Both of these square one genetics plants are looking absolutely horrible. Theyre droopy and the leaf margins are curling up and they’re just not vigorous. The stems are already purpling and I can’t imagine they’re starving for phosphorus this young though, I’ll need to look up what else causes that. It could be genetic but with how unhealthy the plants are in general I wouldn’t be surprised if it was stress.
The only thing I can think of that could be contributing to the poor health is that it’s been super dry here and they haven’t exactly had a ton of room to breathe as they started off dwarfed by by the glookies and kosher kush plants. I’m hoping that once I harvest the northern lights plant in that tent and let them spread out and get real, unobstructed light that they’ll bounce back. I hit them with some recharge today and that always seems to help. I’m hoping to repot this one around the same time as when I harvest the auto so maybe the fresh media will help too.