
Tangerine Dream

2 years ago
Tangerine Dream
4×8×8 Grow Room
Room Type
weeks 5-6, 8-13
weeks 6, 8-13
weeks 5-6, 8-13
Grow medium
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 6
12 hrs
Light Schedule
14+ conditions after
2+ nutrients after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
Xavierfourtwenty Xavierfourtwenty
3 years ago
Beginning of the 2nd week of Flowering & they've all grown at least 10 inches & have fill in quite a bit after doing a little defoliation. Already starting to see a little action & the smell is very intense! Looking forward to these upcoming weeks. Will be sending the CBD Respect 4 Gorilla into Flowering in the next few days!
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Ganja4Showweek 10
Wonderful Grow, Keep it up 🌱😎👊
@Ganja4Show, Tangerine Dream only has 2 weeks left, but the Amnesia Haze still has a good 5 weeks of Flowering to go 😬
@Ganja4Show, yea on a budget forsure & well the buds look good but the rest of the plants not so much, all the leaves on the Tangerine Dream are dying off & the Amnesia Haze is starting to do the same!
@Xavierfourtwenty, Can't really compare you use 50% of the wattage I have. your plant looks nice and healthy and your leaves are frosty as well. you definitely on the right track, keep pushing💪
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GrowingGrannieweek 6
Oh dear! You've answered a question I had ... I was SO hoping that growing in a 3-gallon pot would somehow reduce their height but since yours are about the same size as mine (which are in 5-gallon pots), I guess I can look forward to height problems from the two I have that are now just 3 weeks old... rats. Looking good!
@Xavierfourtwenty, I learned a HARD lesson with my first grow about ph! I now check the soil ph before every water/fertilizer and then adjust the ph of the water/fertilizer. What I'm finding weird in that respect is that the Tangerine Dream seems to up the ph level of the soil between waterings/feedings! I'm constantly having to water with something like 5.5 because the soil, Every.Single.Time. is at 7.0! Just really strange. Thanks for the advice on defoliation... I've actually done some of it but I know I approach that really timidly not wanting to stress the plant too much... but you're dead on... they are MUCH to dense at this point for light to get into them. That will be my task today. And btw, I'm ALSO going to have to raise the lights 'cause the tallest one measures 40" this morning!! This is so much fun... honestly! And I really like having this conversation with you... gives me confidence!
@GrowingGrannie,as of right now my Amnesia Haze is still growing strong & same with the Banana Kush but looks like I shocked the Tangerine Dream cause I'm not seeing any increase but it was the worst of the three, so many leaves were dying off but I determined the culprit, my pH meter is on the fritz so it's was way too acidic water so hopefully I won't be too far off from the harvest time 🤞
@GrowingGrannie, this is actually my 3rd grow cycle since getting my cultivating license but in my opinion, you need to defoliate. There's no way air & light is able to travel through them & definitely don't want that during Flowering, end up with mold & pest! Maybe watch a few videos, just to make sure you're not overdoing it cause you will send them into shock but if can do a decent defoliation it'll help feed your buds more nutrients
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GrowingGrannieweek 11
Just wanted to duck in here and say I had a problem of yellowing leaves on the two Tangerine Dreams I've got that I'm NOT including in my diary - very strange since I've treated them exactly the way I'd treated the two older plants which are monsters... I thought the problem was nitrogen toxicity (which I've now learned was exactly the OPPOSITE problem)... Anyway, I tried to flush, didn't do squat - made the problem worse - waited until it was SUPER dry and then started a stronger feed regime... the yellowing has now all but disappeared (I got rid of all the yellow leaves but no new ones have appeared) and both are starting to look like they're halfway happy... at least they're producing good looking buds and they'll have a decent harvest - but nothing compared to my first two ladies. I'm not stressing... They'll give me what they can and I've, AGAIN, learned a lot of lessons. Good luck! Are you plannning to harvest the Tangerine Dream next week?
