no sprouts, a little early. PH 6.3 PPM dropped just a little 75. 22.5c Let's not disturb them now for another 12-24 hours will update. UPDATE 18HRS. So, looks like my whole grow plan is out the window. My whole setup was depending on a $400 delivery of hydro nutes, coco+perlite, lst gear and hydro pots. I do not have a way to go this route this time, as I do not have the funds nor can I get a company to ship all the items I'll need by tomorrow night, my 48hr glass water germination method. So, instead, I'm going to try a new product that has never been used as far as I know. It's a supersoil powder that transforms normal potting soil into top soil, it's also geared towards organic plant growth. It's very very very expensive. But it's just one product. You can make up to 100l per 100 grams and it costs $70 per 100grams. So, looks like it's going to be an organic grow, defo expecting a lesser yield, but, hey, who knows this could be the next wonder juice. Will update tomorrow on progress of germination. UPDATE 2.5 DAYS So, I just took the seeds down and as you can see after 22hrs after switching to paper towel the CBD AUTO 20:1 that had a little tail is just about ready to plant aswel as it's sister CBD. The zkittlez showed only slight shell change after 36hrs of glass water, but as you can see the 22hrs in paper towel has them nearly there too. I checked them last night after 12 hours just to resoak with a spray bottle of 6.3ph, 78ppm and 23c temp of distilled water from a regular Brita jug. GLASS OF WATER METHOD: Hmm, to be desired. This method seems to work okay with fastbuds, but even after 36 hours only a tiny tail was sprouting. Zkittlez only barely could notice shell change. Not a great method, but Maybe if I'll try this way again I will use a nute or a few drops of hydro. NOT A BEST METHOD FOR FAST RELIABLE RESULTS. PAPER TOWEL METHOD: So, I threw in the towel with the GOW method. And decided to go straight into paper towel. I have no special heat pad, or controlled environment, I just got a big plate, folded up a kitchen cloth put it on plate, and put some cling film over the plate, then got some kitchen towel paper, ripped it in half and made 2 slips, lay it down, soak the paper till soaked right through, ( don't worry about getting to wet, just hold stuff down and turn plate on its side to rid of excess pooling water. Use tweezers or gloves, to take seeds from glass, (if using different strains be sure to label or make sure you rember what side you have left seeds). Lay seeds half way down on paper towel and cover with remaining half of paper towel (be sure you move the paper towel around so the seeds are sitting on the cloth, instead of a cold plate, trust me, it makes so much difference), until they overlap trapping the seeds between wet paper towels, lay cling film over paper towels and to remain heat, again fold up light dish cloth and lay over top of cling film, this is just to retain heat, and I only added the top cloth last night and when I checked it dismorning to my surprise the seeds had dried up the paper towels a lot after laying the extra dish cloth over the top of cling film. With that extra added bit of heat in the dark press I kept the glasses of water they sprouted sooo much. So just going to give them 12 more hours then gonna plant. I WOULD 100% CHOOSE THIS METHOD OVER GOW, BUT, MAYBE SOAK THE THE SEEDS FOR 12 HOURS BEFORE PT GERMINATION. UPDATE Day 3 CBD AUTO 20:1 love PT method they took to GOW method too, one was showing a small tail, but massive improvement changing it to PT method there about 1.5 inchs. So, really happy with the progress. Ready to plant. I hope my first ever, beginners germination shares on success and failures a like helps. How else do we learn unless we make mistakes, but read this, I've made them for you and hopefully translated them results in every step. Thanks for reading. Following my grow. Will update tomorrow after they get there first 18hrs of light and feedings.
Used method
Paper Towel
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
3 years ago
5 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
500 PPM
52 %
21 °C
23 °C
21 °C
9 L
0 L
35 cm
800 PPM
Nutrients 2
Supersoil Powder 1 mll
Voodoo Juice - Advanced Nutrients
Voodoo Juice 2 mll
Okay, you are probably wondering why, I'm using 2 large terracotta pots compared to the 2 tiny air flow hydro pots. Okay, so here MY reasoning. So, the whole purpose, of this powder, is to turn normal organic soil into topsoil/humus. So, why start making top soil then only to disturb it to change into a bigger pot of fresh soil. Well, it takes up to 2-4 weeks for this formula to turn soil to topsoil. Really, if I had the product before I started my grow, I'd of made a batch of from ordinary soil and soaked it in the solution, hence having the topsoil ready and on hand, cause at the moment the plants won't get much help from this stuff, so, for the first 2-4 weeks I mixed a 4l of high grade Cacti planting mix to give it that organic boost until the soil transforms into Humus/topsoil. So, when I mixed .5 of the powder with 6.3 ph water after 20mins the ph was up and around 9.3-9.5 and PPM were in the 700+ and increasing, especially when I added a little how water the PPM jumped up, cause this stuff works best in okay heat conditions, supposedly there's billions of micro whatever doing there work and that's what transforms the soil. So, I had to think on my feet. I didn't want to risk giving it such a high PH. So, I made up a batch of .3 in 500ml of 6.3 PH PPM78. After 20mins it went up to 7.8. .4 of a no of lemon juice brought it right down to 7.05 PH 500PPM. Both organic plants got 500ml feed of supersoil formula at the start and another 150ml of 6.3ph distilled water after 12hrs of light. Got there first 18 hours, am going to water again this time with just PH 6.3 PPM 78 21c temp, 250ml each when reaches 24 hours planted. Then 12 hours later another 250ml, or around that. Fan comes on to suck filtered air in 20mins on and 20mins off, 24/7 I turn the speed up to full when the light is on half speed when off. As plant goes into flower will run filtered air until Harvest. Update. 