Día 8
Ambas crecen y se recuperan de la sobrealimentación que les hice en su primera semana, se ven tan hermosas a pesar de todo, por el momento solo agua les seguiré echando hasta su 3ra semana que se hayan recuperado por completo.
Día 9, un poco de LST y luego le hare una poda apical. stay tuned! ♥️
Día 12, mi niña hermosa, la bananita ♥️ empece a practicar LST con ella.
Día 13 le hice unos ajustes mientras. estaran en su maceta definitiva el dia 20, LST, Agregue un poco de Fibra de coco para que me ayudara con la humedad, ya que en donde estan por el momento los niveles de humedad son bajos.
@CroNiCGman, will keep both eyes on her, this is my first auto ever and i decided to try out some experiments on her, learned a lot so far, killed her sister Gorilla Glue for overfeeding her, i wanted to have 8 Main colas but due to this pre-flowers popping out (smelly beautiful white pistols) will stick to those 4 mains that she have rn
That’s some aggressive training for an Auto. I wonder how high the impact on your yield will be.
I grew this strain before and it’s for sure one of the slower ones, took me nearly 12 weeks to finish.
Got about 155g from it which I was very happy about. This plant benefits immensely from proper long time curing. The difference between curing Banana Blaze for 4 or 6 months was staggering. It’s like a whole other plant. If you can, this strain is well worth the extra care and time, I’d recommend going for a six month cure!
Happy growing!
@Elodin, thank you soooo much for the advise, will take my time with this girl ♥️ she is so small but smell so good, even the leaf's smell like sweet, I noticed she took her time to growth, I made some mistakes with her like overfeeding the first 2 weeks, to much light intensity at the beginning, I transplanted her in the final pot 2 days ago will uploaded some pictures, she is so sensible to nutrients so i stop using bottled ones and order Gaia Green on Amazon, will go fully organic.
I´m doing Nugbucket style HST training with some tips from Canamatoes and Green75.