@GrowingGrannie, so just opened up the grow room & the Amnesia Haze looks to be making a come back, it's been weeks now since I've seen any actual growth from but I just might get a little harvest from it after. Now as far as the CBD, both plants are looking fantastic, I couldn't be happier with the outcome & I was so concerned for weeks since it didn't actually start flowering until 4 weeks into the 12/12 schedule! Both have 11 point leaves & one I actually found a 13 point leaf, never knew that was even a thing!
@GrowingGrannie, hmmm, that's interesting... I tried flushing too! Turns out my pH & my PPM meters are working just fine, it was actually the nutrients I was using that are bad, I guess it's not a good idea to mix feeds even if they are from the same manufacturer 🤷‍♂️ but yea after doing my flush they actually become much worse than before the flush, so I did just pH balanced water w/Magical only & it seems to have helped a little but not much! I was thinking I'd be harvesting the Tangerine Dream soon but it started growing even more, the buds are already huge most of them 6+ inches however the Banana Kush probably needs another day or two & she'll be ready to hang 😁 can't wait, the whole damn house smells AMAZING! Poor kids are probably going to school smelling like a skunk 😂
GrowingGrannieweek 10
Looking good!!
@GrowingGrannie, the CBD finally started flowering, that should be ready for harvest around the same time as the Amnesia Haze if not sooner 😁 both the CBD plants have 11 point fan leaves & one of them actually has 13 points, never seen a leave have 13 points before
@GrowingGrannie, thanks. Yours is looking great too! I can't wait, another weeks & I should be about ready for harvest on the Tangerine Dream, Banana Kush needs a week longer & the Amnesia Haze has about 5 weeks left.
GrowingGrannieweek 5
I'm doing the same strain and am at the same point in the grow - it'll be interesting to see how our grows compare! I'm pretty much of a newbie and just kind of let the plant tell me what it wants me to do ... they were growing SO hard I've had to do some serious LST and they're still going strong... I may have to take mine out of my tent and rig something up in my livingroom! Good luck with your grow... I'll be following it! 😊
@GrowingGrannie, awesome, yes I had to do some serious LST as well. I made a decent size grow room so I should be OK but even after topping it's still growing way taller than I wanted but I'll make do. I wish you luck as well 🤞I have it set to follow your grow as well
Kynarethweek 2
lovely plants
@Kynareth thanks, really looking forward to how these turn out, the past two grow cycles have not been very good but I'm really hoping this one ends up much better, my grow license ends in 3 months before I have to apply again
GrowingGrannieweek 8
Don't be too hasty in thinking you won't get a good harvest... just give her time to do her thing. I'm anticipating having to let mine go through at least 7 to 8 weeks of flowering before I harvest... as an experiment, I've done massive defoliation and LST on one plant, the other one I've done only minimal defoliation and a bit of LST and to MY eye, it looks like the one I've done the most on is the one that will give me the best harvest... But time will tell....
GrowingGrannieweek 13
How did you figure out the hard water issue? I have a water softener for the house water - if I didn't have it, all that would be pouring through the taps would be rust!! I worry about the salt I have to put in the system to keep the rust out and I'm sure if affect my grow as well... Don't know what to do about it because I can't afford a water purifier!
@Xavierfourtwenty, I'm waiting for the last of my harvest to dry, too, before completing my Tangerine Dream diary... at this point, I'm already at 8oz for the two plants (but I don't think I actually stated I was growing 2 plants... so I might have to only report on one plant!) Good luck with your finish and your new job!
@GrowingGrannie, sorry for the late response, been super busy lately since I started working at Amazon! But I'm actually going to buy a tap water purifier, they cost around $40-$50 for a decent one but this next cycle I'll be changing up a lot in the grow room + I'll be doing less plants in the same space but I'll be doing the HST! I'M Finishing up my diary now, was waiting for all the plants to finish before I completed the diary so I can start the next ones
GrowingGrannieweek 13
Hey there! Good harvest!! Looking forward to seeing what dry weight you got from this... Are you happy?!