42hrs To my surprise as I was switching to its next 6hr dark period I noticed first signs of growth. Going to water with 250ml of supersoil formula tomorrow and 100-150 of 6.3ph distilled water. And I'll just water straight ph water the rest of the weak, on growth/color assessment supersoil formula will/won't be add accordingly 52 hrs gave her 50ml of supersoil formula following another 250ml of distilled PH 6.3 water over the 3rd day lighting period. I'll give it another 250ml per organic plant over the space of day 5 lighting period. And each day between 150ml spread out over the lighting period for the first week. And then will give updates on changes. Updates on pics will still come for this plant for the remaining of this week. HUMIDITY CONTROL 12/25/21 So, I noticed when the light is on after a while the humidity can get as low as 52% but goes up to around 55 when the intake fan comes on. So, I got a bowl, put it in between the terracotta pots with some hot water and epison salt and when the fan is off it can go up to 67% and 60% after a few mins of the intake fan being on. So, really happy with an easy fix, it stays around 60-65% when lights are off and intake fan on/off 1/2 1 being turned on for 20mins and turned off for 40mins. Small portable fan on all the time, only when it's being charged it's not turned on. Update 2/1/22 So, the CBD is doing great you see how she's starting to take shape, but be a very good plant for clones if that were the purpose. I have 1 CBD AUTO seed left, so when these 5 grows are over I'm going to grow the CBD and get 4 good clones and I'm hoping to take 2 clones and keep them on ice from Tangerine Dream Auto. Its mad, the 2 best plants are the ones that need very little up keep. 1 water feeding a day whether it be distilled water, voodoo juice or the next supersoil formula feed which is on D11. But, yeah, these are the healthiest, biggest and most developed plants of the 2 strains growing in different conditions. I was going to be TDA in hydros but I'm thinking I'll just go the organic route. REPORT ON METHODS USED AND RESULTS FOUNDED. Great looking plant, she is the most matured looking by far, so far the supersoil feeds have given everything the plant needs, I was a bit worried with them being so young that the mix would be to rich, but as stated on the formula it breaks down nutes and helps control uptake, it's weird, the EC is high and the PH is very high but again, it stated that PH problems would be a thing of the past. So for results, Yeah, plant is going really well, (Touch Bud(
Week 2. Vegetation
3 years ago
7.5 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
880 PPM
58 %
21 °C
23 °C
21 °C
9 L
0 L
35 cm
800 PPM
Nutrients 3
supersoil formula 1 mll
Voodoo Juice - Advanced Nutrients
Voodoo Juice 2 mll
Week 2, so, I fed them 150ml of supersoil formula on DAY 8. PH was really high got it down to 8.7 PMM 880. Will feed again this week around D11 with another feed of formula, regular feeds of 150ml ph 6.3 PPM 78 distilled water will be added daily. Considering if I should start adding voodoo, Pirana and Tarantula. These are all organic nutes from advanced nutrients line. Really I should have started them on these for the first 2 weeks during veg and then another 2 weeks at the start of week 5, flower stage. So, I have decided to add voodoo juice for the 2nd week of this grow, after going through everything voodoo juice has no change to PPM and is just for roots, so, 3 days out of this 7 I will add 100ml of voodoo juice at 2ml per l. PH is 6.35 PPM 78, first 100ml given on day 8 of veg growth. 1/1/22 D9 Plant is really coming into your own, thought one leaf had been damaged, but, the leafs are all breaking off making their own path, CBD HYDRO plant is very similar, but as of now the organic/supersoil is giving better results on both strains, very interesting to see this supersoil formula change normal medium quality organic soil into high grade humus, you can see how the soil has changed from it's first pic to the very very high quality top soil I have created, and, the plants are clearly reaping the benefits of this powder, that to my knowledge hasn't been used in any grow, I've scanned the net, and all I can find is a 30day test done that grass seeds were placed in a cup of sand and 1 dose of supersoil formula changed the sand into humus/top soil and you can see at least 15cm of high grade grass(I mean lawn grass, not the stuff we want lol). Only thing is, when do I stop using it. Or do I run the risk of using it during the flower stage, but the PH PPM is crazy, so, I think PH down by biobizz is in the works! I have dosed both organics with 100ml of voodoo juice, they get their 2nd dose today. And a daily watering not exceeding 200ml of liquid a day. 3/1/22 gave them their 4th and final supersoil feeding for this week. Will follow just with voodoo and distilled