The Strawberry Dawg Pie is one prolific beast. She's definitely one of the branchiest strains I've ever grown. She could easily fill this tent on her own given the chance.
She grew another 14" through the stretch this week and is about 29" tall now. She's bigger than I hoped for in this little tent (24" is perfect!) and the light is now raised as high as it will go. I did another round of super-cropping yesterday and folded over 4 of the tallest stems. They've already bounced back but I managed to gain back a couple of more inches of space between the light. I'm hoping her vertical growth is almost done.
Along with the super-cropping, I did a lot of pruning this week, cutting out lots of branches and bud sites beneath the canopy - you almost wouldn't know it to look. They seem to pop up out of nowhere.
Rez change today - it's been about 10 days since the last one. No big changes. Pretty much following Remo's feed chart. EC is running right around 1 and PH has been between 6 - 6.2 all week.
This plant has kept me hopping so I'm hoping for a calmer week ahead 🤞
Thanks for tuning in ✌️
Oui this is cool to check out . I've never seen someone use the full Remo line ..sickkk. . I recommend you get a good zyme .hygrozyme .sensizyme . Cannazyme etc. Keep the roots clean and uptake 5x more . Keep the dwc super clean etc . I use hygrozyme .( Roots whiter then snow and bigger then Santa's bag!!
and hydrobuckets. ((No lift ))).. check me out homie . Cheers
@@Jhindlehydro, Thanks for the recommendation. Yes, I think some zyme is in order. The VeloKelp is great but generates a lot of fallout. I'll be sure to check out your buckets 👍