Dripping with Resin, stinky like a fruity/ melon/ skunk. Big and dense. I’m days into drying already and they are still not even close! I can’t wait, taking it low and slow, 65 degrees and about 57% RH
**Update** 96.5 grams dry from 1 Autoflower! Amazing smells, still has some of the 🍈 funk. She needs to cure to let the Terps and Flavors come out. She is still very sticky and resinous. Will update once a week or two of cure is done, but with the 1 joint I smoked, full heavy hitter, body buzz and heavy head high. Looking forward to the finished product.
This plant flourished with little work on my part. Good nutrients, and not being too hands on let this beast do her own thing. I would definitely recommend as a beginner strain/auto flower to go with, she is easy to see through to the end. Didn’t really need much attention until flower came on and she fed hard for phosphorus and potassium while she stacked. I’ve got some of her cousins already sprouted and am looking forward to trying some different techniques to see what she can do! Happy growing all 🌱😎
Looks great I'm currently running gorilla Glue Auto from expert Seeds (3rd times a charm) I failed at my last two attempts so I'm being super cautious. Any suggestions would be great 👍
@TheDon, the one I have posted loves heat, like 80’s and humidity around 45%. My nights get cold, even with a heater, they don’t like it, so stay as warm as you can during lights off. The buds come on fast once flower starts, it’s going to show you it needs more phosphorus and calcium from whatever you use for Cal/Mag if you don’t start increasing their dose automatically ( rust spots and decaying spots showing it’s canabilizing itself) it happened to me, quick adjustment to boost the “P” in my NPK and she was back on track within a week. Odour is strong so have a good filter on hand. Good Luck Growmie! 🌱😎💨
Looks great, congrats on winning the photo contest.
I had the same strain. Only thing mine refused to go in flower and was 6 feet in 7 weeks, same thing all 5 seeds (batch nove20).
I swore never Expert again, this may change my mind!😕
@SanderanderS, that’s funny you say that, the last two I have from this pack, are now in week 7, no flower! I had to start 12/12 three days ago, and I think I finally see flower signs!