water for the rest of this week. Pics of remaining days of week to comes but that's it for this week. Hope you this week, stay tuned for next weeks update and pics to come. Update 4/1/22 when opening tent today got my first smell of the plants, was nt expecting to be smelling this early will update on a stem rub test for next week and see where we are then. So, got a PPM and PH reading on the biocanna, hold on to your hair. PH-11.5 PPM 492. Fuck me that PH is high. That's 16ml per l but even at 2ml per l it's still hitting 9.8 and PPM dropped to 360. But, as it stats with the supersoil formula PH shouldn't be an issue that the soil is set at 5.9-6. But I'm still going to play it safe. REPORT AND RESULTS FROM WHAT WAS DONE THIS WEEK. Again I haven't had to do much as the supersoil and the high grade cacti mix has come under control. Really top stuff this supersoil. gottagrowsometime
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Week 3. Vegetation
3 years ago
8 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
880 PPM
58 %
21 °C
23 °C
21 °C
9 L
0 L
35 cm
800 PPM
Nutrients 4
supersoil formula 1 mll
Voodoo Juice - Advanced Nutrients
Voodoo Juice 2 mll
Bio-pH- - BioBizz
Bio-pH- 0.5 mll
7/1/22 Week 3. This plant is by far the most mature and healthiest looking. She has given me no problems whatsoever. I'm going to continue on the same course I have been with her, same feeding as week 1 just amount of liquid will be increased by 20%. Air intake, air circulation has been increased and has been turned up 50%. 11/1/22 have given her the last supersoil formula feed for this week, possibly even the whole grow, I'm wondering should I give up on the thing that has brought her so far without any hassle. If there was going to be trouble it would have been cause the PH was ending up too high so I couldn't give a high dose, but after getting biobizz ph down, that's all changed now. I can completely control my PH now, so, I'm thinking, maybe in their final week of veg every 2nd day will be a supersoil feed. I'll see, but as for this week. This is all I'll be writing in the diary, unless anything drastic happens. Only remaining days of weeks pics will be added. Thanks for taking the time to read this week's diary. 11/1/22 So, went to feed the plants in the middle of the night and the fan had fallen on top of the CBD organic and she was all bent up and twisted. But surprisingly she has bounced back to her same all up a little still twisted. But she's ok. Overwatered them, forgot I added their supersoil formula and kept going with their daily intake of fluids. And both organics overflowed with run-off for the first time. Bad day to be playing with plants I'm hoping I didn't fuck 'em up. gottagrowsometime
Week 4. Vegetation
3 years ago
23 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
880 PPM
58 %
21 °C
23 °C
21 °C
9 L
0 L
35 cm
800 PPM
Nutrients 1
Voodoo Juice - Advanced Nutrients
Voodoo Juice 2 mll
What can I say she looks great. I'm not going to massively change her, she is coming on perfect. She's gonna be a small plant so I'm gonna focus on expanding her, im gonna top her on the 5th node next week. She looks perfect, not one issue as for color, nute burn, NADA. Loving the simplicity of it all. Fuck hydros. This shit is much more easier and results are better for someone who can't tend to their plants all the time, gotta keep the lights on to keep growing, not doing it in my mammas house or gf, whatever. But, if you are in the same boat, I urge you to use this method as it take very little since I overwatered my plants I haven't given them any fluids and even when I was it was just once a day and a 50ml spray or so of voodoo juice and a 4 supersoil feeds. 18/1/22 Fucking kicking myself. Just as I was starting defol I was cutting from the bottom of the stem on the fan lead wit a stanley and, surprise surprise, I let it slip cutting the cola off. That's the 2nd one gone from this plant. 1st one didn't mature, not grower error. Just a thought, if your using a scalpel or a stanley, cut between the colas and the fan lead, "the fan leaf is always directly below the cola, that's the things growing your bud sites, try not to cut them off like me", thankfully I cut just right above the 6th node leaving just enough to grow bud site. Going to get back to defol later. Guess I wasn't cut out to be a surgeon. I'm going to have a joint or 5 to settle my hands and attach these girls in a more normal manner lol. 18/1/22 topped last night and done some defoliation, for those who are beginners and find this concerning, why take healthy leafs off my plant, well, if your like me, and space is an issue aswell and humidity and temp doing defoliation will solve this by some means, and you are allowing light to reach bud sites, if you are doing LST, you kinda be silly not to do defoliation before you do lst, being the whole point of LST is to move them into the light but by removing unwanted leafs you are more or less making room to control LST better, so in my novice advice I strongly recommend you defoliate. For those who do not know where or what fan leafs are, start by doing the very easily noticeable fan leafs which grow right under the Y shaped cola above it, NEVER CUT THAT. As you can see in my pics of CBD I stupidly used a stanley blade and cut from the bottom up in and in doing so I cut a cola off. But it's okay, also there was one cola that never matured so I left the 6th intact but really it's only 5 cause there is a cola missing from 2 and 4 I think.
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Used techniques
Week 5. Vegetation
3 years ago
30 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
1520 PPM
58 %
21 °C
23 °C
21 °C
9 L
1 L
31 cm
800 PPM
Nutrients 6
Voodoo Juice - Advanced Nutrients
Voodoo Juice 2 mll
Tarantula - Advanced Nutrients
Tarantula 2 mll
Piranha - Advanced Nutrients
Piranha 2 mll
Week 5 D29. So, I've lots of nutes for the flower stage but my mix already seems to still have the required amount of nutes needed. As I tried adding extra to TDA and she got problems right away. Think I'll have to wait another week or 2 until I see signs that they need some extra nutes. No point trying to repair something that's running fine. 29/1/22 D35 So, stupidly I overwatered my cbd plant, again. Was able to get some run-off from a plate cause I noticed it early, as I had a feeling I overwatered the bottle kinda slipped in my hand when pouring in. So, was checking and hey presto we got a mini flood about 75/100ml of nute water. Won't be giving her any liquids other than a light spray of voodoo/tarantula and piranha to help absorb any nutes left in the soil. Will literally only be 5/15ml just to help the plant break down and avoid nutrition lockout. Not bad, EC/PPM is a little high but I have been giving high dose 100ml of water with a 3ml infused nute of biocanna and rhino skin with 2ml/100ml of water. With voodoo/tarantula and piranha I give 2ml per l in a spray bottle, they are mixed together. Dunno if that's hurting it, haven't tried any other way. Espically with the hydros, giving them that many nutes a day is a pain the arse, I can't wait to switch over to DWC, I know that will throw up issues of its own but the nutes I have work well when mixed together in a reservoir. PH 5.97 PPM 1520
Used techniques
Week 6. Vegetation
3 years ago
35 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
1520 PPM
58 %
21 °C
23 °C
21 °C
9 L
0 L
31 cm
800 PPM
Nutrients 6
Voodoo Juice - Advanced Nutrients
Voodoo Juice 2 mll
Tarantula - Advanced Nutrients
Tarantula 2 mll
Piranha - Advanced Nutrients
Piranha 2 mll
Week 6 D36. So, yday I overwatered my CBD but in doing so I got a chance to catch some run-off and did a PH/PPM test. Which was not bad, all but PPM a little high, so no more nutes for the rest of the week. PH was 5.97 PPM was 1520, yes, I know it's high. But she seems to be taken it on the chin, there's no nute burn. Or any other major problems. After she drys out I'm going to put an organic bloom booster in, so if anyone has any advice please leave your suggestion in the comments, be sure to start with @gottagrowsometime ---message--- Thanks for reading. For this week there won't be much as for info, as there is very little to do. I took some more defoliation on the last hrs of D35. So, no more of that for a least another 2/3 wks. Hope you enjoy the rest of the weeks pics to come. DONT FORGET, IF YOU HAVE INFO ON A GOOD ORGANIC BLOOM BOOSTER FOR SOIL, HIT ME UP. I'm not looking for 3 or 4 now, I have 18 different types of bottles of nutes I have to juggle and sort out, so I'm not looking for extra work. Price isn't really an issue once it's good. REPORT AND RESULTS FROM WHAT WAS DONE THIS WEEK. Stripped her a little to get underdeveloped bud sites to grow a little more and catch up with the others, really happy with the outcome all looking a little messy thinking of ways to tidy her up? Thanks for reading, happy growing gottagrowsometime
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Used techniques
Week 7. Flowering
3 years ago
40 cm
15 hrs
24 °C
1520 PPM
58 %
21 °C
23 °C
21 °C
9 L
1 L
31 cm
600 PPM
Nutrients 6
Voodoo Juice - Advanced Nutrients
Voodoo Juice 2 mll
Tarantula - Advanced Nutrients
Tarantula 2 mll
Piranha - Advanced Nutrients
Piranha 2 mll
7/2/22 Week 7, First week of flowering. Turned light up to 100%. An increased intake to 100% 24/7. Switching to 15/9. Lots of bud sites, much more than the hydros. 8/2/22 So having after a proper look I'm going to have to do another defoliation, as again all lowest nodes are so underdeveloped I'm going to try strip as much as I can from this or the lower set of nodes to increase growth. It's worked some what by doing this with TDA, so defoliation done right and with thought can not only lower humidity, help light reach bud sites and lower parts of stems, then I suggest you do some testing like me or read what I've wrote and went through in detail cause by doing defoliation you can help stimulate underdeveloped parts of your grow. Thanks for reading. And as always, work smarter not harder. Happy growing my friends. 9/2/22 done some light defoliation, as she really needed it, I'll tuck the rest of the leafs away 2moro. If she needs more defol she can't wait a few weeks. REPORT AND RESULTS FROM WHAT WAS DONE THIS WEEK. So decided to do some more lighter defoliation compared to zkittlez organic, but hoping for the same results as last time, just needs a little push at developing the lower nodes a little more. RESULTS, Really happy with how this week turned out, added new bud sites on top of that, the underdeveloped sites have came along nicely. This plant will be a decent harvest if it keeps going this way. Thanks for reading, Happy Growing gottagrowsometime
Used techniques
Week 8. Flowering
3 years ago
48 cm
15 hrs
24 °C
900 PPM
58 %
21 °C
23 °C
21 °C
9 L
1 L
31 cm
600 PPM
Nutrients 8
Voodoo Juice - Advanced Nutrients
Voodoo Juice 2 mll
Tarantula - Advanced Nutrients
Tarantula 2 mll
Piranha - Advanced Nutrients
Piranha 2 mll
Flowering week 8 D50 13/2/22 Decided to get an organic big bud, will be added Tuesday and have added Nirvana, I'll add it to a mix with some enzymes and that. Basically what I've been given so the plant could take the most from the humus/top soil I made with my supersoil formula. Which to this date has, (well at least as far back from last week when I overwatered her and got a PPM reading and that was 1520, and not one of my organics has shown signs of stress of nute burn.)(Touch Bud) 15/2/22 D52 Explosive growth this week nearly 10cm well 9 to be more precise. Really starting to spread out also. Am also going to have to start training the top 2 sets of nodes out as they still have a lot of bend to them and will be perfect to put a twist in to lower the canopy. Thanks for reading, Happy Growing gottagrowsometime
Week 9. Flowering
3 years ago
58 cm
15 hrs
24 °C
900 PPM
58 %
21 °C
23 °C
21 °C
9 L
1 L
31 cm
600 PPM
Nutrients 7
Voodoo Juice - Advanced Nutrients
Voodoo Juice 2 mll
Tarantula - Advanced Nutrients
Tarantula 2 mll
Piranha - Advanced Nutrients
Piranha 2 mll
Week 9 D67 Growing really well, making lots of bud sites that will grow into big cola buds. I reckon about 50-70grams dry for a CBD organic that's pretty darn good. Will be killer smoke. 23/2/22 Really happy with her progress if I can bring her to harvest (touch bud), then we could have a 50-70g+ dry harvest compared to 15-25g dry on the hydro. Weird right. Thanks for reading gottagrowsometime
1 comment
Week 10. Flowering
3 years ago
63 cm
15 hrs
24 °C
1100 PPM
58 %
21 °C
23 °C
21 °C
9 L
1 L
31 cm
600 PPM
Nutrients 7
P-K mix 5 mll
Voodoo Juice - Advanced Nutrients
Voodoo Juice 2 mll
Tarantula - Advanced Nutrients
Tarantula 2 mll
CBD AUTO 20:1 D71 25/2/22 Done some light defoliation to allow in light, and leaf tucked where I could but very hard lol, really happy with how the buds are coming along, overall very happy compared to CBD hydro. I can already tell she'll give 50g dry + she's so sticky, and smell is really coming on. You may even think the color and shine of her it might be nute tox, I assure you it's not, the leafs are so healthy so signs of crisp or anything like N tox. It's just the 4-5wks from rhino skin which is now been taken off, but man it works much better in soil than with the hydros, (took up until about last wk to kick in, its soooo much stringer, look at them leafs it says it all. Decided to raise the PPM to 1100 giving her at least 1-2 weeks of a higher dose of PPM. I really love the organic side of growing is so easy to do. The smell and stickiness is like double what the hydro is, much more frost and bud mass in general and she hasn't even exploded in bud mass. Fun times ahead. I'd love to go into green buzz liquids and do some top organic grows but DWC for yield seems to be the way to go for me with the size of my tent. 3/1/22 GREAT UPDATE, A LITTLE LATE BUT WILL STILL HELP. So, got my hands on some raw N-P-K don't really need the Nitogen at this stage but the raw P-K will be great for flowering (phosphorus/potassium) mix think I'll do a 1-5-5 mix. I know it was meant to be given in week 5-6 Or more precise when stigma started, (pistons,lots of white hairs) this will hopefully transform the grow at this stage, really hoping to transform this grow, these are well long and needed key nutes that are a must in forming nice dense buds, bring I don't have many organic sugars this should be the kick thesec organics Gave the organics there first taste of raw P-K mixed up a 1 l of each with 2.5grams of each powder. Only have them 50ml of P-K and 50ml of raw N with .5 grams per L. Hopefully this will help the small P-K def that's starting to show up. Looks light nute burn, it's not, it's a light p-k def. Thanks for reading gottagrowsometime
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Used techniques
leaf tucking
Week 11. Flowering
3 years ago
63 cm
15 hrs
24 °C
1100 PPM
58 %
21 °C
23 °C
21 °C
9 L
1 L
31 cm
600 PPM
Nutrients 7
P-K mix 5 mll
Voodoo Juice - Advanced Nutrients
Voodoo Juice 2 mll
Tarantula - Advanced Nutrients
Tarantula 2 mll
Week 11 D78 coming along nicely, have increased her P-K hoping to get some nice dense buds compared to the larfy hydro CBD. Took a few leafs off not much, will clean her up tomorrow to give her that extra push and hopefully get the light down to lower growth. She has about 3-4 weeks left. 11/3/22 Kinda happy with her progress over the past 2 days. She has put on about 10% bud mass and sites are starting to come together up and down the nodes. Was able to add my dehumidifier to my room brought the RH in the room down from 75-80% down to 55-58% and in the tent it's holding at 65% And 21c in the dark and 26c when the light is on. Hopefully I'll be able to bring them numbers closer together on my next grow. 4c temp change is ideal. So, got a tip that I should be aiming for big swings in temp as it gets closer to harvest. Bit tricky to do so without causing unwanted strechting in my TDA which is only started stigma 14days ago and still has some growing, so sadly I'll have to apply this tip on my next grow. As there shouldn't be a massive gap in stages as TDA was/is weeks behind. Thanks for reading gottagrowsometime
Week 12. Flowering
3 years ago
63 cm
15 hrs
24 °C
850 PPM
55 %
21 °C
23 °C
21 °C
9 L
1 L
31 cm
800 PPM
Nutrients 7
P-K mix 5 mll
Voodoo Juice - Advanced Nutrients
Voodoo Juice 2 mll
Tarantula - Advanced Nutrients
Tarantula 2 mll
Week 12 D85 flowering roughly 45 days. She's gladly coming close to her end date. Trichomes are coming on nicely about 15% milky/clear the rest are cloudy with about 25%amber. RH has been pushed down to 55% with the introduction of 2 intake fans. Same RH as the room. Temp dropped by 1.5-2c with the extra intake of air. She is soooo sticky and smelly it's unreal how sticky and frosty she is for a CBD. Lovely sweet fruit/honey smell. Will be bringing the PPM down by 250 for this week as I suspect this will be her last week on feed. And then a 2wk flush and 36-48hr rest in the dark period. 18/3/22 Going to give her, her possible last feed tomorrow. I'll feed heavy and then for the next week I'll feed with water and If I'm happy with the trichomes I'll continue on with another weeks of PH 6.3 PPM 78 TEMP 21C at 750ml every 2-3 days. If next week comes and I'm not happy with the trichomes I'll give another weeks feed. Thanks for reading gottagrowsometime
Week 13. Flowering
3 years ago
63 cm
15 hrs
24 °C
1560 PPM
57 %
21 °C
23 °C
21 °C
9 L
1 L
31 cm
800 PPM
Nutrients 1
6.3 PH 78ppm distilled water 500 mll
Week 13 D91 She got her last high dose of feed last night that will do her for the week. Not overall with how she has turned out. Buds are not compact and dense, this is down to my knowledge at the time of growing and thinking just cause she looked healthy I was doing everything right, I was but just not in a way that took full advantage of. I didn't know about increasing P-K and I started her on bloom to early I should have waited till I seen stigma and hit her hard with P-K and micro nutes to get nice dense buds, also I kept the temp fairly regular with her she would have liked a nice drop in temp by 10c but at the moment I haven't the gear to bring the temp into the 29-30 range so I can lower it into the 19-20c range. My next grows I will for sure Have it dialed in and know what I'm doing for sure. Also would have been nice to have this new smart fan so I could control the temp better and understand the RH in my tent. At the moment it's in the 55-60% in the tent and 48-50% in the room. I'm going to install the normal 4inch intake fan at the bottom of the tent and have it suck out 80% of the 100% air been blown in from the top, by doing this I'll create air circulation aswel as hopefully making the RH in the room be the same in the tent. Will start feeding her water this week with maybe a bit of cal to help break down this wks feed and then throw her into a flush. I have sensi cal mag extra or I might just use a small dose of big bud organic which has cal in it, I'll see. 19/3/22 As you can see I have the RH as best as I can get in my grow room, I've installed the smart fan and inserted the sensor giving me 57%RH/75f in the tent with the light off, it's rather hot today, much hotter than normal, it's normally 21c in my room it's 24.5 today. RH is at 50% in room, hopefully by installing my old intake fan in the lowest part of my tent and suck out 80% While 100% gets blown in on top will bring the tents RH to the same as the room, that's the hope anyways. But 57%RH is still okay, not optimal but not too bad neither 20/3/22 Decided to keep her organic, I'm not going to add sensi cal mag, and big bud organic has too many other nutes in it. Will continue on with just water for a few weeks. 21/3/22 So, I tried out my new method. Of having my smart intake fan suck in 50RH and a bottom intake fan at the end sucking out older air at a lesser speed had it running for 8hrs, no change in humidity whatsoever just dropped the temp by 1.5c. I think the fact I have a 70x70 with so many plants has set the RH and thankfully it's not what it was which was touching on 80rh at some days. A bigger tent and I'll really be able to dial in my grows now I have all the tools to control RH/TEMP from S/H. For now 57%RH when it's low and 62% when the lights are on for a few hours. Stays around 57-60% atm for around 85% of the time. Temp is constant and doesn't change without my control within a range of 4-6c change difference, this number I have no problem in changing and I'll be making my tent a lot cooler after this wk ends. I'll be keeping her at 18c with lights off and 28 with lights on. As for this plant, she is still very larfy looking, dunno if it was the supersoil as I'm not sure it's meant for that, as both plants have turned out a little larfy, but the bud, man the quality is top notch, the smell is unreal and so sticky it should be called CBD GLUE. 23/3/22 Decided to do a hard flush on this plant also, I needed to see where she is at in nutes in soil. This supersoil shit lasts too long. I'm thinking would scraping the topsoil/humus off help, ppm reading from run-off from 1l got 300ml back and was fairly high 1560, PH was 5.9 as always in the soil. Am going to let her dry out for 2-3 days then feed water 5-700ml whatever she can hold without giving back run-off and in a weeks time I'll do another hard flush and see where we are at. Thanks for reading, drop a like so I know u dropped by so I can do the same. gottagrowsometime
Week 14. Flowering
3 years ago
63 cm
15 hrs
24 °C
111 PPM
57 %
21 °C
23 °C
21 °C
9 L
1 L
31 cm
800 PPM
Nutrients 1
6.3 PH 78ppm distilled water 500 mll
Wk 14 D99. D 53 of flowering. Coming along nicely. Flushed out all her nutes twice during the week. She is at ppm water readings. 111PPM 5.86PH. She is so smelly and sticky it unreal. She's put on about 10-20% of bud mass, the larf has filled out a lot and bud sites that had massive gaps in them have closed closer together, meaning, "bud expansion baby", few more days in a 500ml every 3 days for another few days then 48hr rest in the dark and she's done. 28/3/22 Getting her ready for end of life, going to try get as much resin/trichomes production as I can, so I've taken 1/3-1/2 of all growth, (fan/sugar leafs), this will send the plant into it's own mini defensive position and force her to focus on producing resin/trichomes as a counter mes against her "attack", that I'm tricking her into thinking she's been eaten alive by pests. 29/3/22 So, coming to her end. This is her last few hrs of light and then 9hrs of darkness in the tent and into my dark room, (box with fan) for another 39hrs in "the box", 48hrs total in darkness. Happy to say, defoliation has worked. Would be nice if I'd learned this last week. As with just 48hrs resin/trich/stickiness have increased 20-30%. Hopefully she will get even better in the dark rest period. 65% cloudy 30% amber 5% milky/clear. All over. Lots of larf around the end but will still make for nice smoke. Did a bud test last wk, took 4 days to dry and it was like a full bodied smoke even before the cure. Fruity/honey taste. Will still cure for a month. 30//3/22 Put her into the rest 12 hrs ago, she's sitting pretty and stinky in her box for another 36hrs give r take an hour and then chop chop. And will be added to the cure. Thanks for following/reading my diaries and liking. gottagrowsometime
Used techniques
Week 14. Harvest
3 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
This grow is completely different than the other supersoil grow. This one had lots and lots of larf and very leafy, riddled with sugar leafs, but leafs full of stickiness and CBD properties. It was a real nice plant to grow, need very little in the way of micro nutes, im putting this down to not having to produce THC. She is so sticky it's unreal. 10 solid nodes 189.5grams (also 25grams of wet smokeable trim) and a 3.2 gram tester from last week that gave back .8 in dry weight after a week of drying, and it feels very dry compared to the heavy fluid filled zkittlez. I'd say she's at around 70-80% mostiure. She's very pungent and extremely sticky for a CBD. Very happy, would have been nice to have denser buds but hey, it's top smoke as the tester was surprisingly full bodied taste. She stinks of honey and fruits. Smoking her your mouth fill with different tastes of fruits and very nice on the exhale. White ash. 8/10 Resin 5/10 bud density 8/10 trichomes 6/10 yield 8/10 smoke effects for a CBD 7/10 Overall performance of her needs very little in the way of LST. Just top her on above the 5th node and watch her grow. Will update on dry g weight in 7-10days. Going to let this one dry naturally in a box instead of the electric dryer has I don't want it to get all flat. Box dry at 50-55%RH 19-22c temp. Btw, I used a SF-1000 100watt light at 80% for veg-100% for flowering but had 5 plants start at the same time hence the 20 watts I'm only doing what the site would do if I added 5 plants of the same strain. I'll add dry g/w for overall 5 plants when they are all done, as even in 5 plants of the same strain some can be done before others depending on method used and so on just incase someone decides to call me out for cheating or some crap on G/W. Total from all 5 plants is 354 Grams Dry. So that's 3.54 G/W as all 5 plants were started at the same time.
Show more
Spent 100 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
192.7 g
Bud wet weight per plant
40.4 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Happy, Relaxed, Uplifted
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry mouth
Negative effects
Medical effects
Depression, Insomnia, Stress
Medical effects
Caramel, Diesel, Earthy

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Really happy with my harvest. Really surprised at how sticky she was. And surprised by the wet weight also. Was expecting her to be a lot less even though she had around the same amount of mass the zkittlez had it's just this bud felt a lot drier so I was expecting the wet weight to be 140-150 max. I know, it's wet weight and I'll get 1/4 of that in dry if I'm lucky. Very strong pungent stuff. CBD lovers delight. Very easy plant to grow, doesn't need a whole host of micro nutes. 1 tip when stigma starts it'll be good to have a high PK nute there on hand, even if you are using a supersoil or full soil grow mix. The added PK boost in my TDA soil grow is truly showing how important it is to give PK at the right moment when stigma starts, and you will also need to add cal when (White hairs, pistils) show. Much love for our Ukrainen brothers and sisters out their struggling for freedom from a mad man. God Bless you and your loved ones, hopefully this crime will soon be stopped. 1/4/22 Looked at the bud drying. Doing really well atm. This is her 3rd day drying. Middle is still wet on the nodes, drying fine though in box.


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gottagrowsometimecommentedweek 03 years ago
Thanks All. Will be going through all your diares for tips!!
homerjgangiacommentedweek 03 years ago
Good luck with your grow mate!💪💪
LittleJohncommentedweek 03 years ago
Good luck and happy growing😎💚🙏🏻
LegacyMarketFarmcommentedweek 113 years ago
Those photos in the dark, They are starting to cake up fairly nicely. I think as long as you do the dry / cure right even if they are not the densest buds you should still have some great smoke. Having managed large grows & been around big bags I prefer smalls myself. One of our buyers that pre-ordered most of the crop from the big facility I managed, Literally would break down a pound bag and somehow steam out the moisture from all the stems & weigh the stem before and after and bitch at us if there was any major weight accounted for by this. At the highest level, people are incredibly neurotic almost to a fault. up to 100lbs was 1750 per pound so I guess they have good cause to be. I always found regardless in bulk purchases the stem loss from large quads was not worth it. I prefer bags of smalls that literally have 0 stem weight to them you get much more in the end you would be surprised. In this market high volume sales trump high per cost sales, You can do better offering ounces of premium smalls at 50-60 a bag. People pay a premium for big buds when really all they are, Are smalls connected to a stem that you can't smoke. If the weed is good its generally good all the way through & when you hand trim high-end product you trim it TIGHT there can be no gap in the buds or you break it down. Generally, only the tops are held as big structure buds or tops off your side branches which all get packaged up into quad packs.
LegacyMarketFarmcommented3 years ago
@gottagrowsometime, I did not make it on purpose! It was a bag seed we got from a bag of nuken buds. the plant through out 3 seeds though I will gladly gift you them as nobody else has shown interest in it yet and I still have 1 more original seed that came from the bud like its twin that I germinated. DM me friend! It finished incredibly fast around 7 weeks tops and did not resemble nuken at all in aroma or flavor.
gottagrowsometimecommented3 years ago
@LegacyMarketFarm, ah well if you are buying a 100lb then yeah I'd say your at least getting 1-3lb of stem right? Great you have some1 who can take all that. Oh btw I seen this was your own seed you made for part of the grow. I seen it on a comment you wrote. What is the seed like can you DM me what it is, I'd be interested in making a small order in a few wks. Know it's nothing compared to what you sell and might be more of a burden. But I'd love to try or even hear about it.
SouthSugarBudcommentedweek 63 years ago
Good luck mate!Happy growing.
gottagrowsometimecommented3 years ago
@SouthSugarBud, cheers pal.
Godesskatcommentedweek 93 years ago
Good luck with your grow mate!💪💪
gottagrowsometimecommented3 years ago
@Godesskat, nice 1 pal. Thanks for dropping by.
Red_Rockst4rcommentedweek 53 years ago
💚💚💚 Gr8 pictures 📷💖 Keep sharing 👌 I wish you and your plant the best - 1 love 🍁🌿
gottagrowsometimecommented3 years ago
@Red_Rockst4r, cheers. Will do. Drop in on yours now. Thanks for dropping by.
Cannabeast40commentedweek 03 years ago
Wish you best of luck and happy growing 🙌😀
LegacyMarketFarmcommentedweek 103 years ago
These do not look bad AT ALL man good work. Once they begin to finish their vertical growth completely remember to start opening up your temp gaps between lights on and off to beyond 10 degrees less lights off and a little more each week until harvest. Keep it up man I know you can do this one!
LegacyMarketFarmcommented3 years ago
@gottagrowsometime, Anytime bro. I am always around if you should need me.
gottagrowsometimecommented3 years ago
@LegacyMarketFarm, will do, thanks for the tips man.
Fast_Budscommentedweek 53 years ago
Hey! Thanks for running this diary, We're looking forward to your harvest You got this growmie! Happy Growing!🌱
Fast_Budscommented3 years ago
@gottagrowsometime, Our pleasure 😎 we are always happy to hear this!!! We'll definitely enjoy watching you grow!! Looking forward to watching your progress! 💪
gottagrowsometimecommented3 years ago
@Fast_Buds, Thanks for dropping by fast_buds. I love your plants. Not once have I had issues with 'em they grow and germinate to perfection. My go 2 breeder from now on. Strawnana is my next grow. Thanks for taking we time.
Kynarethcommentedweek 43 years ago
good job!!
Sour_Dcommentedweek 23 years ago
Best of luck with your grows! 💪
Fast_Budscommentedweek 143 years ago
Hey! Hope you enjoy the harvest. Well done 😎 Happy Harvest!
Fast_Budscommented3 years ago
@gottagrowsometime, Thanks for the kind words, Growmie! Very much looking forward to seeing the next ones! Happy growing🙌
gottagrowsometimecommented3 years ago
@Fast_Buds, Hey, I'm really impressed by your seeds. The genetics are solid, and are very resistant to toxs and so on. Pleasure to grow. Have 3 dif FB strains, 1 of them GZA the new strain. Can't wait to get the whole 3 dif strains up and running. Thanks for dropping by and excellect CService.
Hydro_Hiebscommentedweek 133 years ago
Sour_Dcommentedweek 143 years ago
Looks great, enjoy your harvest my friend! 👊
gottagrowsometimecommented3 years ago
@Sour_D, thanks buddy.
HAPPYWEEDScommentedweek 143 years ago
Great work man (:
the end.
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